3 solid wrote:
Oh, I forgot one... 2...
1. Halo 2: Online, juggernaut, invisibility, extra damage, more health and better defense for the juggernaut. It was impossible to know when he would strike, worse, sword was automatically the secondary weapon. So he would sneak up behind you with a battle rifle, then you would hear a hiss behind you and BAM! Your dead.
2. Indigo prophesy. Awesome game.
- 3 Solid
I am god doing that on teh lan.
But with these rules:
Map: back wash (the fogy one)
Gamemode: Juggernaut (invisibility and super speed)
Weapons: Beam rifle (sinpers FTW), and sword.
I stalk my pray using the beam rifle. Singing the jaws song.
I lunge in to the melee then run back and watch the team kills.
I hide in a hole in the wall and wait for some one to walk past, then BAM. I cut him up. then his allies come to find me and walk right past me so I get them in the back.
I hide in a tree thing and wait for people to run under me looking the place where I sniped there team mate from and I plasma him. (some people thing I am very good but I say its all about fear)
When I start to hum the jaws song they start to look around then evan if im not near them it very useful. [/textblock]