EDIT: A little bit of info as to who is what
::: Current Squad :::
Alpha; Crobo MK.3: Leader/ Support Gunner, Captain
Dauss; Crobo MK.3: CQC, First Lieutenant
Orindell; Crobo MK. 2: Demilotions, First Sergeant
Exalion; Crobo MK. 2: Air Assault, Specialist
3 Solid; S-3 Drone, Trooper, Specialist
Empyreal; Droptrooper: Spec Ops, Specialist
Kaos; ODST : Assasin, Specialist
Zalo; Giant Clone: Trooper, Specialist.
Junkie; Himself? : Sniper, Specialist
Arctic; Active Camo. Clone: Sniper, Specialist
324453(Serial); Armored Clone: Trooper, Specialist
Aracanid; Heavy Clone: CQC, Specialist
Holy Mombasa; Spartan, Merc
Jo; Spartan, Merc
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 1, Enter Echo Squad
It always started in darkness.
Then with the activation of my optic sensors came a blinding light, well not really blinding because I don’t have real eyes.
“Beginning wake up procedure for machine- human integrated combat units,†pronounced a cold metallic voice in our recharging chamber. A list of system checks ran down my left field of vision, I paid no attention that was my implants job not that there was anything wrong after a recharging. I looked to my other mechanized comrades; Orindell my demo man, Dauss my second in command, and Exalion my flier. Suddenly a rush of memory from the incident that stole our humanity away flashed before me, the fire, flying shrapnel, the screaming of those who didn’t make as the dropship becake a flaming hunk of metal…. I shook my head, and the thoughts fleeted like mubgrubs in an Armanian swamp.
“You guys wake up fineâ€Â
“Yes Sir!â€Â
“What did I tell you about the Sir thing, Dauss,†I noted.
As I viewed the mechanized half of my squad, I noticed several differences from before our hibernation; Dass’s new ebony armor and sonic dampeners stuck out as the most obvious.
“All right, let’s meet up with everyone else in the mess hallâ€Â
As we got going I noticed that the clanking was considerably less,
“Dauss are your dampeners onâ€Â
“Uh, let me check….. yep they areâ€Â
“Well they work extremely well don’t they?â€Â
“Yes, Sirâ€Â
“Uggggg†moaned the other two .
Once we entered the mess hall of the A.N.A.T.S. (Alqarius Navy Assault Transport Ship) Pricket, Eyes fixed on us, we always called attention Being the biggest infantry except for Zalo in the army, even Orindell and Exalion who were Crobo MK.2s were a foot taller than most clones in the army. I saw Junkie wave us over, and we sat down with them. Today’s breakfast was a wonderful grey paste specially designed for maximum nutrition, I was glad I didn’t have to eat any more army food.
“So, have a good nap sir†said Junkie
“Well of course we did†Orindell responded as he punched Junkie in the shoulder jokingly
I could see Junkie squint, a punch from a robot, let alone a Crobo no matter how soft would hurt a lot.
“All right settle down you two†Empyreal said, he was always tired of those two bickering
“Where are the others?†I asked him
“They'll be along soonâ€Â
“Well speak of the devils, here they are now†quoted Junkie
I turned and looked at the rest of my squad who weren’t hard to miss because they were with Zalo.
“Hey sir†he bellowed
The genetic accident that made Zalo so big also made his voice very loud, so loud it easily was heard over all the murmur in the room. I got quiet for a second then the noise picked back up again. I stood up to give Zalo my seat as I really didn’t need to sit, and he strode past me at least 12 feet tall because I was 10 and only at his shoulders.
“How you feeling big guy†said Junkie
Zalo didn’t answer but was staring at a group of skeletons across the room a typical occurrence for him; he had a weird habit of chasing our skeletons, and going out of the way to smash enemy skeletons.
“It must be a pretty big operation to call us in†Kaos said as he walked up to me.
Kaos’ deep gravely voice almost scared me, of course my implants prevented me from feeling fear, Kaos was a creepy one, as our scout read of course as assassin he was very bloodthirsty some of the others said that someone spiked his cloning vat when he was developing. He was mentioning of course the invasion of Mechanis 2, which was where the ship was positioned over, this planet, was a manufacturing planet with massive resources, controlling it meant a big step up in the war. The 3- way battle had been going on for over 8 months, and was locked in gritty urban and trench combat, a stalemate that a ship full of elite troopers would break with ease.
“Yep it must be†I responded
Just then the klaxons blared and the lights turned red
“Well I guess the invasion has begun†stated clone HSC-231432 nicknamed Serial for two reasons he was almost a psychotic as Kaos, and because he preferred being called by his serial number.
“Good more enemies more kills!†said Kaos as we took of to our armory.
Hope you guys liked it, Its just an introduction chapter so expect action starting in the next one. Also 3 Solid, Aracanid, and Holy Mombasa you are gonna be in the next one once we get to the Armory.
I would love constructive critisim about my writing

, and if you have any questons please ask .
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 2, Very Hot Zone
Whoot Second Chapter
We rushed to our armory as fast as we could. Abort elite transports like ours each squad has a personal armory to keep our custom weapons in and our personal armor. We stopped out a heavy reinforced door in the hall as other squads rushed past.
“Echo Squad, No. 4639276453895â€Â
The door slid open and we all filed in. Everyone except us “robots†stepped into their personal armor chamber to have their armor put on and their weapons presented to them. I grabbed my new Crobo Corp. XR-230 HMG and locked it onto my back plates, put my pistol into my leg holster, and grabbed my prized possession; a massive flamberge style zelwender sword and put that on my waist. I turned to see Orindell load up his internal cavities with his typical stock of high explosives, and reminded myself to not let him get hit too much less everyone in a 3 mile radius dies. Everyone else stepped out of their armory chambers in full armor and armed to the teeth especially Empyreal and his complement of unidentifiable and highly experimental weapons. We all clustered around the holographic projector for our briefing.
A picture of the battlefield popped up and highlighted the landing zone and the area of the enemy command bunker.
I could see all the men shift anxiously, if an elite squad like us needed help this mission was going to be tough.
In unison we all said “Affirmativeâ€Â
“This is not good†said Dauss
“If a squad like us needs assistance…†he trailed off
There was an unspoken agreement with him as everyone went to the back of the armory and to the drop pod chamber. As we filled into the large squad sized drop pod I noticed that 3 Solid out support droid in his grey and black armor was all ready in and at the controls.
“Good day 3 Solidâ€Â
“GOOD DAY SIR†he responded in a flat impassive voice
Once we were all situated the traction field activated and pushed us against out seats acting like a crash harness.
“I hate this f***ing tractor...†started Kaos but his words were drowned out in a rush at the pod unlocked and plummeted to the surface.
“You could have warned us you were unlocking you stupid machine†yelled Exalion
Even through their helmet I could tell everyone wanted to smash 3 Solid but couldn’t because of the tractor field. I could tell the pod was entering the atmosphere because the walls turned a blue color as the coolant activated to keep the inside at a reasonable temperature.
“Like it matters to us this is a drop pod it doesn’t maneuver, it drops†retorted Orindell
“BRACE FOR IMPACT IN….. 5…..4…..3…..2….1….â€Â
The pod impacted and split apart ejecting all its occupants just as it was designed to do. Then the chaos of the battle hit me bodies everywhere and yet more enemies were rushing at us, hundreds of standard green clones carrying AK-470s came in a wall at the nearest target in their peripheral vision: US.
“Covering fire NOW!†I yelled
Even though it wasn’t necessary as everyone had already opened fire the flashes of bullets and lasers cut into the first line tearing them apart. I locked in my 230 to my internal ammo feed and let loose the special .65 caliber rounds could literally cut a man in half, and they where! Through my optic sensors I could see the heads of many enemies explode as the rounds from Junkie’s anti-armor rifle hit home; then again he never missed, literally. Suddenly a huge number of enemies ignited on the right side, I turned to see Zalo arming another napalm rocket and fire and another section went up in flames. Some weird gun Empyreal was using firing black globs of energy that were disintegrating the enemy on contact; I expected it was some of dark matter launcher.
“Hey sir†I heard Empyreal say over the sound of battle
“Like the dark matter launcher they sent it to me directly from Empyreal labsâ€Â
That’s why we called him Empyreal; being a tech expert he was given all sorts of experimental tech from Empyreal labs, which is one of the most major manufactures in the galaxy.
“Yeah its is a pretty powerful weapon, you’re a lucky man†I said
“Yeah well as for me I don’t need all that high tech gear to get a lot of kills†said Kaos
“I’m up to 56 kills, wait ….. 57†he said as he fired with his silenced, black assault rifle
I watched as the man he fired at took 3 rounds in the forehead and dropped like a leaf.
Just then a light so bright that I had to tint my optics by 79%, detonated in the middle of the remaining men, sending out a massive heat shockwave and, virtually killing almost every remaining S.I.C. clone and raining us with limbs, disembodied organs, blood, and bits of brain. I identified the explosion as a Fury Tactical Nuke.
“WHO the Fuc…†began Kaos but was interrupted by someone else
“Ewwwww, gross I just had this armor dry cleaned†said Exalion as he returned to the crater we were using for cover. He and Orindell had been flying around with their very powerful jet packs shooting the enemy, and truly embodying the term “death from above†both of their guns were steaming from the firing and the heat of the explosion, as was everyone else’s especially mine. Empty casings littered the ground forming a massive pile at the craters base.
“Contact Command and ask for this Mombasa guys location†I commanded
“Command come in this is Dauss of Echo squad; we need the location of the one called ‘Holy Mombasa’â€Â
“OUR SENSORS DETECT HE IS IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF YOU SQUAD, COMMAND OUT†was produced by Dauss’ external speakers filling the now almost silent air with a crackling buzz; the only other sound was that of the battles in the distance and those other elite squads fending off attack
“But how is that possible there is no way he could have survived being any closer to that blast?†questioned Empyreal “Fury’s have an effective range of 407 meters, we are at the minimum survival rangeâ€Â
“That’s because my suit blocks life scanners†a voice said as a form came over the lip of the crater. Everyone’s weapons instantly trained on the form, who had complex green armor with a golden faceplate, and slinging a MA5B assault rifle over his shoulder.
My ID identifier had identified him as Holy Mombasa, I stuck out my hand for a shake and he took it, I was surprised by his grip strength. Only then did everyone lower their weapons.
“So I guess you’re the genius who set off that nuke†said Aracanid sarcastically.
“Yep that was me†Mombasa said back, probably smiling under his helmet.
“Well welcome to Echo squad†I said ‘You’ll fit right inâ€Â
So was it good? Chaper 3 will really pick up when they invade the bunker next.
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 3: Infiltration
It was nightfall by the time we got to the bunkers gaping entrance at the foot of a small mountain. We had encountered a strangely small amount of resistance along the way, and many especially Dauss and Kaos being scouting type of soldiers expected a trap. But there wasn’t one, at least not yet. 3 Solid’s sensors had picked up about 7 skeletons standing sentry. Upon further inspection by Junkie they were all equipped with weird guns with funnel shaped barrels. Zalo of course wanted right at them, because of their being skeletons, but we had to keep it stealthy lest we alert a whole base with an unidentified number of men inside.
“All right, since I suggest a covert insertion to the base, Junkie take up sniper position and Kaos and Dauss go around back. On my signal Junkie will take out the skeletons on the top and you two†I pointed to Kaos and Dauss “will covertly take out the remaining skeletonsâ€Â
“Sounds like a plan, but what about everyone else?†asked Aracanid
“Well we can’t all attack at once and risk, no completely blow a covert infiltration†replied Orindell who still was covering up a disappointment at not getting blow anything to tiny, tiny bits, but he would get a chance soon enough.
“Every one into position now!†I commanded
About five minutes later I got 3 green acknowledgment lights
“On 3,†I said over the radio
CRACK, CRACK, CRACK, and Junkie’s sniper lit up the night and blew the skulls off 3 of the skeletons standing guard. At the same time Kaos and Dauss despite his bulk crept up behind two confused skeletons, picked up one in each hand and crushed their skulls like grapes, shooting bone splinters and motherboard pieces everywhere. Kaos then smashed one skeletons head in with the butt of his rifle, the other one turned and identifying him as a threat, fired, the shot flew out of the barrel, Kaos braced but the tiny balls of metal were merely absorbed by his ODST armor.
“Humph†he said
“What a weak shotgun†he leveled his rifle as the skeleton fumbled to reload but it caught a well aimed burst in the head and fell apart.
“Good word people†I said enthusiastically
The rest of the squad slid down the ridge that we had been hiding behind to the bunker’s entrance.
“Well Orindell I can tell you’ve been itching to blow up something all day, would you mind doing the honorsâ€Â
“Of course†he said as he removed two CX-2 charges from his chest compartment.
“I analyzed this door and found structural weaknesses here†he pointed “and hereâ€Â
“Well hurry up im getting bored just sitting here†Zalo remarked “I want some actionâ€Â
“Well be quiet while I place these charges or you’ll be seeing lots of infirmary action if you even survive,..... all right charges placed. GET CLEAR!†we all took position on the sides of the bunker........ BOOM!
We quickly rushed inside and down the hall way
“Aracanid you take pointâ€Â
“Yes sirâ€Â
We walked along the hall hewn from the mountain’s stone and saw some light around the corner. Aracanid dashed around the corner and fired 3 times, after the rest of us came around the corner, I saw that there was a small guard room that formerly housed 3 blue clones sitting down at a table for dinner, but their meal had been cut short by a bullet courtesy from Aracanid’s highly accurate BGR-44.
“Nice shot†said Junkie “Almost as good as meâ€Â
“Pfft, what kind of complement was that†retorted Serial
“Hey how many kills have you gotten today psycho†Junkie snapped back
“Well more that you wise guy†Serial said as he raised his fist
“All right you guys, enough†said Dauss as he picked them both up by the arm “Get along or get killed, rule no. one when working in a squadâ€Â
“Yes sir “ they both responded as he put them back down
“HUMAN ANGER IS SO ILLOGICAL†observed 3 Solid and he was right, I don’t truly understand why those two went off on each other like that.
“Do you guys hear that†said Holy Mombasa
Off in the distance you could hear human voices talking;
“Did you hear that,â€Â
“Gunshots are what I herd,â€Â
“Lets get emâ€Â
And with that several dozen clones came pouring out of the hall way to the north east. Exalion, 3 Solid, and Holy opened fire before anyone else could react, and easily cut down the attacking infantry. Exalion’s Crobo AW-57 LMG was an inaccurate but powerful gun and riddled many of the clones full of bullets, 3 Solids laser cannon, and Holy’s MA5B assault rifle poured accurate fire into the enemy ranks. Eventually the enemy clones were taking cover and firing but their puny SMGs did virtually no damage to anyone’s armor especially mine and the other cyborg’s. After the firefight had gotten long enough I said;
“Zalo flush em out for meâ€Â
and with that Zalo ran around the corner flamethrower blazing, the next few seconds were filled with whoosh sound of his flame thrower, and the screams of the burning clones, which brought back more bad memories, but all three soon subsided. And Zalo walked back in smelling on napalm.
“Enemies terminated sir, that area was a barracks it’s a dead endâ€Â
“Good job soliderâ€Â
We started walking down the hall at the other end of the room until we came to an intersection; two more passages and a computer control room, we set up positions along the door as Orindell placed a charge and detonated it, Dauss and Orindell ran in, ran in guns blazing, Dauss using his blast cannon to virtually vaporize men at close range, and Orindell showing some real skill with his shotgun too. After the room had been cleared, we devised a plan to split up and cover more ground in the base; Me and the other Crobo’s would break take the south passage back at the junction, Junkie, Kaos, Holy Mombasa, and Aracanid, would take the south west passage, and Empyreal, 3 Solid, Zalo, and Serial would stay in the computer room get as much info as possible then move through the doors leading off from the computer room. The plan was set and in motion.
“Lets move Echo Squad, blow the brain and get out of here!â€Â
Yes it was a short chapter, but the next 3 are about each individual sub-squad, so expect a lot of individual attention for your character. Hope this chapter was better.
EDIT: change in plans, try as I might I couldn't come up with enough material for 3 chapters in the base, so I just made one big climatic battle in the bunker.
Wooh Ch 4 hope you guys like it
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 4, Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!
It was a trap, we all knew it was a trap, but didn’t do anything about it, but now it was too late. Just a few minutes ago we had split up and gone down separate passages, but ended up in a huge storage room with countless numbers of clones bearing down on us from the above level, I attempted to warm my comrades but, too late they also ran into the room and from adjoining passages, and massive metal doors sealed us in. And here we are now staring down well over five dozen clones all carrying varying armaments and all of those barrels pointed at us.
“♥♥♥♥, it was a trap, I had a bad feeling about the light amount of patrols†muttered Dauss
“We all had a bad feeling about the guards Daussâ€Â
“Yeah but I should have noticed it soonerâ€Â
“Well then you are all fools†said a voice above us, some of the clones on the north balcony parted, and a brain tube floating on a repulsor drive appeared.
“I am the great general; Condoroza Hutoya, you must have fools to believe I couldn’t lead you into a trap... Echo squad†said the brain in an oddly human voice for a, machine.
“So you’re the commander of the forces in this area I assume†I said back
“Because if that is so were here to kill youâ€Â
“HA HA HA, you fools, I tricked you here as teat subjects for my new combat units for the S.I.C. and now you are about to feel their furyâ€Â
At the other end of the warehouse, a large metal door opened and six massive machines, lumbered out. They where large quadrupedal, orange monstrosities, hunched over like animals and walking on all fours. They had huge fists ending in four razor sharp claws, and had a spine like cord running down their backs; a large metal tongue drooped out of their gaping, teeth filled maws. They were truly terrifying, or at least they would be If I could feel fear.
“What the hell are those!†asked Empyreal, I bet he was fascinated by them being a tech guy.
“Im glad you asked†responded Hutoya,
“These are my timber wolfs, named for the predatory earth mammal and every bit as fierceâ€Â
“I want you to fight them, you will undoubtably loose but I want to see their capabilities tested against the best the Alqarius army could send†he said,
“Sick emâ€Â
(Cue awesome, kick ass fighting music)
And with that the monsters rushed at us
We all did but it had no affect on them; my .65 caliber rounds, 3 solid’s energy rifle, even Empyreal’s dark matter cannon, they all reflected off their armor.
“Its magnetically sealed†yelled Empyreal to the squad, but it did not deter their firing.
“Screw you, f***ing machine†Kaos said as he ducked out of the way of one of the timber wolf’s massive fist, and continued to fire at it’s underbelly as he skid across the floor. Orindell fired a grenade from his underslung grenade launcher at one of the wolfs face just as it reached him and it recoiled due to a shattered eye covering, but instantly turned around and with a massive kick sent Orindell flying across the room and crashing into a pile of boxes. One of the guns that Empyreal was using was crushed under a clawed foot, as it reared for another strike, Zalo jumped up and drop kicked it in the head and proceeded to use his massive strength and pick up the timber wolf and sent it flying into another one and they both skittered to the ground. Dauss ran over and helped Orindell back to his feet.
“You two fly around and distract those things†he said, and they both took to flight peppering the mechs with bullets and shrapnel. However one of them; the one that Orindell had shattered in the eye jumped up with massive force and tackled both of them to the ground with a violent crash.
“Junkie try and get a critical shot on one of those things, some one give him cover†I commanded, and with that, Serial jumped in front of the machines that was about to wipe aside the boxes where he was setting up behind and forced the wolf’s attention elsewhere.
Holy Mombasa was firing as one of the machines joints, and with a highly skillful shot damaged one the things forelegs, it then turned to him rearing up on both legs, ready to bring them crashing down on his form, but Mombasa was ready throwing down his weapon, he pulled out a palm sized handgrip, hit an activation stud, and a brilliant, blue, shimmering beam of sun hot plasma erupted out of it forming into a vicious, forked, sword. He then jumped high into the air and onto the machine’s back, and holding onto its neck cables sliced off its head with one sell swoop of brilliant blue energy. The dismembered head, and disheaded body slammed to the floor. Following suite, I disarmed my machine gun, and bulled out my sword, the beautiful wave patterned, titanium, 6 foot blade shimmered in the light. I proceed to assault one of the machines that had decided to attack the still recovering forms of Orindell and Exalion, it moved to block my sword and the sparing match began, block, lunge, slice, block, parry, overhead sweep, these moves continued until I jammed the shining blade up through the timber wolf’s jaw and out the top of it’s head, withdrawing the blade I caught a glimpse of Junkie firing his rifle; the round blew through the mechs eye socket and must of hit a fuel line or something, because its head exploded, flinging metal shrapnel everywhere. Both my and Junkies kills thudded to the ground.
“OK shot†said Serial “I’ve got some respect for you nowâ€Â
“Not that I need it†he retorted
“Shut up you two†Dauss said over the radio
Just then one of the machines picked up Aracanid who had been shooting at it with his BRG-44, and slammed him against the wall, his heavy armor prevented him from being pulverized on impact, but the wolf looked determined to bite his head off but he raised a hand and shoved a grenade in its mouth, it recoiled dropping it’s would we victim and fumes erupted from its mouth, then both zalo and Dauss grabbed it by the arms and with massive shows of strength pulled both its arms off in opposite directions, in a shower of sparks. The defeated timber wolf fell with a thud and didn’t get up again. By then both Exalion and Orindell were back in the fray, and had landed on a wolf, I saw Orindell take something out of his chest, and place it in the neck joint. They then both ditched and flew up to the upper level where some of the clones were still watching the spectacle, they both opened fire with their weapons and started mowing them down, that reminded me of the clone up there, I ran over and picked up my XR-230 and hooked it into my ammo belt and started firing at the on the balcony and watched the blood clouds form as bullets tore into their flesh. Now there was only one more timber wolf left and the combined firepower from the rest of the squad finally felled it.
“Back to the scrapheap clanker!†yelled kaos as he kicked the metallic corpse. All that was left was the mop up, the few remaining clone in the base were easily killed. General Hutoya also died courtesy from a few of Kaos’s bullets. The mission was accomplished and we radioed command for a pick up, and one short half hour later we were all on a CMD-994 gunship heading back into the night sky, and I could tell this battle was going to be a long one.
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 5, A Day Off
The flagship the Alquarian fleet the A.N.S. Judiciator was a magnificent ship. We had been sent straight from the battle to the Judiciator for a debriefing from general McGovern himself. As we walked onto the bridge (Zalo had to duck to prevent his head from scraping the ceiling) the general and admiral Wegmeyer, had just been wrapping up a conversation, and turned to meet us. We saluted.
“Ah, Echo squad congratulations on your stunning success on the elimination of general Hutoya. Thanks to you an entire theater of S.IC. Operation has been shut downâ€Â
“Yes, quite an impressive infiltration you pulled off†said the admiral in a heavy German accent
“Yes that is so, as a result we are now three weeks ahead of schedule and as a reward you, and you squad have the entirety of tomorrow off to recover, you are dismissed†agreed the aging general.
“Thank you general, we were only doing our duty†I said and saluted, I turned “Admiralâ€Â
and we proceeded to walk out.
“Oh, I almost forgot†said the McGovern. “To add a little more firepower to your group, two more men, err troops are being added to your group.â€Â
“Yes, sir where are they?†I asked, then two people walked out of a door to the left.
“These are your new comrades†said the general, one of them was a standard clone wearing advanced camouflage armor and had SCRAM-35 sniper sling over his back, and the other was another Spartan mercenary except in black armor, just like Holy Mombasa.
“Holy†the two Spartans said, and they drew a smiley face across their visor, it must have been some kind of obscure greeting among Spartan mercenaries.
“Sir, Spec Ops clone FS-90534D5 reporting for duty, planet Frigisâ€Â, reported the clone.
“Hey, if your from frigis mabey you should be called Arctic†jeered Junkie “All in favor of Arctic†everyone else in the squad raised their hand.
“Well, I guess Arctic it is†I said, “Are we dismissed sir?â€Â
“Yes Alpha†he responded, we saluted one last time and all walked out together.
“So now that you’re the new guys†said Junkie slyly as he looked at the others, I knew he was thinking about.
“We all get to punch you guys in the armâ€Â
“What ?†retorted Arctic
“Yeah†Junkie said back “we all had to do it except me, that is since I invented it†they all took turns punching Arctic and “Jo†if that was her name in the arm, I, Dauss and Zalo refrained for fear of breaking something, we always did. The Crobo Mk. 3 body was exceptionally strong and even after over a year in the armor, It was virtually impossible to control the power to an extremely minute degree, Zalo for pretty much the same reason.
“All right settle down†I said, as we walked back to the shuttle that would take us back to the Pricket. After boarding the shuttle, and a short ride back to out home floating in space, we all got off.
“All right everyone get a good nights sleep, and that’s an orderâ€Â
“Um sir where can we recharge our armor†said Holy Mombasa to me
“Oh, you guys wear powered armor?â€Â
“Yep we do, said “Jo†in response
“Oh by the way†I said “I heard Holy call you Jo do you mind If the squad calls you thatâ€Â
“Not at all†Jo said back
“Well the Just follow me, Orindell, Dauss, and Exalion†I said
We walked to the recharging station, and I and the other Crobo’s hooked in to our recharging couplings, then to my suprise so did Jo and Holy despite that they were still wearing their armor
“Do you guys actually sleep in that stuff?†asked Exalion
“Yes we do, in fact rarley do us Spartan’s take off our armor†responded Holy.
“Well whatever drives your star cruiserâ€Â
I shut down my external systems and again slept.
“Beginning wake up procedure for machine-human integrated combat units,†pronounced the cold metallic voice again for what seemed like the millionth time. I switched on my external sensors, and saw everyone else power up. Holy and Jo were missing, they had obivously already woken up.
“You guys fineâ€Â
“Yes sirâ€Â
“Im fineâ€Â
“Lets go meet everyone in the mess hall guysâ€Â
Upon entering the mess hall We spotted Zalo, not an exceptional feat and went to meet the rest of the squad.
“What’s up men†Orindell said
“Not much†said exalion
Today’s paste was a delectious vomit green color, the two Spartans were looking at the meal with a apparent disgust (they still had their helmets on), and so was everyone else spreading it about on their plates with their spoons.
“Man sir you are so lucky you don’t have to eat this crap†said Junkie and gave the “food†another look.
“Yeah we were so lucky to almost die in a massively painful crash and have our brains placed in robots†said Dauss scarcastically
“Sorry, sir I meant no insult†replied Junkie taken aback
“Sorry, Junkie I didn’t mean to snap.... just what I wouldn’t give to be a normal human again, when I volunteered this wasn’t in the job description†said Dauss, he was referring to the fact that clones were all considered enlisted men and thus had the ability to go no higher than Master Sergeant of the Army, all Officers were from the ranks of trained Civilians like I once was.
“Hey new guy, Jo†said Junkie across the table, “Wanna have a shootin competition, me and Arctic are going to after breakfastâ€Â
“No†Jo declined, “Me and Holy were going to a breifing for all mercs in the current operation on the Lusankyaâ€Â
“Oh come on dude, you chicken†he said “Bauck, Bauck, Bauck†he said as he imitated the common poultry animal. Jo reached across the table and dragged Junkie by his collar closer to the faceplate. The conversation Empyreal and Zalo had been having stopped abruptly
“Now listen†Jo said as the helmet locks unclamped with a hiss and pfft of air and SHE removed HER (WTF) helmet.
“Oh, shi...†started Junkie
“Oh, oh ♥♥♥♥ is right†Jo said angrly “First of all im not a ‘Dude’ or a ‘guy’ so stop calling me that, and If you call me chicken again Ill make your face a black hole†she threw Junkie back in place, and for once I saw someone truly afraid of a woman.
“You don’t have to be so rough†said Junkie
“Just don’t make the mistake again†Jo said
“Man†I said to Exalion “Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned,.... Hell hath no fricking furyâ€Â
“Hell yeah†he said back.
“Well alright†said Junkie, “Me and Arctic are going to the shooting range for a little competition,... See ya all later†and they both got up and left. As did Holy and Jo in the direction of the launch bay.
“See you guys later†said Holy
“Well now that thats over....†trailed off Aracanid as he lifted a bag on the to counter.
“I got 3-Solid to jack these for us†as he took out some cans of Sizon, a highly popular soda to the officers and, well just about anyone else; clones wern’t aloud to eat or drink anything other than the pescribed food, but I never really cared if this type of thing happened, hell I would have done it too.
“Man I wish I could taste†said Dauss “I remember when that stuff came out and I was the best in the whole galaxyâ€Â
“Yeah so did I†said Orindell
Everyone drank their sodas and began to get ready to leave,
“So whats everyone else doing on our day off†said Exalion “I for one am getting a nice relaxing day in the brain freezer,
“Well I gotta go fill out some review forms for Empyreal labs and then me and Orindell are gonna be working on some new explosives in the labs †said Empyreal as he and Orindell got up.
“Im working out†said Zalo in his huge voice, he had to do that often, his body required massive muscles to support it’s self.
“I have to get these new sonic dampeners re-calibrated†said Dauss “Then I’m working on some new weapon testing, and stealth trainingâ€Â
As everyone else started to get up and leave I asked
“Does anyone know where Serial and Kaos areâ€Â
Everyone shrugged their shoulders and left, leaving me to wonder what to do. I decided to wander around and mabey see what the hell Serial and Kaos could be up to together, and I probably didn’t want to know.
A War to End All wars: Chapter 6, A Day Off pt. 2
As I walked into our squads armory I saw 3-Solid working on some modifications to the gun racks for our three new members.
“Hey 3 Solid, have you seen Kaos or Serial?â€Â
“Affirmative, they both entered the armory at 08 hundred hours and grabbed their melee combat tools, and leftâ€Â
“Thanks Solid†I said, and left leaving Solid to his work.
“I bet their in the sparring rooms†I said to myself, unfortunately I was right. The training room was quite bloody upon entering; several medical droids were hunched over the immobile forms of several sparring instructors. I saw Serial and Kaos sitting in the corner talking with their blood caked faces.
“What the HELL did you guys do?†I demanded as I walked over.
“Sorry sir, we both got a little…†Kaos glanced at Serial “Excited†he said slyly.
“Excited! What the hell, if you two weren’t the best melee combat fighters in the army, Id have you recycled as genetic material!†I looked at their hands; they were both holding combat knives and they had a considerable amount of blood on them. â€ÂAnd your using your knives too! Your aren’t allowed to do that in hereâ€Â
“Sorry, sir†Serial pronounced “We wanted to see if they could handle itâ€Â
“Apparently not†said Kaos; his Black ODST armor was very stained with dark splotches as was Serials armor. I looked over to the dead/wounded instructor clones on the sparring room floor; my sensors indicated that only one was alive, the other eight were dead. Most of them had horrible wounds; one even had his ribcage split open.
“Kaos, Kaos, Kaos, just go get cleaned up, the both of you. Then take it easy for the rest of the day, OKâ€Â
“Sure Sir†Kaos said in his deep, gravely, and extremely scary voice that he only used when he was feeling extremely psychotic, they then both got up and left, as did I. I was walking down the cold metallic halls when I noticed heavy gunshots from behind the door to my right.
I decided to step in and see what was going on in the shooting range. Turned out it was Arctic and Junkie in the middle of their shooting competition, a few other clones were firing various guns farther down the range but Junkie and Arctic had been at it the most. Hundreds of used targets littered the floor around the end of the range marked 200 yards, all had rounds straight through the center.
“Oh, hi sir†said Junkie turning to meet me, yet pulling the trigger at the same time and the round still went straight through the center of the target, that kind of accuracy was unprecedented even for a machine with the most top of the line targeting systems; like myself, then again I was never a big fan of accuracy.
“All right let’s take five†said Arctic “my eyes are starting to hurtâ€Â
“Whooooo!†exclaimed Junkie as he hit a butting on a computer panel next to him, and showing a targeting percentage for both him and Arctic.
“Holy ♥♥♥♥!†I said as I looked at the numbers “100% for both of you at 50, 100 AND 200 yards. You guys deserve a metalâ€Â
“Already got one†said Junkie jokingly.
“Well want to test it at 400†said Arctic “I bet you my ration cubes, I can beat youâ€Â
“You’re on!†said Junkie as he hit a few buttons and the targets moved back an additional 200 yards. It then hit me how long this room was, then again the Pricket was a 2,000 yard long hunk of warship and this was easily the longest room in the Pricket, but the biggest ship in the entire Alquarian fleet was the Judiciator which was a huge 8 miles long. I then remembered I had to go in for a servo check and walked out wishing Arctic and Junkie good luck (not that they need it with their skills). I stopped in mechanics chamber 19 for my checkup, Dauss and Exalion were their too.
“You guys need one too
I said
“Nah, I’m just getting my dampeners recalibrated†he said a repair arm moved to a panel on his shoulder and peered in an open access panel.
“Yeah, I’m here for my servo checkup too†said Exalion as me and him locked into place on the repair tables. A couple robotic arms descended down and opened up some panels on our joints, and started poking around.
“So, been having a good day off Exalion†I said
“Well I was going to get a day in the brain freezer when I remembered I had this checkup and I ran all the way form the other side of the ship to get hereâ€Â
“Well that sucks†said Dauss “I’ve had a great day†he said sarcastically “I’ve been here since breakfast and as it turns out my dampeners were turned way down, so now their resetting them.â€Â
“Where’s Orindell?†asked Exalion
“Oh he already had a checkup last week, him and Empyreal are in the labs working on explosives†answered Dauss. Just then all the lights in the room turned red and the engagement klaxons blared,
“Aww crap†said Junkie over the radio “It seems like our day off has been cut shortâ€Â
“Be quiet Junkie†said Dauss back
“All right echo squad, meet up in our armory we got a battle to win. On the double NOW†I commanded. We got up, the checkup would have to be cut short, and we all ran out in the direction of our armory. I could feel the ship start to vibrate as it was hammered by enemy fire, and was hoping to myself that this was a NOT zero-gee infiltration.
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 7, Zero-Gee
“What’s the matter Sir?†asked Dauss
“You know dam well what†I sad; I hated Zero-gee infiltrations with a vengeance, hated, hated, hated. But that’s what we were doing; the briefing had informed the whole squad who now faced the gun racks selecting weapons, that we were to attack; through a Zero-gee infiltration a Royal Navy destroyer the “Alecto†and force its generator to implode. That was the problem with Royal Navy ships they used highly unstable implosion fusion reactors.
“All right everyone CQC weapons only, that means you too Empyreal†I said as I handed him a CMZ Assault rifle.
“Awww man†he sighed, “But I just got a new gun from the labsâ€Â
“Well deal with it†said Dauss, “Alpha says you’re using that gun, your using that gunâ€Â
As I scanned my gun rack I noticed something new.
“Hey what’s this?†I asked as I turned.
“Oh, that’s a new gun from Empyreal labs, I gave it to you. It fires 7.65 millimeter semi-explosive, anti-armor rounds from a 30 round clip.†Empyreal responded
“Did you get authorization to purchase it?†I queried
“Yeah, I gave him it†said Orindell
“What for?â€Â
“Well, for your birthday Sir†said Orindell
“Your seriously think we would forget it†said Empyreal
“Well thanks guys, that was nice†I said
(It is in fact my birthday today)
“All right everyone no explosives†said Orindell “It is against ship breaching protocols for non-demo specialists to carry high explosivesâ€Â
“So you get to have all the fun?†said Serial, and after much grumbling the squad removed all of their grenades and other explosives. Dauss checked the battery on his blast cannon and strapped in onto his back.
“So I guess your gonna use the new gun†said Empyreal
“Well I really don’t have a choice my machine gun is too large to even fit in the halls of most capital ships, let alone fire†I said as I locked the new gun into my back plates and put some extra clips into my usual ammo storage bay. Both Holy and Jo locked M5AC assault rifles onto the magnetic pads on their armor, and placed one of those deactivated sword handles into one of their side holsters and a M7 casteless SMG in their other.
“All right, is everyone ready!†commanded Dauss
Various “yeps†from the men.
“Then lets move†I said, and we left the armory. The ship was rattling and bucking with the recoil and receiving of turbolaser blasts as we walked to the gunship bays, Zalo was carrying the very large OICW, which Empyreal and he had made specially, for his use. As we walked onto the Gunship bay viewing floor, there was a huge mess of activity on the flight deck. Pilots running last minute system checks, engineer clones loading missiles into the Phoenixes and checking laser coils, and most of all the scramble of other squads to their assigned gunships.
Most other squads were all “normal†elite clones, but hey their loss, our specialized “mismatched†squad had the highest mission completion, and enemy kill ratio; yet some still mocked that we got stuck with all the misfits. We walked down the stairs onto the flight deck, and into the “Nuremburg†our usually assigned Phoenix Gunship piloted by Muffinmonkey; called that for no particular reason, and Yoshi his Co-Pilot.
“Hey Monkey, how’s it hanging†said Junkie as he got into the ship
“How’s it going†he said back.
“All right let’s get going†said Dauss, as the hatch doors closed behind him.
“System Diagnostics all check out†said Yoshi
“Disengaging in 5…4…3…2...1…†the doors under the gunship fell out and the ship fell into the endless abyss that is space.
“Engaging Ion Drives†the engines along the “wings†of the shop roared to life and the Phoenix accelerated at an incredible speed toward our target.
“Incoming My’tl fighters, they are closing at an attack vector†I heard from the cockpit
“Firing†the ships maneuvered, and I felt its powerful shock cannons came to life, after a short burst the guns fell silent.
“4 direct hitsâ€Â
“All right guys were entering the boarding Zone†everyone stood up,
“15 seconds!†we all faced the left exit door,
“10 seconds!†everyone looked tense and squeezed their weapons, “Check suit seals†yelled Dauss
The ship whipped to the side as the doors flew open and the momentum flung us out of the gunship into the now not so emptiness of space. Capital ships were flinging green and blue bolts of white hot death, at each other; especially the Judicator its 8 mile matte black hull had over 400 turbolasers and ion cannons and the light emitting off the ship was almost enough for me to tint my visor, I counted over a dozen blasted enemy ship hunks, some still venting atmosphere and with it bodies and equipment; what a way to die I thought; being burnt to a crisp as you started to explode from lack of pressure. Aracanid’s voice tinged with excitement snapped me back to the moment.
“Sir we got trouble†he said
“Trouble? I call it kills†said Kaos.
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 8, Breach
(Side note: any clones referred to in these chapters are Atreanic corp. clones)
“Inbound My’tl fighter!†yelled Aracanid yelled over the radio
“Monkey!†I yelled into the radio “Get that ship around here!â€Â
“Sorry sir, cant we got some problems of our own†he responded
“Shit†cursed Orindell
“Junkie get a bead on that fighter!†I yelled
“Getting it sir†he said, putting away the combat shotgun him and Arctic had been given and un-strapped his anti-armor rifle.
“Come on†said Dauss
“Loading it sir†Junkie said as he pulled back the bolt sliding a .50 caliber round into the chamber.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you to preload your weapons, Idiot†said Serial sarcastically.
“Shut UP!†said Junkie as he leveled his rifle and looked down the scope at the fighter hurtling toward us, it’s lasers charged with a evil red electricity, his sit guided him into position with small thruster puffs guided by his neural implants.
“FIRE!†yelled Dauss, Junkie pulled the trigger and the round streaked out of the barrel, pushing Junkie back until his suit corrected his momentum. The large slug penetrated the lightly armored cockpit if the enemy ship and a microsecond later the ship exploded in a cloud of air and metal chunks from an all too common atmosphere breach explosion.
“Poor bastard†noted Arctic as one of the late pilot’s arms floated by him, his armor was so well blended into the “environment†of space that it took my thermal sensors to locate him, and even thin his signature was reduced.
“That armor works pretty well, doesn’t it†it said
“Sure does†Arctic said back “this thing kept me undetected even as an entire battle raged around meâ€Â
“Hey sir when we get back to base, can I get one?†asked Junkie “They seem pretty goodâ€Â
“Sure†I said “Ill have 3-Solid put in a request form for youâ€Â
We quickly jetted over the enemy destroyer’s hull, on the lookout for any more fighters; luckily both them and the enemy turrets were preoccupied with other vessels in space, a single blast from a turbolaser would vaporize the entire squad with ease. We landed on the hull of the Alecto and engaged magnetic boots sticking us to the hull.
“Orindell, I want a hole in this ship ASAP†I commanded
“Here’s a good spot†he said, walking over to the base of a 5 meter tall turbolaser tower and removing two large black charges from his hip cavity.
“Like em, these are some of the charges me and Empyreal developed in the labs†as he placed the charges in the cold metal.
“They’ve got 2 kilos of bardium encased in a magmite shell†added Empyreal “Probably enough to blow 3 square meters of starship hull to powder.â€Â
All right after Orindell blows with the charges, Dauss, Kaos and Serial you guys will jump into the breach and kill and remaining resistance†I said
“Yes sir†the squad responded
“All done sir†Orindell said standing up from the charges on the hull.
“MY SENSORS INDICATE MINIUM SAFE DISTANCE TO BE 10 METERES†spoke 3-Solid for the first time since the mission began.
“Shut up that’s my job†stated Orindell offensively.
“JUST TRYING TO FURFULL MY DESIGNATION AS COMBAT ASSISTANT†3-Solid said back; checking the battery on his beam rifle.
“Well when we want your assistance we’ll ask for it, like when were under fire you’ll make a great shield†Orindell retorted
“Just blow the charges†said Dauss exasperated
“Right, Right†Orindell said “Everyone stand back now†after a short pause while Orindell sent the detonation code, the charges exploded in a flash of light (obviously no sound or shockwave) and a huge chunk of the hull turned into a fine grey dust, quickly followed by a cloud of air, bodies and, other non-secured equipment rushing out into the abyss of space. The 3 CQC specialists rapidly jumped into the hole.
“Sir, no resistance none of them were wearing vacuum suits†said Kaos.
“However you might want to hurry, lockdown protocols are taking affect†added Dauss.
The rest of the squad jumped into the hole in the Alecto just as a semi-transparent hull-sealing tractor field appeared to prevent serious damage to the internal workings of the ship. The room quickly repressurized with a “wush†of air.
“3 people on each door, let’s move people, double time, go, go!†commanded Dauss “Secure the area†everyone except the 4 officers and Zalo who was carrying a full comm. system of his back, took up defensive positions around the 3 doors that lead into the fire control center that we had invaded. I locked my new rifle onto my back as I walked over to where we were meeting.
“Who’s got the plans?†I asked
“Right here sir†said Exalion taking out a hologram emitter and throwing on the deck. A miniature, virtual model of the Alecto floated in mid air the split apart to show the insides.
“Were are here†pointed Exalion to the aft of the ship “at gunnery station ZZ5-Omega, its pretty much a straight shot to the fusion reactor,†the ship split down the middle and Exalion gestured to the large globe of a fusion reactor in the frame of the ship.
“By straight shot, you mean a relatively straight path down that hallway?†asked Dauss, gesturing in the direction of the entrance that Jo, Holy and Arctic had secured.
“Yeah by the looks of it†I answered
“Sir, I’ve been picking up enemy comm. Transmissions since we blew the hull, their actually transmitting on unencrypted channels†Zalo said breaking his silence.
“Phhh, amateurs†said Exalion “What a load of idiotsâ€Â
“Hey we could wreak some major havoc on their battlenet through that channel†said Orindell “Hey Empyreal, get you butt over hereâ€Â
“Yes Sirs?†Empyreal said as he ran over to where we had been planning our course of action.
“Can you hack into an enemy battlenet through an unencrypted communication channel?†I asked.
“Sure, all I have to do is run a tracer program to access the enemy main frame, then…â€Â
“I didn’t need an explanation, just an answerâ€Â
“Then, yes sir, it would be easy†Exalion said sounding hurt, then walking over to the access panel on the comm. gear that Zalo had placed on the floor.
“Sir, I just intercepted an enemy transmission†said Zalo pushing the tiny headset to his huge ear,
“Apparently they don’t want us here and are sending quite a few men to kill us.â€Â
“What a surprise†said Dauss sarcastically; I was just about to tell everyone else when,
“Alpha, I have a major enemy signature; I’m picking up on my motion radar†Jo said, her effeminate voice was still apparent over the voice filter she used, it was a welcome sound even if it was about combat, it was a type of voice I hadn’t heard since I had left for the war as their were no female clones in the army.
“Yeah me too†added Holy over the radio, as he fired a couple bursts down the hall.
“Everyone into defensive positions now!†I commanded “We need to hold this room while Empyreal hacks into the enemy mainframe, prepare for hard contact†I then added as a note to Dauss,
“No plan survives contact with the enemy, egh… well lets put that to the testâ€Â
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 9, Hard Contact
My sensors had been going crazy; the number of enemies rushing down the halls was immense. Fortunately we had been prepared and there was also enough room for Arctic and Junkie to snipe down the halls.
“BOOM, headshot!†yelled Junkie as the forehead of an attacking black clone exploded in a shower of blood, the enemy was using Atreanic corp. clones; the whites and blacks were fairly durable but succumbed under the amount of fire we were pressing down the halls. I was firing with my new rifle, the semi-explosive rounds were tearing the infantry apart but I was overusing ammunition so I decided to hang back for a bit. I looked to Holy who had just fired some bursts down the west hall and took cover behind the wall just in time as a flurry of bullets from the advancing troops flew into our room, he ejected the expended clip and slapped in a new one then he and Jo cut down some of the advancing troops. Kaos and Serial were firing highly accurate silenced rounds down the hall. They said something to each other, and then pressed themselves up against the wall and fed some shogun shells into their barrel attachments, and when the enemy got closer they jumped out and splattered the opposing forces with several auto-shotgun rounds, they then went back to firing standard rounds, and murmuring who got more kills. 3-Solid and Aracanid backed up by Junkie were also holding their hallway with ease, 3-Solid slow firing but powerful beam rifle was disintegrating the heavy armor on the Black clones like it was made from butter and a number of smoking corpses halfway down the hall was growing, as was the pile of clones without a brain courtesy of both Junkie and Aracanid’s highly accurate fire. I and the other officer cyborgs were centered in the middle of the room taking cover behind a circular control panel and giving fire support down whatever hall needed it. Access rounds were easily bouncing off you hardened armor, normally I would have been wary of black clones with their explosive firing rifles but, probably because they were in a ship they were stuck using SMG mk. 4s which were almost completely useless against our armor. Exalion let loose with full-auto fire from his Crobo CW-57 machine carbine, Dauss was using his usual black-bodied silenced assault rifle similar to Kaos’ and Serial’s as he was a specialist in CQC fighting and stealth operations. It was a complete slaughter, in complete favor of us, crammed into small hallways and with little or no cover, surmounting to no more than the lifeless bodies of their fallen comrades.
“Um, sir, I’m picking up enemy movement signatures in this room†said Exalion
“♥♥♥♥, their below us†said Dauss as bright sparks cut from the deck beneath trying to cut a hole in the floor.
“Sir, want me to leave them a little present†Orindell said slyly, removing two small black boxes from his chest compartment.
“Just what kind of present?†I asked
“Just some LTM1A anti-personnel, laser-trip mines†he answered “No need to worry, though they won’t or even can’t blow a hole on the hullâ€Â
“Just hurry up and place them before they cut through†said Dauss
“Got it†and he placed the two mines on the piece of circular cut floor. The enemy finished the circle and the chunk of floor fell to the chamber below, a moment later the mines exploded; triggered by the movement in deck below, and a rush of shrapnel noise and blood erupted from below painting the ceiling above us a particularly disgusting color.
“Ha-Ha, worked like a charm†said Orindell pleased wit the havoc he caused.
“Yes it did†agreed Dauss, slapping Orindell on the back.
“Sir the enemy is falling back, their casualties are too high†said Holy
“Screw this!†yelled Kaos, throwing his rifle to the ground, drawing is knife and running down the hall, Serial soon followed suit. I ran to stop then but before I could get there, screams erupted from the hall the two had just run down. When I got to a point where I could look down the hall, I saw the two nutcases standing on a number of brutally stabbed enemies, most through the faceplate; and Kaos kicking the decapitated still-helmeted head of a white clone down the hall at the retreating backs of the enemies.
“That’s, right you pussies, RUN!†he yelled
I walked over to where Zalo and Empyreal were hacking into the enemy battlenet.
“You guys done yet?†I asked
“Nope, and if I was I couldn’t do the hacking on the move†Empyreal responded, still staring at the screen.
“Then what the hell are we suppose to do?†asked Dauss
“Well, we can stay and give you logistical support from here†said Zalo
“Sir†Dauss said to me “I think it’s a bad idea to split up our forces in an environment like thisâ€Â
“Yeah, but they can easily defend themselves and provide a great deal of support too†I responded, “Alright access granted†I pointed to 3-Solid and Aracanid,
“You two stay here and provide support to these two†I said
“Yes, sirâ€Â
“Good, now report directly to us if you have any problems†I said “Let’s move people†and we took off down the west hall.
“Junkie to home base, come in home baseâ€Â
“What the hell is home base?†Arctic asked him
“Well it’s obviously the guys we left back at the gunnery stationâ€Â
“Whatever, your crazy dude†said Arctic
“I’ve been saying that for a long time and no one ever seems to listen†added Kaos
“Cut the chatter, this isn’t you day off†said Dauss commandingly.
“Fine, Fine, fun wrecker†Junkie said.
“Sir, come take a look at this†Holy said over the radio, he had been on point and had already gone around the corner up at the end of the hallway. Dauss and I ran up and around the corner. Holy and Jo were standing over a GC marine curled up on the metal floor.
“Caught this guy coming around=d the corner†said Holy “Tried to lever his weapon at me,†he gestured to a HSMG-3 on the ground down the hall, “So I punched him gut and he went sprawling.â€Â
The man attempted to get on his feet, but Jo kicked him in the keg and with a sickening ‘thwack’ he fell over holding his broken leg.
“You stupid rebels†he said weakly “you’ll never defeat the rightful kingâ€Â
“Well†I said as I picked up the man with one hand, and ripped off his helmet with the other, “let’s just see about that†I saw the man wince as I shook him.
“Now you cooperate, or you’ll never see the end of the monarchyâ€Â
Since I could tell he wasn’t a clone, I decided to play a little mind game with him.
“You probably have a family at home, don’t you?â€Â
“Yes!†the marine said, “I have a wife and kids, not that you care, you droidâ€Â
That hit a nerve, everyone in the Alqarius knew it was a bad idea to call me the d word.
“Now you listen here you a**hole, my name is Tiberius Latimer and I AM NOT A DROID!â€Â
I shook him and he yelled in pain as his useless leg flapped about.
“And if you call me that again, I will make sure you never see you loved ones again†he looked at me in abject terror.
“We clear†he nodded his head.
“Good, now with that as an incentive…†I handed him to Holy, “take him back to Zalo and them, I’ll tell hi you’re coming†holy turned and without a word took off back down the hall we had come from.
“Empyreal, this is Alpha†I said over the radio
“I’m receiving you sir, go ahead, I managed to get into the enemies mainframe. I can control most minor systems form here†Empyreal’s disembodied void said back
“That’s great†I said quickly “Now listen, I’m sending you a prisoner, Holy’s got him.â€Â
‘Got it sirâ€Â
“Once he gets there try and interrogate him, just DON’T kill himâ€Â
Yes sir†said Empyreal “…… Oh hold on I’m getting a communiqué from the admiral, I’ll patch you through†the radio cracked and the voice of the aged admiral Wegmeyer appeared in my head,
“Change of plans Captain Alpha†he said
“What do you mean?†I responded
“Turns out the enemy admiral is commanding the battle from aboard your vesselâ€Â
‘Let me guess you want me to capture him?â€Â
“Yes, that is your new primary objective, destroying the ship is now a secondary objectiveâ€Â
“But, sir the bridge is on the other side of the shipâ€Â
‘Then get moving†said the admiral “Do not fail this, Wegmeyer over and out.†The radio cut out.
“Dam!†I yelled
“What is it sir?†Dauss asked
“All right everyone†I said over the radio “Change in plans, were going bounty huntingâ€Â
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 10, Other Spartans!?
“Awww, you mean I don’t get to blow the ship up?†said Orindell disappointed.
“No, I already told you this, it just means it comes second†I said annoyed, we had been walking down halls for the last 8 minutes and Orindell had been asking we questions about the ships destruction for that entire amount of time. There had been no enemy resistance and I was suspecting another trap.
“I know, I just like complaining whenever, explosions are a stake†he said back
“Sir,†Empyreal said over the radio “I ran that tracer you asked forâ€Â
“Did you locate our HVT?â€Â
“Yes, sir. Turns out he’s on the bridge, unfortunately he’s got an entourage of 8 Spartan mercenary bodyguards all with the new BR55 battle rifles, plus all remaining troops are fortifying all passages to the bridgeâ€Â
“Spartans, here, hmmmm, that’s interesting†said Holy looking to Jo.
“Yeah, I thought that was interesting too†said Jo back “Didn’t know that there was any working for the royal army.â€Â
“Neither did I, hey Empyreal do you have access to the cameras on the bridge?â€Â
“Yes I do†said Empyreal back to Holy Mombassa
“Then can you look for any symbols on the shoulders of the Spartans, maybe Jo and I can identify some of themâ€Â
“Sure, hold on…… got it, one has the symbol of a fist on a star background; sage armor, another has a green turtle shell, on deep blue armor, and another has orange armor with the symbol of a bomb on the shoulder pad, and finally one has black armor with a white ghost on the shoulder, the rest are unidentifiableâ€Â
“Thanks Empyreal†said Jo
“Any timeâ€Â
“Great that’s the fan-flippin-tastic four right their, probably a package deal; not the mention the other fourâ€Â
“You know those four?†Dauss asked
“Yeah, me and Jo know most of the other Spartans an those four are troubleâ€Â
“Well can you tell us anything about them?†I asked “So we know what to expectâ€Â
Holy and Jo stopped and turned around, to look at the rest of the squad,
“Fine, the one with the fist is Krotos, hest the leader of those four, he’s more brains than muscle but is still a decent fighter. The one with the turtle shell it Tortoise…â€Â
“Ohhh, Tortoise what a scary name†Junkie jeered
“Well he is if you know him, wise guy†said Jo
“Thanks, Jo†Holy resumed “Hest the only one to beat me at hand-to-hand combat, he’s 7 foot 8 and over 300 pounds of solid muscle, he’s fairly dumb; all muscle, no brain. The one with a bomb is Nitro; he’s psychotic, sociopathic, and lives to blow crap up, he’s probably as skilled if not more so than Orindell with explosivesâ€Â
“Impossible†said Orindell offended,
“I’m sure, the last one is Ghost, he’s the crew’ stealth expert, his armor has a built in cloaking device, and while he may be the smallest Spartan, he can sneak up on you and break your neck before you know it†Holy finished.
“Well whatever these guys are going down†said Junkie and the rest of the squad cheered
“I just hope they aren’t as good as they Jo and Holy or were in for some trouble†I whispered to Dauss
“Yeah, but they might just make the battle interestingâ€Â
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 11, Mission Abort
“Sir we have a serious problem!†said Empyreal in a worried voice to me over the radio.
“What is it?â€Â
“Hold on, see for your self†he said as a small video box popped up in my left field of vision, the color image was from one of the security cameras on the bridge. The silent video showed the Spartans mopping up the bridge personnel in a bloody massacre; red splotches adorned the walls and floors with many of the black dressed officers slumped over their control panels.
“Awww, ♥♥♥♥!†I exclaimed as the one Spartan codenamed “Krotos†embedded a bullet into the pleading admiral’s head with a M6C pistol.
“What’s going on?†asked Dauss who had also been fed the data stream.
“Probably some kind of hired killing by the S.I.C., they hire the mercs to work for the Royal army then turn on them when the time is right, oldest trick in the book, that’s why our army was very hesitant to hire mercs†I looked at the two Spartans in front of me, could they be in on it too? I asked myself.
“What are we going to do?†asked Empyreal over the radio
“I don’t know†I said “I’ll just call back to command and ask for further instruction†just patch me through to the admiral. A short wait and the crackle of the admiral’s voice appeared.
“Yes Alpha, what do you need?†said the aged admirals voice
“Sir, we have a type orange mission failure†I reported
“What!? What happened?â€Â
“The enemy had hired a bodyguard squad of Spartan mercenaries to guard their admiral, turns out they were working for the S.I.C. and assassinated himâ€Â
“Bastards!†said the Admiral
“What are your orders now sir?†asked Dauss, just then the ship was rocked with a number of turbolaser hits in the foreword section and the massive vibrations knocked most of the squad off their feet.
“What the hell, sir is going on; you said no ships would fire on the one we were on!â€Â
I could hear the Admiral yell to someone I couldn’t hear, about an enemy fleet; then,
“That wasn’t us captain, a huge fleet of S.I.C navy ships just appeared in orbit and are hammering both of the fleets, I would suggest an immediate mission abort†advised the admiral.
“What? Are you going to send an extraction craft?†asked Dauss, the admiral said something to someone else,
“No we can’t, you need to find some kind of ship in the hangar to escape on, sorry echo squad; Wegmeyer over and out.â€Â
“Sir, what was that blast?†asked Arctic
“Well a S.I.C. navy is in orbit and we need to get off the ship immediately before we become a ball of wreckageâ€Â
“What about the admiral?†asked Junkie “Don’t we need to get him?â€Â
“No, he’s dead†responded Dauss “Those Spartans were working for the S.I.C. instead we’ve guessed, the assassinated him right on deckâ€Â
Jo and Holy turned around,
“What are you saying?†asked Holy angrily “That this whole operation has been a waste!â€Â
“Pretty much†said Empyreal over the radio
“Damn!†most of the squad said
“I wanted to cut that Royal navy bastard up myself†said Serial creepily “Now I’m gonna have to cut up one of those Spartans instead!â€Â
“Shut up, ya psycho†said Junkie “Boss, which way is the hangar?â€Â
“I don’t know?†I replied “But I know who can tell usâ€Â
“Empyreal, download me with a schematic of the ship and the direction of the hangar, then pack up and meet us thereâ€Â
“Can do Sir†he responded
“Hey Zalo†he said over the radio, “we need to get packed up so get started on itâ€Â
“Transmitting the data right now†he said and the rush of a data stream into my cerebral implants main memory presented itself, indicating that the data had arrived. I checked the information and saw that we were not far from one of the entrances to the hangar.
“I might also want to tell you sir that the Spartans are headed to the hangar as well, you’ll probably meet them their; just giving you the heads up. Were leaving too, so see you in a little bit†and Empyreal’s radio signal cut. Klaxons blared as we ran down the halls to the hangar; enemy clones had obviously been given the abandon ship order and were scrambling to whatever mode of transportation they thought might save them. A HGC marine ran past me and I cloths lined rim and sent him sprawling into the wall, everyone got a good laugh at that, then the marine without a word got up and ran off without an insult or even a word.
“God they must be in a hurry†said Junkie, viewing a large group of enemies running down a hall adjacent to ours and not even stopping to glance at an enemy such as ourselves. We soon reached a large door with the word “HANGAR†printed above it in big yellow letters.
“Think this is the place†said junkie jokingly,
“Shut up Junkie†said Dauss “this is combat, not happy hour in the mess hallâ€Â
“It’s locked Sir†stated Exalion “Why would they not want anyone in the hangar?â€Â
“Don’t know†I responded “Orindell execute standard door breach maneuverâ€Â
“YES, sir†said Orindell excitedly as he pulled a standard breaching charge from one of his many munitions compartments, and placed it on the door while Exalion and Kaos took up positions on either side of the door as did the rest of the squad, Dauss and I took up position in front of but farther away from the door.
“Fire in the hole!†yelled Orindell as the charge blew prying open the door in a blue EMP pulse.
Kaos and Exalion quickly breached into the hangar.
“All clear sir†said Kaos over the radio, “But hurry up there’s only two ships leftâ€Â
The rest of the squad quickly filed into the large room.
“Don’t move SIR!†I heard Holy say as my pressure sensors picked up him placing the barred of his M5AC assault rifle into my neck. I looked over and saw Jo do the same to Dauss,
“Good job you two†said a voice from underneath the shadow of a Royal Navy drop ship as the other 8 Spartans walked into the light.
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 12, Betrayal
“What’s going on?â€Â
“I should’ve knownâ€Â
“How could they do this?â€Â
“Weren’t we all in this together?â€Â
All these thoughts and more shot through my brain as the 8 others Spartans walked up to us from their escape craft.
“Drop your weapons or your leaders get it†demanded the Sage armored Krotos; the rest of the squad looked at each other warily.
“Do It!†I commanded, and with a little hesitation the squad placed their weapons on the floor with a clank.
“How could you fu**ers do this to us!?†exclaimed Orindell at our two traitors.
“Hey, business is business†said Holy shrugging his shoulders.
“Why I otta!†said Orindell raising his fist
“Hey!†said Krotos “Not one more move†he said making a gesture to his Spartans who were lined up like a firing squad read to end our existences on demand, like their captives, which of course we where.
Krotos began to walk around us to where Jo and Holy had me and my second-in-command hostage.
“Good job you too, very good†he said in a congratulatory voice “you might just be ready to join the teamâ€Â
“Like we need to, this id for the money, not to impress you Krotos†responded Holy offensively.
“Sure, sure, as is a mercenary’s job†he said “It’s just you guys did such a good job, why not continue working with us.â€Â
“Because,†Jo responded “we were never working with you in the first place!â€Â
And with that she whipped around and delivered a crushing rifle-butt blow to the head, sending him flying onto the floor with the force of the melee strike; unconscious. Everyone was in complete shock from the two Spartans duplicity and stood gaping with their mouths hanging open, or at least I was expecting the other 7 still-conscious Spartans were doing behind their gold face plated helmets.
“Come on no time to explain†said Holy to the others troops, who were just standing bewildered until they snapped back to the real world and dived for their weapons just as the 7 enemies opened fire, the BR-55 rounds streaked over their backs narrowly missing everyone. Arctic having grabbed his sniper rifle, lifted it from his spot on the floor, and without looking pulled the trigger, the depleted uranium-tungsten alloy dart streaked out the barrel, and made contact with one of the green armored Spartan’s legs, punching through the armor, effortlessly passing through his muscle, sinew and bone and ripping a devastating hole in his right thigh, he screamed in pain and collapsed in a metallic heap, gushing blood from his suit. Holy who was behind me jumped over my head putting away his M5AC and pulling the sword handle from his side holster and coming to heavy landing on the floor and proceeding to smash one of the unnamed Spartans in the gut with the deactivated sword, a small hand movement and the white hot blade activated effortlessly searing through the man’s life just as easily as his stomach, he fell with a thud as Holy turned to get a massive punch to the face by the blue-armored behemoth; Tortoise’s armored gauntlet, cracking his face plate and sending him flying into a bulkhead, he did not try to get up. The giant moved to make a double fisted smash onto Holy’s form, but before he could Zalo appeared in the air, landing with a crash on the deck below the observation platform he had jumped from.
“So you think you’re strong do ya,†Zalo said
“What th-“Tortoise started in a deep voice, obviously surprised by such a large foe, but before he could finish Zalo picked him up by the helmet and rapidly bashed him into the dropship’s hull, denting it and shattering Tortoise’s helmet he then dropped the unconscious body on the floor, one of the nearby Spartans leveled his battle rifle at Zalo’s head but before he could I dashed foreword and drawing my sword cleaved the Spartan across his midsection splitting him into two diagonally sliced chunks with fell to the flight deck spraying the floor with blood.
“I owe you one sir†said Zalo
“Um sir a little help here!†yelled Dauss, who was locked in a fistfight with another Spartan, I threw him my sword which he caught and sliced of the head of the enemy which rolled to the floor. I then turned just in time to see the rest of the squad level their weapons at the last conscious Spartan; the orange armored Nitro, who Serial rushed foreword to and tackled to the ground, driving a combat knife through his faceplate, blood squirted out of the breach in the man’s helmet covering Serials face in red splatter marks, Serial then karate chopped the man in the neck silencing his screams of pain.
“Hell, that wraps up that†said Junkie enthustically, looking at the many dead and unconscious bodies strewn about the floor.
“Ha, Ha, Hell ya†said Orindell “Spartans my ass†he let out a cheer which everyone in the squad repeated.
“Looks like we made it just in time†I looked up to see Empyreal descending the stairs from the observation deck flaked by the Aracanid and 3-Solid.
“Yep you did†said Exalion looking down at Holy “Just about saved his life, but he still has a concussion, he’ll be fine we just need to get of the ship NOWâ€Â
Warning lights suddenly switched on and the room was bathed in a red light.
“HULL INTEGRITY AT 30%, ALL CREW ARE ADVISED TO EVACUATE THE SHIP IMMEDITLY.†Said a voice over the intercom as the ship was rocked again by laser fire.
“Aww, ♥♥♥♥ lets go!†said Junkie worried.
“What about them?†Jo said to me
“Leave them; they’ll burn up when the wreckage of this ship goes downâ€Â
“Lets go people onto the dropship, move, move, move!†commanded Dauss, Everyone began to file into the dropship that 3-Solid had started up.
“3-Solid can you fly this vessel†asked Dauss
“AFFIRIMATIVE†he responded
Jo and I were the last ones on carrying the unconscious body of Holy Mombassa between us.
“Pretty tough guy†I stated to Jo “Just about anyone would be dead from a pulverized skullâ€Â
“Well we are all pretty tough†she responded
“Wait!†I said “Weren’t there 8 Spartans, because there are only 7 bodies?â€Â
“What!?†Jo exclaimed turning to see what I was talking about.
“Yes there was†said a voice, as a black armored Spartan materialized in front of me, and a moment later I felt the blue bladed energy sword cut thought my neck cables sending my head clattering to the floor.
“Son of a –“ was the last thing I heard as my systems began shutting down.
A War to End All Wars: Chapter 13, Operation Gladius
//Rebooting Systems…
//Crobotech: body type 03-9, OS: v.8.7 initializing
//Date: 7 Oct, 173 NA, 07:00 GST
//Activating Olfactory Sensors
A rush of smells went to my cerebral cortex stimulating a long forgotten sense; it was mostly of machine oil and ionized metal, but it was welcome all the same.
//Activating Audio Pickups
“-s he up yetâ€Â
â€ÂShush! He’s rebooting nowâ€Â
//Activating Visual Sensors
The artificial stimuli of vision appeared in my mind as my optics focused in on the objects in the foreground
“Hey sir†Orindell enthusiastically “Welcome back to the world of the livingâ€Â
“Welcome back Sir†said Dauss
“We thought the damage might be permanent†said Exalion out of my field of vision, I tried to turn to look at him but couldn’t move, I tried to speak but was mute.
//Activating Audio Emitters
“Wow, what happened?†I said
“Don’t you remember sir†said Orindell “The plasma sword†he make a cutting motion with his hand across his armored neck. The memory returned to me; the Spartans, the black armored one, a blue flash, then darkness.
“We kicked the guy away, then retrieved your head off the floor and ejected the drop pod, made our way back to the ship and a week later†Dauss made a encompassing motion with his arms, “here we are.â€Â
“Lets get going, we have a audience with the General soon†they started to move toward the exit, I tried to make a step foreword to follow them but couldn’t; my limbs were dead weight.
“Umm, guys†I said “My servos are still inactiveâ€Â
“Oops, Sorry sir†said Exalion as he ran over to a keyboard and started hitting keys.
//Activating Servo-motors
I stepped down off the pedestal my body had been on, on to the floor of the machine shop, I swiveled my head taking in the sights which for some reason looked more vivid than usual, I flexed my arms, legs and fingers testing the torque and precision of the hand movements, which seemed more responsive than normal, in all my old body seemed…. more responsive, stronger, quicker and heavier, not to mention a new olive drab paint adorned my armor.
“Run system diagnostic†I said to in my mind to my cerebral implant. A small box showing a 3D wire-frame model of my armor appeared right off the bat the armor seemed different; it was more angular, sleeker, and more lethal. Then a list of data presented its self under the box.
//Crobotech Crobo MK.3 Elite System Readout
//Changes from MK.3 Standard:
//Armor Upgraded to Quantum Crystalline armor with laser semi-reflective coating and sensor output dampening lacquer.
//Maximum Execrable Servo Force Output Upgraded:
/Primary Limb Output: 6 tons
/Finger Force Output: 1550 PSI
//Sensor Package Upgraded to Include: Visible light, Thermal, Infrared, Ultraviolet, Microwave, Gamma, and EMS
/Maximum Zoom Increased to 700x without loss in quality
//Library of Gun to HUD Interface Targets Increased Expanded By 8,100 entries
//Library of Gun and Explosive Audio and Spectral Outputs Increased by 9,271 entries.
//Transmitter Internal Range Capable of Reaching High Orbit.
//Internal Self-Sufficient Power Generator With Solaim Crystals
//End of Basic Readout….
“Where did this body come from?†I asked amazed by its capabilities.
“Well it’s based off some of the schematics from a Crobotech prototype†Exalion said looking at me, “If it checks out during combat, their going to upgrade up all too.â€Â
“So I’m a guinea pigâ€Â
“Well, just think of yourself as a super-cyborg-robot-guinea pig†said Orindell laughing at his own joke.
“We have to go†said Dauss looking at the crono implanted in his arm “we don’t want to keep the general waiting.â€Â
“Operation Gladius;â€Â
That was the name of the new operation they were launching on Mechanis 2 that would win the battle for us. Since we had beaten back the enemy navies, their ground forces had fallen back into disarray, with even the whole S.I.C. army withdrawing from the planet. “Gladius†was supposed to the final nail in the coffin for the Royal Army’s troops on this planet, they had dug their heels into one last heavily fortified industrial city, the battle was a stalemate and they needed a massive and expertly commanded operation to break it. I was walking down the halls of the Judicator alone as the other 3 newly promoted cyborg officers had gone to each of the troop ships where the division they were to command was preparing. I was on my way to the shuttle bay to head to the “Proxy†an Alquarian navy troop ship housing my detachment of the invasion force. My new rand plate indicating my new rank as commander glinted in the artificial light from the Judicators light emitters, as I looked over at the datapad containing the logistics of the Invasion, and they were huge. The squad was to be split into four parts, each of my Crobo officers commanding a different part of the force. My detachment was along with Holy and Jo was the primary attack force, entirely mechanized and consisting of; 275 Crobotech Storm Troopers, 85 Hunter Killers, 140 Warbot Mk. 6s, 105 other Crobo Mks 1-3, 400 various other mechanized infantry, and roughly 75 human and cyborg officers. Dauss’ division was to be a rear attack and terror division; Him, Kaos, Serial, Aracanid and Arctic along with 100 Spec. Ops. Clones and 25 modified Crobo Mk.3 and Shock Troopers, were to perform hit and run flank attacks to demoralize the enemy troop concentrations. Orindell along with Zalo and Junkie were to lead a heavy weapons division giving my division fire support through the battle; I was to be comprised of 490 various heavy weapon trained clones and robots plus 85 combat engineers. However; Exalion in conjunction with the Air Force commander, was to lead the armored divisions including; 90 Juggernaut Assault Walkers, 127 Phoenix Gunships, 200 Orca Assault Tanks, 60 Vulture Light walkers, and hundreds of smaller support and attack vehicles and their crews, with logistical support from Empyreal and 3-solid. In all over 4,700 individuals were under my direct command, easily the largest operation I had ever commanded or even been a part of. And though I had great Command and Combat skills I had a feeling this was going to be my hardest mission yet.