Please, use the search button.
1. Download a mod from the mods section, or a scene from the scene's section.
2. Open up the " .zip " or " .rar " file with a program that can extract these files.
3. Extract, or move the files in the " .zip " or " .rar " to Cortex Command folder.
Hint: A mod or scene has a " .rte " ending.
Hint 2: The Cortex Command folder contains the folders: " Base.rte " " PromGrounds.rte " " Test.rte " and the " Cortex Command.exe ", which is the game itself. The mods should come here.
Did you get it?
Posted after 5 minutes 9 seconds:
Woah! It's been over 5 minutes and no-one has flamed him already.
We have a new record!