Alright! We got mouse control! It's buggy, but we gots it!
It's good that we now have mouse control, but it's kinda hard to use. There needs to be a cursor so that you can see exactly where you are aiming. Still, it's new, so it can only get better.
The AI is still digging! If anything the upgrade made it better at it! Now it kills you and THEN starts digging.

I can't get over how much more deadly the AI is. That was a big fix.
Eventually, the AI is going to need some sort of path-seeking ability to stop the digging. Then, I will fear for my life! Also, I hope that it gets the ability to use jetpacks for more than just landings.
Sheilds! and they work!
Off topic;
I also just got the Opposing Bases scene. It's very good! Your brain can actually stay safe for quite a while on this map!
I searched around, found some templates, learned a few things, and now I'm going to try and make a map. This will be the first time I've really decided to try and make something of my own for CC...
For the Dataland!!!