Yet another feature is released to the world early!
That's right, you may now witness the awesomeness of one weapon PER HAND!!!
I would say more, but there really isn't much to say, since it's rather self-explanatory.
To make this wonderful event come true, simply go to your nearest .ini file with an actor and look for the BG Arm and the FG arm. Then, change the line "HeldDevice = None" to
//HeldDevice = None
HeldDevice = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Pistol
The BG arm weapon cannot be changed, but you can use the normal gun switching to change the weapon in the FG arm. Accuracy is lower, since neither weapon has a support hand. The BG weapon either always faces to the right so you can have one weapon facing each way, or both weapons face right. Both weapons fire when you press H. Only the front reloads on command; the other must run out of ammo and auto-reload. Sharp affects both weapons. It is entirely possible to get the "No Arm" message but still have the other hand hold the weapon and be able to fire normally. You cannot aim the held weapon normally; you must go into sharp mode and wait for it to spin itself until it's in the spot you want it to be. Read on.
A small problem arises quite often, however. The weapon spins. The spinning is slowed down significantly when in sharp, but it still spins. You cannot aim very well at all. However, when the FG arm is blown off, you hold the other weapon quite normally, but with only the support hand. Sharp doesn't zoom or make dots, but the weapon does change position.
The only weapon I've tested so far that DOESN'T spin is the pistol. I've tried a couple of modded weapons with masses of 15, 10, and 1, and they have all spun.
When you lose the FG arm but still have the BG arm, the weapon in BG arm no longer spins, and acts much as if it's in the FG arm, but without the sharp or reloading stuff.
Play around with it. And I give you another present...
Data will surely continue his tradition of releasing the next build the very day after I give you part of said build, just like he did with impact explosions. Sigh.
Let the discussery commence!