I'm amazed that this thread is still running (sort of)
I saw a bunch of screencaps of maps with HUGE HOLES SHOT THROUGH THEM. Personally, when a mod does that, i don't enjoy it, but thats just my personal opinion. (piles of wreckage being crushed underfoot while the map is intact, and bullets only inches [pixel or 3] was always more epic in my mind)
But also I see alot of problems with activities so i'm going to post a good way to make activites.
step 1, copy this code
AddActivity = GABaseDefense
PresetName = Skirmish Defense
SceneName = Grasslands
TeamCount = 2
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
TeamOfPlayer2 = 1
FundsOfTeam1 = 2000
FundsOfTeam2 = 2000
CPUTeam = 1
Difficulty = 3
SpawnIntervalEasiest = 20000
SpawnIntervalHardest = 8000
This is the top of your Activities file. Funds of player 1 is your money, 2 is green (CPU or player)
I dont know what all of it does but I do know your spawn intervals are RANDOM. IE if you have 8 spawns listed later in the file, it picks from those at random, in no particular order.
SpawnIntervalXXXXX is how much time between a 'drop' of AI. it might always be the weakest spawn, or the hardest, or a mix, its random. this only changes how often.
Copy the following code
AddAttackerSpawn = AAAA
CopyOf = BBBB
AddInventory = CCCC
CopyOf = DDDD
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = EEEE
Paste that after the first block of code,
Replace AAAA with the type of dropship/rocket,
Replace BBBB with the name of the dropship/rocket
replace CCCC with the type of actor contained
replace DDDD with the name of the actor contained.
replace EEEE with whats in there inventory.
(Yes HDFirearm can be TDExplosive for grenades, etc)
using bear faction this might look like this
AddAttackerSpawn = ACRocket
CopyOf = Crate
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = BF Spetsnaz 1
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = PPC-3
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Heavy Digger
Repeate the above step untill you have enough different spawns. yes you can have multiple spawns per dropcraft.
Word of advice, don't give them more than 2 things in there inventory, and use the drop-crates.
they can't get killed by the rocket engines this way.
This being said, so far the winner looks like DSMK2's post on page 2 (top of the page) at least thats my opinion.
I say this because epic looking tunnels, well known mod (that I thought was overpowered) with what looks like EVERYONE dying. Mind you i'm only going by skimming the thread.
Please keep posting screencaps, but keep them to PNG, JPG, or GIF.
also post activities.ini's please,