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 Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod) 
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
W0w00t wrote:
If you play space marines, then why do the bolters shoot death balls from the 666th millenium.

Seriously, swap the grenade launcher round sprite and the bolter round sprite.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:20 pm
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
needs work (duh) but pretty nice for its first stages. remember to make lasguns really crappy(think angry flashlights) but i support this mod

Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:42 pm
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
Looking at the screencaps this looks TERRIBLE, BUT--

I always do insist that playability and how well its coded always take priority so I AM downloading and testing.

Tell me you at least included a module icon so i can keep it separate from all my mods and know what's what...


I just tested it.

The sprites are horrid.
The weapons are overly weak ALL of them

the lasguns are supposed to be weak but this is like flicking paper-wads at people, does it even hurt grass?

the Hellgun, lasgun on crack, is still worse than the default pistol.

The grenade launcher : a grenade to the face should always kill, but it DOESN'T.
It looks nice when it explodes and it clears away dead bodys decently well i guess.

the flamer is to weak, it shouldn't take 6 seconds shooting at a dummy's chest for it to die. it didn't even run out of health, it's gibimpulselimit killed it.

The melta is nice, but... what happened to its gets hot rule? make a tracer round fire about 1/4 through the clip that fires BACKWARDS (on a fairly wide range) having a chance of destroying the gun or killing the actor, just like a melta (Gets hot : roll one D6 on a 1 the model takes a wound no save. if it fires a 2nd time this turn on a 1 or 2 it dies, for a 3rd shot 1-4 it dies or something, i'm not looking at the book rightnow but still, there should be SOME semblence of keeping to the rules, you did after all make the bolter rounds explosive like there supposed to)

The Bolter(s). you got the fact that they explode right, but you forgot that there rocket-propelled, and should punch through armor before exploding. Try this.

Make it rocket proppeled.
when it hits something gib into an object that looks the same thats really heavy so it dents into terrain or pushes an actor, but make it a TDE with a high gib impulse and a super-short fuse, say 0.2 seconds
THEN make it explode. oh how complex it requires 1 more tde.

also the bolter is to weak for a bolter, it shouldn't take 9 bolter rounds to kill a coalition soldier since there effectivly as strong as guardsmen anyway. (balance with what's in game already IE Don't fix what ain't broke)

the rocket launcher does about as much damage as a bolter should shot for shot but not over time.

the rest of the weapons are buggy.
an auto pistol that ISNT AUTO?!

the chainsword ammo can be -1 so it says infinate ammo
the chainsword should have autofire so you dont have to keep hitting your fire button/trigger for every little poke.its basicly a chainsaw shaped like a sword, only nastier it should work like one.


Now what about this mod is good?
you actually included damn near everything you needed to. make a dreadnaught look like a russ or a sentinal, and add a Kommissar and some nice grenades and i think you'll have included the entire guardsman army, which is a feat all on its own.

also as an added note I did kinda like that you made the chainsword work. ish....

So in short...

Sprites : 2/10 you would really have to TRY to make them worse.
Code : 8/10 I will admit, everything works
Efficiency :1/10 It doesn't however work well
Fun : 4/10 its kind of a noveltie item its fun for about 10 minuts then you forget you've got it.
Completeness : 9/10 this is the most complete warhammer 40K mod to date that I've seen.

So overall, your to-do list is:
1) add a Kommissar and a sentinal, and some nice grenades
2) re-balance all of it. you gave a whole new meaning to the words 'nerfed'
3) re-sprite the entire damn thing, even if it means getting someone else to sprite it.

so its not really that bad over-all, you've put alot of work into this and the majority of the work is actually behind you. now you just have the annoying work, and ALOT of it because of how much content you added. This is why I don't make such huge mods. more room for complaint, and more stuff to fix.

Last edited by Miles_T3hR4t on Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:01 pm
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
Hamburgler wrote:
W0w00t wrote:
If you play space marines, then why do the bolters shoot death balls from the 666th millenium.

Seriously, swap the grenade launcher round sprite and the bolter round sprite.

Might I add that no matter how far I shoot the bolter, it almost always fly out of my hand or hurt me.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 10:44 pm
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
Looks cool. Downloading now.

I am not going to repeat what you have heard about the sprites.

Now, after testing on zombies and armoured targets, I must say that the weapons are underpowered.
I mean, flashlights are supposed to be weak, but not that weak.
Sure, they are free, but it is still better to get a pistol. I did notice that the beam sometimes passes through (unarmoured) targets.
Was that intended?
The bolter is too heavy and has too much recoil to be held by anything of human size and strength. It either flies out of my hands, or tears my legs off, or both.

The chainsword is pretty much useless. It is too short to actually hit anything. It took me five times to cut a zombies head off. If it had a weapon, I would be dead.

And... some may disagree, but I think that the grenade launcher is OVERpowered.
Seriously, I killed an Occulus C unit in three hits, A Darklone Shogun with two.
Anything more-or-less human sized died within four hits.

Now the actors.
A bit too fragile. Couple that with weak weapons and you have a cheap, but still ineffective force.

Overall needs work, but great for an early release. By the way, whats gonna be their dropship?

Last edited by Inuyashe on Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:01 am, edited 4 times in total.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
This IS a Guardsman we're talking about here. Meat for the Emperor's grinder and all that.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
Hrm. I might even re sprite this myself. I'll let you know if I decide to do anything with it

Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:29 pm
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
Half this mod's stuff is wrong.
Also Meltas DON'T get hot in 40k, Plasmas do, not meltas.
Meltas are assault 1 with like ap1 or ap2 and s7 or 8.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:58 pm
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
Hamburgler wrote:
This IS a Guardsman we're talking about here. Meat for the Emperor's grinder and all that.

Not whiteshields / conscripts.
I bet my ♥♥♥♥ in a blender half the IG's casulties are from conscripts, then 3/8s of the rest is the regular Guard, then the last eighth is special units like Kasrkin or Storm Troopers.

Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:00 am
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
W0w00t wrote:
Hamburgler wrote:
This IS a Guardsman we're talking about here. Meat for the Emperor's grinder and all that.

Not whiteshields / conscripts.
I bet my walrus in a blender half the IG's casulties are from conscripts, then 3/8s of the rest is the regular Guard, then the last eighth is special units like Kasrkin or Storm Troopers.

This Guardsman killed a Hive Tyrant and 4 Genestealers single-handedly before being run down. He is the best of the best and WILL ruin you.
(I'm done bragging/derailing, don't yell at me)

Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:53 am
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
My vet sergeant in one of my squads who has a bolter killed like half a squad of marines :U

Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:50 am
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
Lasguns aren't crap. A las bolt can blow off someone's arm.
But, compared to all the other weapons in 40k, they are just angry flashlights.
A single bolt shot can rip apart a whole human being.

Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:22 am
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
W0w00t wrote:
Half this mod's stuff is wrong.
Also Meltas DON'T get hot in 40k, Plasmas do, not meltas.
Meltas are assault 1 with like ap1 or ap2 and s7 or 8.

okay so I got 2 weapons backwards, regardless of that the plasma weapons here don't get hot and they should, and..... after that I got nothin.

Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:59 am
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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
oh yah, da plasma gunz in this are like
♥♥♥♥ smut guns, but their little cousins made of fail.

Mon Dec 22, 2008 5:35 am

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Post Re: Imperial Forces 0.3 (W40k Mod)
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
So overall, your to-do list is:
1) add a Kommissar and a sentinal, and some nice grenades
2) re-balance all of it. you gave a whole new meaning to the words 'nerfed'
3) re-sprite the entire damn thing, even if it means getting someone else to sprite it.

I agree with Miles' entire post, however, I'd like to add:

4) Add some sergeants and other ranks, along with a medic (even if he can't heal) and more specific names. I don't know about other people, but I love to have an actual army in CC, with ranks and special soldiers that can use rocket launchers and such.
5) You should also think about landers. Imperial Guardsmen often are dropped in by heavily armored drop ships, but are also dropped in via civilian drop ships. While those on there own are quite large (able to deploy a company, which is roughly 150-250 men if I'm not mistaken) But you could always scale them down, for playability.
6) Maybe add some kind of turret. A heavy bolter surrounded by sandbags, manned by a guardsmen.

That's all I can think of.

Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:56 pm
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