It seems silly there isn't already a static page for this, since it took me nearly half an hour just to figure out the basics and I'm STILL learning how stuff works. SO, I'm starting a How To Play thread for at least my own benefit if not others. Please excuse me if I use the wrong terminology.
Note: I'm not using a D-Pad controller, a sin so I've heard.
Controlling The Clones/Robots/CraftMovement (Default listed):
W = "Jump" which is actually a jet pack not jumping.
A = Move left
S = Move down/Duck (Doesn't actually duck though, must be coming later)
D = Move Right
Q = Previous Body/Craft (Hold down to select individual default AI mode)
E = Next Body/Craft (Hold down to select individual default AI mode)
Q+E = Buy Menu
H = Fire
J = Sharp Shooting mode, enables you to see farther and stabilize your shots. You cannot use this while moving.
K (hold) = Inventory: Up(W) = Reload, Down = Drop, Left/Right = Previous/Next Weapon
L = Jetpack
Left Mouse = Fire/Open Hatch(On landing craft)
Right Mouse (hold) = Inventory
Mouse Wheel = Select Weapon
Move Mouse to the Right/Left = Sharp Shooting Mode
NOTE: In order to aim with the keyboard, you MUST set your control mode under options to "Classic Keyboard". When you do so their are the following default changes:
W = Aim Up
S = Aim Down
Y/U = No longer used, used to switch actors.
R = Reset Level
Building Your BaseWASD = Selects the Filter (Press left to get to those), then selects the item to place Press right to get back to object side of the menu), Up and Down selects which filter/object
H/Left Click = Select Object, Place object (You can hold it down and move the object pixel by pixel)
K/Right Click (Hold) = Brings up a menu while building, press right/drag your mouse right to go back to the object menu. Any other direction begins the game
Your base HAS to have at least 1 brain. You can either place a brain vault, or the brain object.
Multi-PlayerNote: In order to play more than 2 player, you have to have an additional D-Pad controller or two. It is highly reccomended to set player 1's control style to Classic Keyboard for multiplayer. Keyboard and Mouse could get awkward like playing twister with your cousin.
Up Arrow = Aim Up
Down Arrow = Aim Down
Left Arrow = Move Left
Right Arrow = Move Right
(The following numbers are on the numpad, remember to have NumLock on!)
1 = Fire
2 = Sharp Shooter Mode
3 (hold)= Inventory
Enter = Jet Pack
4 = Previous Body/Craft
5 = Next Body/Craft
4+5 = Buy Menu
In Multiplayer Mode, you can fight each other or cooperate and fight the computer on a splitscreen. If you fight cooperatively you get one source of money, and each of you can spend it. You can control clones placed by any player on that team.
FAQs:Campaign/Bunker editor doesn't work? This will not be available until later.
Can I save my bunker? No. It seems this will be implemented in the future. You can however create your own bunker via a scene. See the Scene Modding forums.
Can I reload troops into a shuttle? - No, but you can drop items back in for cash refund
How many clones/items can I place in a shuttle? - As far as I know, as many as you want, although it gets heavier with each item/clone.
How come my clones come out of the shuttle unarmed? First, in order to have a clone wield a weapon before it gets out of the shuttle, you must place your clones/weapons like so:
They will equip whatever weapons below them. Unfortunately you have to manually switch to each clone and tell them to switch to the weapon (inventory + left or right).
I get an error after installing a scene/mod? Most likely it was made for a previous version that had different object definitions (most likely a brain). Unless you fix it yourself, you have to wait for our beloved modders.
What's the difference between Dropship Mk 1 and Mk 2? Appearance.
What's the difference between clones/robots/skeletons? Without going through the trouble of scanning code for numerical differences, here's my observations:
Skeletons - Cheap fodder. They can't jump. Took 6 pistol shots on average to the chest to kill. It seems like they have joints break easier too.
Blue Clone - Average Soldier. Took 6 shots to kill.
Green Clone - Average Soldier. 6 Shots.
Robot 1 - Tougher than average. Survives falls the clones can't. Took an average of 25 shots to kill. Very tall, so they have trouble going through certain doors, higher terrain profile (for using cover)
Robot 2 - Robot 1, but with a different look.
I welcome your corrections and additions, just be nice about it... clowns
Thank you longsword and Grif for corrections!
Thank you Lord Tim for feedback and encouragement!