Master Pimp wrote:
p3lb0x wrote:
you hate your old school dont you master pimp? after all you have done to it, you must have some kinda inner hate of that school
Yep I hate it more than anything.
Now how many would I need to generate enough force to shatter a window? I am gonna tape it to the window like C4. Would 50 - 100 be enough?
Do what the chavs do at my school
1. Buy a firework.
2. Light it.
3. Throw it in a random direction.
4. During the distraction either 1. Hope the firework damages something
2. Act in the same way as 1. except smash things up while noone notices.
(Actually you really shouldn't do that you could really hurt someone so don't)
Or you could get the school's e-mail address, get mcafee site advisor find a site that gives you loads of spam, sign up using the school's e-mail address. lol
Posted after 1 minute 14 seconds:Master Pimp wrote:
Ok I will give that a try the more damage I can do the better. Sucks I don't have a camera to film it with. I will probably do it some time next week or whenever I have enough cash to go out and buy 500 sparklers.
Or you could just lob a brick, you might get done for arson...
Posted after 6 minutes 40 seconds:Master Pimp wrote:
Pyrorex wrote:
Master Pimp, unless you want to die, NEVER EVER USE TEH ANARCHY COOKBOOK!It will get you killed, as 50-60% of it is crap.
Ok anyone know where I can find a reliable recipe for thermite?
Perhaps I should just stick to two massive 250 sparkler bombs wrapped with a crap load of electric tape.
Thermite>open disk drive>close diskdrive>lol.
I have actually seen a thermite explosion in real life it was for some science thing, molten steel droplets ever lol.
Seen this on braniac on sky three in UK. Knew it'd be on youtube
Please don't blow up your school no one on dr wants you to go to jail
just smash some windows if you have too do anything, well you shouldn't do that either.