To start off, this wallpaper is of [Adult Swim]'s animated series; Metalocalypse, featuring the band; Dethklok, for those of you that don't know.
Alright, as a fan of Dethklok, I'd use their pictures as my wallpaper, but got sick of constantly changing them, manually I might add. So I figured I'd do somthing about it. I animated four Dethklok wallpapers, and put it in the form of an HTML, so you can set it to your desktop. This is the un-official Dethklok picture changing wallpaper. This is
un-official, and I didn't get [AS]'s permission, but I am going to go out on a limb, and hope they don't mind, because I am not receiving profit. The download is a .RAR file, so if you don't have winRAR, you may not be able to download it. I am accepting requests for animated wallpapers, as long as you supply me with the pictures. If hosted on any other site, please give me and [AS] credit. The pictures will change every ten minutes, and if you want to change your background, or edit something on the desktop, there is a black bar on the left hand side of the screen. Enjoy. ... lpaper.rarDon't forget, I am taking requests.