CRT monitor not displaying anything
Why isn't my exposed nuclear reactor working? It turns purple and ♥♥♥♥. And when I turn the monitor on it like boots up are CRT monitors supposed to boot up actually you know what this looks like a tablemac I think I am going to sell this to Cinos or the russians or something
but it assures me it has low radiation only about 5 x-rays per second worth it's all good
oh and here's the INSERMOTHERBOARDHERE in a compaq case which is a horrible idea because compaq cases suck and you can see what I had to rip apart to get to the stuff in the first picture in the background but i don't think it matters really
and here's a dog i don't know if it helps but maybe it can assist in you guys telling me why my monitor isn't displaying anything or maybe it doesn't work I REALLY DON'T KNOW
here it is again just to double-check if this is the cause