War, is it? Then get ready to have your post systematically torn apart and analyzed.
Purple wrote:
Or maybe you should stop being a douche and lighten up CherryT?
Was this REALLY necessary? Did you really have to insult me on a personal basis?
Where has it been said that a comic HAS to make you laugh?
Where does it say? WHERE does it say? What about your NEXT paragraph? You claim that it has a punchline. I'm just not seeing it.
Just because you can't seem to enjoy it, doesn't mean I don't have to,
I didn't say you weren't enjoying it. But you look at the majority of posts on this topic and you'll find they say something along the lines of "You suck and so does your comic." At least my post gives a way to make the comic better.
and it certainly doesn't mean Jack has to stop making them.
Point to me where I say this. POINT IT OUT. I assure you that you will find I have said nothing of the sort. Stop making incorrect assumptions about the meaning of my post and READ it. My post recommend something for future comics. How will he use my recommendation if I don't intend for him to continue creating Furfag?
His comics have substance, concrete punch lines, and are much more coherent than some "comics" out there today.
As I said, I don't understand them. This is covered in depth in the huge block of text below this. Read it.
I don't enjoy pain and causing it, you don't see me trolling like you're doing right now in this thread, and it seems to me that trolls enjoy causing pain.
I may have caused Jack some pain, but I still recommended a course of action for him to take if he wishes to get an audience. You, on the other hand, are just posting this to assault me. Well done, Mr. Troll.
Try giving a good reason for your comments.
Explain to me how having a dream about a video game where some guy makes some strange comment to you and then you wake up is funny. If the punchline is so coherent, as you claim, why is it so hard for me to find the humor behind this latest comic? Maybe a chuckle at the fact that Jack claims to be a philosopher, but waking up from a dream about Team Fortress 2 is really not that funny.
Funny is not all about random acts of violence.
Point to me where I said that random acts of violence is all humor should be? Once again, you are making childish assumptions based on your personal feelings. As I said, most of Jack's comic are based on inside jokes of which I have no understanding. I'm not saying that they aren't funny to some (apparently you), nor that he should stop making them. I am simply suggesting that you make the joke a little more apparent to people so that everyday people can understand the funny. Take, for example, the previous comic. I understood that one only because I am on IRC and I have gone through the situation that was pictured in that comic. I don't think anyone else who hasn't been on IRC gets it. And the part at the end still makes me go WTF, because I do not understand the obscure reference that Jack is making. But other than that, very few people would find that comic funny because the joke is not explained or not general enough for you to understand it. I could make a comic about inside jokes that my group of friends and I share and none of you would understand it. If I went up to my friends and yelled "WHERE IS IT?" everyone would start laughing at this one Asian kid who hangs out with us. If I made this into an online comic, the only reason someone would find it funny is because it is a sort of non sequitur (Wikipedia it), but even then, it's really not that funny. I find most of Jack's comics are non sequitars for me because I don't understand the humor and the action just seems random.
As Wikipedia states: "Humour is when an alternative or surprising answer is given, that still shows relevance and can explain a situation." Let's see:
Jack's latest comic:
Jack find his dream boyfriend in a TF2 game, but we then find that he was actually just dreaming about the event.
Surprising: Yes: the idea that someone would find their dream mate in a video game is pretty surprising.
Alternative: Sort of, but anything can happen in a dream about a video game.
Relevant: I don't know, what is the relevant to? Is it a HL2 parody, where Gordon meets Barney, who is wearing a combine suit? Is he making fun of the general furry community? Who or what is he citing?
Explains the situation: See above.
Jack: If people had any idea what event you are citing, they would probably find this much funnier.
Purple: This is why everyone detests this comic except for you apparently Purple. And you, sir, are flamebaiting. My post was constructive, though you may not see it as such, and so is my current post. I told him that he should make jokes understandable for everyone if he wants people to laugh and I am still supporting my argument. Your post is pretty close to being a flame because the entire topic of your post was to assault my comments and ideas and insult me and to frivolously claim that the entire point of my post was to be a jerk and insult Jack's artistic being. My words may not be civil, but they still contribute to the topic, offering advice on how to make this comic better. As other administrators have told me and others I occasionally get into arguments with "If you have to make a post that contributes nothing to the topic, take it into a PM." I suggest you do next time.