[BUG] CC B14 crash after altering a mod?
Just recently i finished my
Subtractive Soldiers mod, and had run into a few problems each time i tried to load CC in fullscreen after altering even ONE letter (or number) in any of the .ini files.
The change could be as simple and non-invasive as changing a 1 to a 0, and Cortex Command Build
14 would crash, DESPITE LOADING SUCCESSFULLY. How did i know it loaded fine? I heard the crunching sound you usually hear as CC is finishing loading.
The kicker? CC doesn't generate a screenshot of the loading screen before the crash!
So, here's the TEMPORARY solution if anyone is experiencing a mysterious crash between the time after CC loads successfully, and the menu appears, and getting no "error" screencap in their Cortex Command folder:
1. Open up the Base.rte folder
2. Open Settings.ini
3. Find the line "FullScreen = 1"
4. Change the 1 to a 0
CC will open in a window, and
should load successfully (or at least, give a crash screencap) and when it does finish loading, you can Alt+Enter back into fullscreen.
Oddly, this only happens once (go figure) and only after changing something in the .rte folder(s) ... But it does happen every time you do alter something in the .rte folder(s)
[Edit- Never mind, it seems to be happening each time i open CC in fullscreen now. I'll try and run in fullscreen without any mod folders 'active' (.rte in their name will be removed)]