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 Make CC Faster? 
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Post Make CC Faster?
How would I make CC go faster/smoother? On my computer, it starts out okay, but then really gets laggy. On my dad's laptop everything goes extremely smooth and fast, which makes games tons of fun. Would I get more RAM? Better graphics card? Ect.

Thu May 24, 2007 11:45 pm
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CC eats your CPU to shreds, especially on slower computers. I have a 2.5 ghz, and don't really notice lag, even on Death on the really big Datarealms map. (8-10 screens wide?)

It's probably not practical to just buy a new CPU, but that's all I can think of.

Fri May 25, 2007 12:07 am
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More RAM or a better GPU won't help you much, if at all. The main bottleneck would be your CPU. Although, if you have rather slow RAM, I suppose that could be an issue.

As it is now, CC doesn't take advantage of many system resources like GPUs for extra physics processing, or multiple cores. While possibly implementable in the future, your main concern is with your processor.

I have a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 that runs the smaller levels pretty well. My dual-core Athlon 64 3800+ (which is also 2.4 GHz but runs more efficiently) runs great with pretty much anything, and that's with just one core being used.

What are your current specs? You can get a good overview by typing "dxdiag" in the Run menu.

Fri May 25, 2007 12:08 am
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Buy a PhysX card?!!?

Fri May 25, 2007 2:00 am
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PhysX card wouldn't help. PhysX really only helps if the game actually uses it. Plus, if you have the money to buy a PhysX card, you might as well just buy a better graphics card instead.

Fri May 25, 2007 3:32 am
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Haha PhysX card :cclol:

Fri May 25, 2007 3:33 am
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Haha money. :cclol:

Fri May 25, 2007 4:15 am
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I either cant wait for my 1.8ghz cpu to be clocked up or Data making it instead of using cpu to render the code to use the gpu on the video card, because it doesn't use video memory

Fri May 25, 2007 11:00 am
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Lord Tim wrote:
PhysX card wouldn't help. PhysX really only helps if the game actually uses it. Plus, if you have the money to buy a PhysX card, you might as well just buy a better graphics card instead.

-1 INT for Tim for not knowing what sarcasm and humor are.

Fri May 25, 2007 9:14 pm
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Wuut? I have a 1.8ghz and I can run nearly anything without any lag at all. Maps are no problem at all. Weapons aren't either. Unless of course they're weapons/ships that make A THOUSAND AND NINE COPIES OF THEMSELVES or just create a shitload of particles(Like covering entire screen much). CC doesn't need to have too good of a cpu for you to run it at a nice speed.

Fri May 25, 2007 9:56 pm
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ProjektTHOR wrote:
Lord Tim wrote:
PhysX card wouldn't help. PhysX really only helps if the game actually uses it. Plus, if you have the money to buy a PhysX card, you might as well just buy a better graphics card instead.

-1 INT for Tim for not knowing what sarcasm and humor are.

Unfriendly x 1

PS: try to upgrade the CPU, though it's a real pain in the... the... you know.

Also, if it starts okay and gets laggy, check the cooling system of your computer.

Fri May 25, 2007 9:56 pm
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Kurrus wrote:
Unfriendly x 1

Way to fail at math, if yo multiply something by one, it doesn't change, therefore my unfriendliness (and further characterized as lack of tolerance for dumbassery) does not change.

Sat May 26, 2007 4:27 am
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ProjektTHOR wrote:
Kurrus wrote:
Unfriendly x 1

Way to fail at math, if yo multiply something by one, it doesn't change, therefore my unfriendliness (and further characterized as lack of tolerance for dumbassery) does not change.

Good Idea x 2

Sat May 26, 2007 4:51 am
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mine lags a lot and i have 2.4 ( 4.8 ) dual core and 1 gig of ram

Sat May 26, 2007 5:03 am
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To be honest, it shouldn't lag that much. My crappy $480 laptop can run the game fine under Vista as long as no super weapons are used. Basically, any average-to-good computer will run this normally at around 40fps (just from visuals; I haven't done any debugging), and computers with faster CPU's should run it with almost no lag whatsoever. But it really depends on the mods- If it's a map wipe extreme actor killer being used next to a Kelas, then Deep Blue might stutter a little bit. But if it's normal gameplay, it doesn't matter that much.

Sat May 26, 2007 5:18 am
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