How to TRAVEL through terrain with no/little damage!!!!!
Ok, i found this very strange thing after trying to crush my own robot into a wall that was really close. You will need to have downloaded Apocolypse towers to do this.
1. Go on any map, pick an actore (preferably robot) and give him/her/it a kamikaze.
2. Get him/her/it right up to a wall and walk into it or just look down at the ground.
3. Poin the kazikazee at the surface you have chosen which should be right if by your actor.
4. Fire but don't try to walk left or right, you should now penetrate the terrain and become invisible except for the overhead stats.
5. Now you can aim where you want to go and fire. If you stop moving then let go of fire n just press it again.
I shall make a video for the idiots and people that done believe. Tell me what you think of this.
EDIT: A quick 2 minute video, just to prove it ... CCMole.flv