numgun wrote:
No_0ne wrote:
numgun wrote:
Oh whatever, this guide will sure help the other who are lost in the gun offsets.
Great work! : )
The offsets still apply to actors.
The only difference is that Joint Offsets define at what point the sprite rotates on.
Yeah I know that but what im asking here is this:
Since actor offsets are complicate, how should we start doing them?
I mean look what we have to deal with, its not a f***ing simple task:
-AtomGroups (How the hell do these work?)
-Seperate offsets for all limbs (Joint offset, Maxlenght, Spriteoffset)
-Location of all limbs (Also WTF is holster offset)
-LimbPaths (Lolwut? how to work with these?)Tell us where should we start from and how to continue and what do those thing do. You say that actor offsets are easy when you undestand them, well goddamit not everyone can understand them due to all the wierd coordinates stuff in CC.
And on top of that, im using the exact opposite of your coordinates system.
I always see the sprite offset begins in the top left corner.
And finally: where are those robots you never managed to release?
AtomGroups- Uses for feet and hands, set invisible pixels to be attached which is basically used for traction. Quite complicated, don't mess with this unless you're making irregular feet. If you look at an Atomgroup code, you'll notice a whole bunch of coordinates, these are defining what pixel goes where from the JointOffset point.
Joint offset- On what point the sprite rotates.
Maxlength- How far the limb can reach from the JointOffset.
Spriteoffset- This was explained in the tutorial.
Location of all limbs- Defined in the AHuman code, the joint of each limb goes where.
holster offset- I have no clue, but I think it has something to do with where the arm reaches when switching weapons.
LimbPaths- A limb uses this path to "do" something, for example walking. It uses a series of directions.
AddSegment = Vector
X = 0
Y = 2
This tells it the foot or whatever it's telling to move down a bit.
I didn't know you specifically wanted to know how those piece of code worked.