Defining AHuman Collision Size
Yo. So, been slowly chugging away at a prototype mech, making tweaks and reading up on wiki resources (even the obscure ones likes variables defined), and I've finally got a mech with all its limbs and such lined up and statistically programmed. Looks better than I would have anticipated, give or take no shading yet on the sprites.
BUT: The collision itself is highly unreliable, if even properly setup. Due to some weird programming I've messed with, the bot's "torso" is its fusion core in the back (big warning sign and hazard stripes), which seems to be the only thing defining its height. Not the legs, nor the feet, nor the arms.
What kinds of properties influence collision height/width, and are LimbPaths and such related? Seems no matter how much I look for any resources on limb paths, there aren't any on the wiki. "Paths" itself links to a page about offsets, which is fairly unrelated in my book.
Here's a size reference of the AHuman in question.
Thanks for your time. ~WCCC