I have returned once more! New Error Edition! Error line 45
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:36 pm Posts: 25
I have returned once more! New Error Edition! Error line 45
The Error:
First off, DA' CODE! (note, line 45 is AddAmmo = Round)
AddEffect = MOPixel PresetName = Bullet Aovurn Rifle Tracer Mass = 0.068 AirResistance = 0.02 AirThreshold = 65 LifeTime = 800 Sharpness = 48 HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 0 Color = Color R = 250 G = 246 B = 145 Atom = Atom Material = Material CopyOf = Bullet Metal TrailColor = Color R = 250 G = 246 B = 145 TrailLength = 28
AddEffect = MOPixel PresetName = Bullet Aovurn Rifle Mass = 0.063 AirResistance = 0.03 AirThreshold = 50 LifeTime = 750 Sharpness = 42 HitsMOs = 1 GetsHitByMOs = 0 Color = Color R = 210 G = 198 B = 178 Atom = Atom Material = Material CopyOf = Bullet Metal TrailColor = Color R = 210 G = 198 B = 178 TrailLength = 30
AddAmmo = Round // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a round. InstanceName = Round Aovurn // The name used to refer to the instance later. ParticleCount = 3 // The number of particles created when this round is used. This is what makes a shotgun a shotgun. Particle = MOPixel // Defines the particle that will make up the round. Does not need to be a MOPixel. CopyOf = Bullet Aovurn Rifle // Copying a previously defined and named object.* Shell = MOSParticle // Defines the Shell that will eject as the round fires. Does not need to be a MOSParticle. CopyOf = Casing // Copying a previously defined and named object. FireVelocity = 90 // This is the velocity at which the round particle will be fired. ShellVelocity = 16 // This is the velocity at which the shell will be ejected. Separation = 5 // This is the variance of the X position from the MuzzleOffset of the HDFirearm.
AddAmmo = Round // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a round. InstanceName = Tracer Aovurn // The name used to refer to the instance later. ParticleCount = 3 // The number of particles created when this round is used. This is what makes a shotgun a shotgun. Particle = MOPixel // Defines the particle that will make up the round. Does not need to be a MOPixel. CopyOf = Bullet Aovurn Rifle Tracer // Copying a previously defined and named object.* Shell = MOSParticle // Defines the Shell that will eject as the round fires. Does not need to be a MOSParticle. CopyOf = Casing // Copying a previously defined and named object. FireVelocity = 90 // This is the velocity at which the round particle will be fired. ShellVelocity = 16 // This is the velocity at which the shell will be ejected. Separation = 5 // This is the variance of the X position from the MuzzleOffset of the HDFirearm.
AddAmmo = Magazine // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a Magazine. InstanceName = Magazine Aovurn // The name used to refer to the instance later. Mass = 1 // The mass in kg for example; 0.01 would be 10g, 0.1 would be 100g and 1 would be 1kg. HitsMOs = 0 // Boolean value that determines if this particle can hit by other particles. GetsHitByMOs = 0 // Boolean value that determines if this particle can hit by other particles. SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = NeoTech.rte/Devices/'Aovurn' Semi-Automatic Rifle/Content/MagAovurn.bmp // Tells The Magazine to use the sprite specified. FrameCount = 1 // How many frames to use. SpriteOffset = Vector X = -1 Y = -2 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal // The emitter to use for where the bullet enters the weapon. ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal // The emitter to use for where the bullet exits the weapon. AtomGroup = AtomGroup // AutoGenerate = 1 // Material = Material // Defines the material that the round will be made up of. CopyOf = Military Stuff // Reference to the material you want the round to be made of. Resolution = 4 // Depth = 0 // DeepGroup = AtomGroup // AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 10 DeepCheck = 1 // JointStrength = 200 // How much force is required to be slung out of your grip. JointStiffness = 1 // How much force is required to move the joint. JointOffset = Vector X = 0 Y = -3 DrawAfterParent = 0 // Boolean value that determines if it is drawn in front of the parent a.k.a weapon(1) or not (0). RoundCount = 45 // How many rounds are in the magazine. RTTRatio = 3 // RoundToTracerRatio, how many rounds:tracers. RegularRound = Round CopyOf = Round Aovurn // Defines which round instance to use as the regular round. TracerRound = Round CopyOf = Tracer Aovurn // Defines which round instance to use as the tracer round.
AddDevice = HDFirearm // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a HDFirearm. InstanceName = Aovurn Semi-Automatic Rifle // The name used to refer to the instance later. AddToGroup = Weapons // The group it will be under when you start a skirmish with no pre-placed brain. Not required* AddToGroup = NeoTech // The group it will be under when you start a skirmish with no pre-placed brain. Not required* Mass = 2.5 // The mass in kg for example; 0.01 would be 10g, 0.1 would be 100g and 1 would be 1kg. HitsMOs = 0 // Boolean value that determines if this particle can be hit other particles. GetsHitByMOs = 1 // Boolean value that determines if this particle can be hit by other particles. SpriteFile = ContentFile FilePath = NeoTech.rte/Devices/'Aovurn' Semi-Automatic Rifle/Content/AovurnRifle.bmp // Tells The HDFirearm to use the sprite specified. FrameCount = 2 // How many frames to use, 1 or 2 for the time being, one before shooting, one during shooting. SpriteOffset = Vector X = -20 Y = -6 EntryWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal // The emitter to use for where the bullet enters the HDF ExitWound = AEmitter CopyOf = Dent Metal // The emitter to use for where the bullet exits the HDF. GoldValue = 105 // How much the HDF costs. AtomGroup = AtomGroup // Defines the next text as parts of a AtomGroup AutoGenerate = 1 // Defines whether or not to generate the an AtomGroup based on the sprite (1) or not (0).* Material = Material // Defines the material that the round will be made up of. CopyOf = Military Stuff // Reference to the material you want the round to be made of. Resolution = 4 // Unknown. Depth = 0 DeepGroup = AtomGroup // Defines the next text as parts of a DeepGroup AutoGenerate = 1 Material = Material CopyOf = Military Stuff Resolution = 4 Depth = 10 DeepCheck = 1 JointStrength = 75 // How much force is required to be slung out of your grip. JointStiffness = 0.5 // How much force is required to move the joint JointOffset = Vector X = -5 Y = 2 DrawAfterParent = 0 // Boolean value that determines if it is drawn in front of the parent a.k.a hand (1) or not (0). OneHanded = 0 // Boolean value that determines if it is held with one hand (1) or two (0). StanceOffset = Vector X = 12 Y = 0 SharpStanceOffset = Vector X = 13 Y = -2 SupportOffset = Vector X = 10 Y = 2 SharpLength = 145 // Determines How far you can aim. Magazine = Magazine CopyOf = Magazine Aovurn // Defines which magazine instance to use. ParentOffset = Vector X = -14 Y =0 Flash = Attachable CopyOf = Muzzle Flash Pistol // Defines which muzzle flash instance to use. FireSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/Pistols/PistolBang.wav // Tells The HDFirearm what sound to use when shooting. EmptySound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/EmptyClick3.wav // ...when pulling the trigger but out of rounds. ReloadStartSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadStart.wav // ...when removing used magazine. ReloadEndSound = Sound AddSample = ContentFile FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadEnd.wav // ...when installing new magazine. RateOfFire = 330 // Measured in rounds per minute (RPM or round/min). ReloadTime = 1600 // Amount of time it takes to reload in milliseconds. FullAuto = 0 // Boolean value that determines if it is fully automatic (1) or not (0). FireIgnoresThis = 1 // If the shot effects the HDF or the HDF's firer. ShakeRange = 15 // Range of shake (inaccuracy) due to movement. SharpShakeRange = 2 // Range of shake (inaccuracy) whilst aiming down the sights/barrel of HDF. NoSupportFactor = 1.4 // Multiplier that effects ShakeRanges if the HDF is not supported with the other hand. ParticleSpreadRange = 2.2 // Range (degrees) of bullet spread. ShellSpreadRange = 8 // Range (degrees) of shell spread. ShellAngVelRange = 3 // Range of angular velocity (how fast they rotate) on the shells. MuzzleOffset = Vector X = 19 Y = -1 EjectionOffset = Vector X = 15 Y = -2 AddGib = Gib GibParticle = MOPixel CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1 Count = 3 Spread = 2.25 MaxVelocity = 20 MinVelocity = 8 GibWoundLimit = 3 // Amount of wounds required for the HDF to gib.
As seen here, I have been trying to build a 100% legit mod, without scraping for code snippets from other factions. So far, so good. Have my sprites, have my code, but I always get the same error that doesn't...really strike me as such.
--------------------------- RTE Aborted! (x_x) --------------------------- Could not understand Preset type! Error happened in NeoTech.rte/Devices/'Aovurn' Semi-Automatic Rifle/Aovurn.ini at line 45!
The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'
You can copy this message with Ctrl+C --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
Help would be very much appreaciated.
Sun Sep 13, 2015 2:39 pm
Joined: Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:42 am Posts: 143
Re: I have returned once more! New Error Edition! Error line 45
Hmm, have you tried changing the InstanceName to PresetName? I'm not sure that those 2 are interchangable in every circumstance and most code just uses PresetNames.
Also, AddToGroup is required! At least if you want the AI to use your weapons properly. Take a look at http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?p=499964#p499964 for more info. At the very least I'd add any weapons to the "Weapons" group (like you already have) and the Primary or Secondary groups.
Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:35 pm
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:36 pm Posts: 25
Re: I have returned once more! New Error Edition! Error line 45
clunatic wrote:
Hmm, have you tried changing the InstanceName to PresetName? I'm not sure that those 2 are interchangable in every circumstance and most code just uses PresetNames.
Also, AddToGroup is required! At least if you want the AI to use your weapons properly. Take a look at http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?p=499964#p499964 for more info. At the very least I'd add any weapons to the "Weapons" group (like you already have) and the Primary or Secondary groups.
Line 45 is where I get the error message: "AddAmmo = Round // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a round."
Mon Sep 14, 2015 3:16 pm
Joined: Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:42 am Posts: 143
Re: I have returned once more! New Error Edition! Error line 45
Yeah, you said so...But error messages in CC aren't very precise, often the error isn't on the line CC complains about, but near it, which seems to be the case here since there's nothing wrong with line 45..The only problems that stick out to me are the InstanceNames, which again, aren't used very much in base code, so I'm not sure if you can use them here. If that isn't the problem, it might be with the tabbing. If that's not the problem, you could try cutting your code into different pieces, put the particles, round, mag and weapon in seperate files, that might give you a different error message that is more useful.
Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:17 pm
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:36 pm Posts: 25
Re: I have returned once more! New Error Edition! Error line 45
clunatic wrote:
Yeah, you said so...But error messages in CC aren't very precise, often the error isn't on the line CC complains about, but near it, which seems to be the case here since there's nothing wrong with line 45..The only problems that stick out to me are the InstanceNames, which again, aren't used very much in base code, so I'm not sure if you can use them here. If that isn't the problem, it might be with the tabbing. If that's not the problem, you could try cutting your code into different pieces, put the particles, round, mag and weapon in seperate files, that might give you a different error message that is more useful.
Trying Advice 1, 'inaccurate error' help. Failure, Game still crashes. Trying Advice 2, 'seperate' help. Failure, Same Error
Error: --------------------------- RTE Aborted! (x_x) --------------------------- Could not understand Preset type! Error happened in NeoTech.rte/Devices/'Aovurn' Semi-Automatic Rifle/Aovurn.ini at line 47!
The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'
You can copy this message with Ctrl+C --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
I think that "Could not understand Preset type!" is the thing I need help with. line 45 (47 when I changed the code) is AddAmmo = Round
Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:15 pm
Joined: Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:42 am Posts: 143
Re: I have returned once more! New Error Edition! Error line 45
Heh, turns out, CC doesn't like it when you leave a space at the end of definitions...So this line:
AddAmmo = Round // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a round.
doesn't work, but this one:
AddAmmo = Round// The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a round.
You'll probably have the same problem with more of the comments, I'm not sure, didn't test it beyond this.
Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:00 pm
Joined: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:36 pm Posts: 25
Re: I have returned once more! New Error Edition! Error line 45
clunatic wrote:
Heh, turns out, CC doesn't like it when you leave a space at the end of definitions...So this line:
AddAmmo = Round // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a round.
doesn't work, but this one:
AddAmmo = Round// The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a round.
You'll probably have the same problem with more of the comments, I'm not sure, didn't test it beyond this.
Wow. Even as a programmer, I am astounashed. Thanks btw. Gonna try it out.
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