I need some ideas/concepts/feedback/<insert_something_here>
Hi everyone!
I just signed up yesterday, so I don't know the forums very well yet (and sorry for my english, I am french).
I basically can mod, I don't know lua well yet but it will come with some practice. I'm about to start a mod, maybe a big faction of doom, maybe just 2 or three weaps, but I have too many not-so-good ideas, instead of a good one. I need you to help me choosing a "theme".
Here's what I came up with while thinking about it:
- a "Dieselpunk" themed faction, with a greenish/military primary color and heavy powerfull ballistic weaponry;
- a futuristic faction of specialists, all in black with green glows and an accurate weaponry (but expensive, eh).
I also made some kind of "graphical" research (30 minutes tbh) and here are some weapon sprites following my ideas:
PS: The one on the right is a try
Any concept art/idea/feedback/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thx