Re: Can someone teach me how to make a mod ?
Depending on what mod you want to do then theres different ways to do them.
If you want to do a weapon mod for example theres some things thats needed.
Your gonna need a new map and name it to something like "Mymod.rte" then your gonna need an Index.ini, this tells cortex what to load.
Then a file for the weapon code.
A bullet
of some kind (MOPixel or AEMitter, havent worked with shooting anything else)
A Round:
saying what to shoot and how hard to fire it. On this you can also add some kind of shell so that it looks like when you shoot you eject a shell of the bullet.
A Magazine:
all guns need a magazine. Here you define your round and what material you want the magazine to be, if its hittable or not. And where its located om the gun.
And finally the gun
Here you define what name the gun has, what it costs and what magazine it equips, material and looks, the muzzleoffset(Where the bullets will come out) and other nifty stuff like what it will "Gib" (What items to drop when it breaks) but gibbing is purely optional.
A good explanation of this was made by Major and Mehman
Heres link to their explanation: can explain further information about this when I get home, if you still not understand (Currently writing this on my android)