I should mention that stunned enemies skip a turn (next turn they will not move) and they are not counted as movement penalties like normal.
Turn Ordercaekdaemon, Cavecricket48, CrazyMLC, Amazigh, Miggles, maart3n
Eventscaekdaemon/Vivan Lopez feels a chill go down her spine, as if something sinister just entered the house. Acting on her instincts, she moves left into the Coal Chute, falling down it in surprise to land at the Basement Landing (A2, Basement D2). Well, at least you know it's there now.
CaveCricket48/Zoe Ingstrom follows Vivian down the Coal Chute and ends up in the Basement Landing (A2, Basement D2).
CrazyMLC/Peter Akimoto moves right through the door into the Game Room, where an event happens.
Night View: You see a vision of a ghostly couple walking the grounds, silently strolling in their wedding best. You must attempt a knowledge roll.
6d3-6: 2,2,1,1,2,1 (-6); 3
You pull back in horror, unable to watch.
Amazigh/Fr. Rhinehardt passes through the secret passage again into the Library and then through the Upper Landing into the Bloody Room (Top D2, C2, C1). The blood painting the walls and floor horrifies him, but he spies an item on the ground and picks it up.
Bottle An opaque vial containing a black liquid. Once during your turn after the haunt is revealed, you can roll 3 dice and drink from the bottle. Discard this item after you use it.
Miggles/Darrin "Flash" Williams passes Fr. Rhinehardt on his way through the secret passage and emerges in the Chapel, running through the Creaky Hallway and into the Organ Room, where he hops on the mystic slide, attempting to steer it to the Servants' Quarters.
Might roll, 3d3-3: 3,2,2 (-3); 4
Flash loses control of the slide and he falls into the Larder (Basement D4), landing harder than he anticipated on top of a cabinet, and takes 1 die of physical damage.
1d3-1: 2 (-1); 1
He finds an item in the wreckage of the cabinet though.
Dynamite: The fuse isn't lit... yet.
maart3n/Heather Granville moves left into the Furnace Room (C3), where she finds another omen. The furnace has apparently not been cleaned in years, and Heather chokes on the large volume of coal dust filling the air, taking 1 point of physical damage. (Maart the spear is an omen so I just didn't have you use the crystal ball for it. You can only work with events and items.)
Spear: A weapon pulsing with power.
Vivian's Doppelganger moves quickly (4 speed roll, 4d3-4: 1,3,3,1 (-4); 4), and sprints after her, travelling through the Foyer, Gardens, Abandoned Room, and down the Coal Chute to land in the Basement Landing (D2, C2, B2, A2, Basement D2) and attacks her.
Attack, 2d3-3: 1,1 (-2); 0
Defend, 2d3-3: 3,2 (-2); 3
Vivian fends off the attack and stuns her evil twin but feels her strength sapped away by the magical energies that spawned it and takes 1 point of damage in each of her traits.
Zoe's Doppelganger literally rockets (4 speed roll, 4d3-4: 3,2,3,3 (-4); 7) and follows Vivian's doppelganger down the coal chute and attacks Zoe.
Attack, 3d3-3: 1,3,3 (-3); 4
Defend, 3d3-3: 3,2,3 (-3); 5
Zoe also fends off and stuns her attacker, stunning it in the process, but the evil twin's touch leaves her feeling drained, taking 1 point from each of her traits.
Peter's Doppelganger trips over its own feet after a few steps (4 speed roll, 4d3-4: 2,1,1,2 (-4); 2), getting through the Foyer and into the Dining Room (D2, E2) before tripping.
Fr. Rhinehardt's Doppelganger walks quickly in pursuit of its quarry (3 speed roll, 3d3-3: 2,3,2 (-3); 4), proceeding through the Foyer and up the Grand Staircase to the Uppper Landing and ending in the Bloody Room, where it savagely beats Fr. Rhinehardt.
Attack, 2d3-2: 2,2 (-2); 2
Defend, 2d3-2: 3,2 (-2); 3
Fr. Rhinehardt manages to fend off and stun the evil twin but at the cost of touching it, feeling the monster sap his strength and wit, taking 1 point in each trait.
Flash's Doppelganger, using its superhuman speed (6d3-6: 3,3,3,3,2,1 (-6); 9), races past everyone, flashing through the Foyer, Gardens, Abandoned Room, and down the Coal Chute to land in the Basement Landing, continuing through the Servants' Quarters to the Larder (D2, C2, B2, A2, Basement D2, D3, D4), where it pounces on Flash.
Attack, 3d3-3: 3,3,1 (-3); 4
Defend, 3d3-3: 1,2,3 (-3); 3
Flash is pummeled mercilessly by his evil twin, receiving both bruises and the magical energy sapping his fellow heroes are experiencing, taking 1 point of physical damage in addition to 1 in each of his traits.
Heather's Doppelganger runs in pursuit of Heather (3d3-3: 2,3,3 (-3); 5), following its fellows through the Foyer, Gardens, Abandoned Room, and down the Coal Chute and into the Servants' Quarters (D2, C2, B2, A2, Basement D2, D3), but can't run any further.
Important BitsChapel: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 sanity.
Coal Chute: Direct one-way ticket to the basement. Traveling to the basement using this method does not count as a movement, nor does it stop you from moving.
Furnace Room: If you end your turn here, take 1 point of physical damage.
Graveyard: When attempting to leave this room you must attempt a sanity roll of 4+. If you fail, lose 1 knowledge but continue moving.
Library: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 knowledge.
Mystic Elevator: Once per turn, roll 2 die and move this room next to any open door on: 4, any floor; 3, Upper; 2, Ground; 1, Basement; 0, Basement then take 1 die of physical damage
House StateTop FloorGround FloorBasementCurrent Player Information
Haunt has been revealed! See the post for rules.- Blue Doppelganger (stunned)
Speed: 4; Might: 2; Sanity: 6; Knowledge: 5; - Yellow Doppelganger (stunned)
Speed: 4; Might: 3; Sanity: 5; Knowledge: 3; - Green Doppelganger
Speed: 4; Might: 3; Sanity: 4; Knowledge: 6; - Gray Doppelganger (stunned)
Speed: 3; Might: 2; Sanity: 7; Knowledge: 5; - Red Doppelganger
Speed: 6; Might: 3; Sanity: 4; Knowledge: 3; - Purple Doppelganger
Speed: 3; Might: 3; Sanity: 3; Knowledge: 5;
- caekdaemon : Vivan Lopez
Speed 3_4_4_(4)_4_6_7_8
Might 2_2_(2)_4_4_5_6_6
Sanity 4_4_(4)_5_6_7_8_8
Knowledge 4_5_5_(5)_5_6_6_7
- Holy Symbol (+2 sanity, -2 sanity on loss)
- CaveCricket48 : Zoe Ingstrom
Speed 4_4_4_(4)_5_6_8_8
Might 2_2_3_(3)_4_4_6_7
Sanity 3_4_(5)_5_6_6_7_8
Knowledge 1_2_(3)_4_4_5_5_5
- CrazyMLC : Peter Akimoto
Speed 3_3_3_(4)_6_6_7_7
Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_6_8
Sanity 3_4_4_(4)_5_6_6_7
Knowledge 3_4_(4)_5_6_7_7_8
- Book (+2 knowledge, -2 knowledge on loss)
- Medallion (Immunity to Pentagram Chamber, Crypt, and Graveyard)
- Amazigh : Fr. Rhinehardt
Speed 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_7_7
Might 1_2_(2)_4_4_5_5_7
Sanity 3_4_5_5_(6)_7_7_8
Knowledge 1_3_3_(4)_5_6_6_8
- Bottle (see post for effects)
- Miggles : Darrin "Flash" Williams
Speed 4_4_4_5_(6)_7_7_8
Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_7
Sanity 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
- Dynamite (see post for effects)
- 2 points physical damage to allocate
- maart3n : Heather Granville
Speed 3_3_(4)_5_6_6_7_8
Might 3_3_(3)_4_5_6_7_8
Sanity 3_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_6
Knowledge 2_3_3_4_(5)_6_7_8
- Crystal Ball (Crystal Ball ability, see this post)
- Spear (+2 might attack dice, max 8 )