Turn Ordercaekdaemon, Cavecricket48, CrazyMLC, Amazigh, Miggles, maart3n
Eventscaekdaemon/Vivan Lopez hears something and moves through the Entrance Hall, Foyer, and into the Gardens (D3, D2, C2) to find Cave/Zoe webbed and unable to move. She attempts to free Zoe using her might.
2d3-2: 1,1 (-2); 0
Vivian struggles uselessly with the web and tires herself out. Zoe remains webbed.
(Web attempts = 1)
CaveCricket48/Zoe Ingstrom attempts to free herself from the webs using her might.
3d3-3: 3,3,1 (-3); 4
Zoe breaks free of the webs!
CrazyMLC/Peter Akimoto moves through the Foyer and into the Dining Room (D2, E2) and finds an omen (Spooky :o).
Book: A diary or lab notes? Ancient script or modern ravings? Gain 2 knowledge now. Lose 2 knowledge if you lose the book.
Haunt roll: 6d3-6: 3,3,1,2,2,3 (-6); 8 (1 omen in play) No haunt this omen
Amazigh/Fr. Rhinehardt Moves into the Library (Top D3) and an event happens.
Secret Passage: Put a secret passage token in the room. Roll 3 dice and place the second secret passage token where the dice determine.
3d3-3: 2,1,3 (-3); 3 Any existing ground room floor (Let me know where you want it Amazigh, I'll update the map).
Ending his turn in the Library, Fr. Rhinehardt gains a knowledge!
Miggles/Darrin "Flash" Williams leaves the Graveyard (rolling sanity to avoid the mental trauma).
2d3-2; 2, 1 (-2); 1
Flash loses 1 knowledge to the Graveyard's effect.
He continues through the Entrance Hall, Creaky Hallway, and ends up in the Chapel (D3, C3, C4), where an event happens.
Creepy Puppet: You see one of those dolls that gives you the willies. It jumps at you with a tiny spear! The player on your right rolls a might 4 attack against you for the Creepy Puppet. You defend against this attack as normal. If you take any damage from this attack, the explorer with the Spear gains 2 might (unless you have the spear).
Attack (might) 4d3-4: 1,1,2,2 (-4); 2
Defend (might) 3d3-3: 1,2,3 (-3); 3
The puppet strikes at Flash but Flash throws him aside, where he disappears in a puff of dust. Did that just happen?
Flash ends his turn in the Chapel and gains 1 sanity.
maart3n/Heather Granville moves out of the Graveyard (attempting to resist the mental trauma)
3d3-3: 2,2,3 (-3); 4
Heather steels herself and suffers no ill effects from the Graveyard.
She continues through the Entrance Hall and Creaky Hallway to arrive in the Organ Room (D3, C3, B3), where an event happens.
Mystic Slide: The floor falls from under you! Place the slide token in this room, then attempt a might roll to use the slide.
3d3-3: 1,1,2 (-3); 1
Draw tiles from the room stack until you draw a basement room. Place the room. If there are no more basement tiles, choose a basement tile in play) You fall to this room and take 1 die of physical damage. On later turns any explorer can attempt this roll to use the slide (5+ allows you to guide where the slide goes without physical damage).
Heather falls to the Mystic Elevator!
1d3-1: 2 (-1); 1 physical damage
Allocate this damage how you like maart3n, you can take it from either might or speed.
Important BitsChapel: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 sanity.
Graveyard: When attempting to leave this room you must attempt a sanity roll of 4+. If you fail, lose 1 knowledge but continue moving.
Library: Once per game, if you end your turn here, gain 1 knowledge.
Mystic Elevator: Once per turn, roll 2 die and move this room next to any open door on: 4, any floor; 3, Upper; 2, Ground; 1, Basement; 0, Basement then take 1 die of physical damage
House StateTop FloorGround FloorBasementCurrent Player Information
- caekdaemon : Vivan Lopez
Speed 3_4_4_(4)_4_6_7_8
Might 2_2_(2)_4_4_5_6_6
Sanity 4_4_(4)_5_6_7_8_8
Knowledge 4_5_5_(5)_5_6_6_7
- CaveCricket48 : Zoe Ingstrom
Speed 4_4_4_(4)_5_6_8_8
Might 2_2_3_(3)_4_4_6_7
Sanity 3_4_(5)_5_6_6_7_8
Knowledge 1_2_(3)_4_4_5_5_5
- CrazyMLC : Peter Akimoto
Speed 3_3_3_(4)_6_6_7_7
Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_6_8
Sanity 3_4_4_(4)_5_6_6_7
Knowledge 3_4_(4)_5_6_7_7_8
- Book (+2 knowledge, -2 knowledge on loss)
- Amazigh : Fr. Rhinehardt
Speed 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_7_7
Might 1_2_(2)_4_4_5_5_7
Sanity 3_4_5_5_(6)_7_7_8
Knowledge 1_3_3_(4)_5_6_6_8
- Secret passage (need to choose a room on ground floor to passage to)
- Miggles : Darrin "Flash" Williams
Speed 4_4_4_5_(6)_7_7_8
Might 2_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_7
Sanity 1_2_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
Knowledge 2_3_(3)_4_5_5_5_7
- maart3n : Heather Granville
Speed 3_3_(4)_5_6_6_7_8
Might 3_3_(3)_4_5_6_7_8
Sanity 3_3_(3)_4_5_6_6_6
Knowledge 2_3_3_4_(5)_6_7_8