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 Roll To Die - ENDED 
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Ponder

Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:01 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Deactivate stealth and shoot both of my rockets.

Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Swap out to my plasma caster while closing the distance to #3.

Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:37 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
4 2 7 2
1 [Hammer Droid]
1 [Plasma Droid]

Roast Veg
Clone #25969 [4] > Ponder
You ponder many a thing, why is the sky blue? why are all these robots out to kill you? what are dogs really after? and finally after much thought come to the conclusion that your Rocket Launcher is finished reloading.
-Strong Electrokinesis
-Rocket Launcher [2/2] [||||||||]
-Machinegun [30/50]
-Heavy Body Armour
--Deformed Right Side [-1 to all movement]
-Damaged Stomach

Clone #25970 [2] >Swap out to my plasma caster while closing the distance to #3.
While switching weapons you continue on towards #25993.
-Plasma Caster [40%] [--------]
-Auto Grenade Launcher [Looted] [0/4] [||------] [RELOAD SLOWED]
-Medium Body Armour
-Heavy Static Field Projector [100%]
-Advanced Targeting System
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]
-Punctured Left Leg [slowed movement]

Clone #25982 [7-1+2=8] >Deactivate stealth and shoot both of my rockets.
Taking advantage of the Droids distraction you lower your stealth and fire a pair of Rockets into a gap in its armour, they detonate deep inside it and the droid is violently tossed to the side as it spews out a huge gout of roaring flame for several seconds before what is left of it explodes again the shockwave from which makes you stumble slightly.
-Rocket Launcher [0/2] [--------]
-Shotgun [4/6]
-Stealth Generator [60%]
-Fire Breath [2/2]
-Minimal Plating
-Psychic Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Damaged Left Shoulder [-1 to some actions involving Left Arm]
-Bullet wound
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25993 [2-2=1] Keep trying to staunch the bleeding while pretending to be dead.
You keep up the pressure as best you can, but a sudden shaking of the floor from an almighty explosion makes you slip a little.
-Minigun [200/400]
-Powered Armour
--Chest Plating Missing
--Frame Heavily Damaged
---Actuators crippled [movement severely impaired]
--Power Cell Critical [significant movement speed penalties]
--Helmet Removed
-Medium Force Barrier [40%]
-Scarred Face
-Severe Bullet Wounds, Chest [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Severe Bloodloss [-1 to all Rolls] [2 Turns] [PAUSED]

Game Events:
The Hammer Droid is obliterated by #25982s rockets, just as the northern Plasma Drones weapons start charging up once again.


Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:16 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Huh. Now that the southern drone's down...
>Fight fire with fire. Target the plasma drone with the plasma caster.

Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:16 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Sprint towards #3, assess his wounds if there's time left.

Sun Nov 03, 2013 1:00 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
"I'm still alive, being quiet so the 'bot doesn't shoot me again."

Keep the pressure on.

Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:06 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Fire

Sun Nov 03, 2013 6:54 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
2 5 6 8
3 [Plasma Droid]

Roast Veg
Clone #25969 [2] > Fire
You fire your Rockets at the Droid, but a split second before they impact they fly into its plasma bolt, more or less cancelling the two out.
-Strong Electrokinesis
-Rocket Launcher [0/2] [--------]
-Machinegun [30/50]
-Heavy Body Armour
--Deformed Right Side [-1 to all movement]
-Damaged Stomach

Clone #25970 [5] >Fight fire with fire. Target the plasma drone with the plasma caster.
Weapons swapped you bring your aim onto the Droid, and get ready to fire on it.
-Plasma Caster [48%] [--------]
-Auto Grenade Launcher [Looted] [0/4] [|||-----] [RELOAD SLOWED]
-Medium Body Armour
-Heavy Static Field Projector [100%]
-Advanced Targeting System
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]
-Punctured Left Leg [slowed movement]
-Aimed [+1 to hit next turn]

Clone #25982 [6-1=5] >Sprint towards #3, assess his wounds if there's time left.
You rush over to #25993, and from what you can see before getting to him you can tell that he's lost a lot of blood, but with him hunched over and pressing his hands into his wounds you doubt you'll be able to asses them, not that you really have anything to treat them with.
-Rocket Launcher [0/2] [--------]
-Shotgun [4/6]
-Stealth Generator [68%]
-Fire Breath [2/2]
-Minimal Plating
-Psychic Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Damaged Left Shoulder [-1 to some actions involving Left Arm]
-Bullet wound
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25993 [8-2=6] "I'm still alive, being quiet so the 'bot doesn't shoot me again." Keep the pressure on.
While mumbling about your situation you keep holding your blood inside of yourself, you hope the others can finish things quickly.
-Minigun [200/400]
-Powered Armour
--Chest Plating Missing
--Frame Heavily Damaged
---Actuators crippled [movement severely impaired]
--Power Cell Critical [significant movement speed penalties]
--Helmet Removed
-Medium Force Barrier [48%]
-Scarred Face
-Severe Bullet Wounds, Chest [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Severe Bloodloss [-1 to all Rolls] [2 Turns] [PAUSED]

Game Events:
The Plasma Droid fires at #25970 but its shot is intercepted by #25969s Rockets and disssapates harmlessly before reaching him.


Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:49 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
"Don't mind me, just kill that damn bot and I'll be fine."
Keep the pressure on.

Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:18 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Reload

Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:01 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Fire

Tue Nov 19, 2013 7:24 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
I mean, I've got fire breath, so I could try to cauterise his wounds.
>Activate cloak and move closer to the bot while reloading.

Also, my RL isn't reloading.

Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:41 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
6 6 2 2
1 [Plasma Droid]

Roast Veg
Clone #25969 [6] > Reload
With a well practiced hand you slap the reload button on your Rocket Launcher as the Droid is hammered by #25970s blast of plasma.
-Strong Electrokinesis
-Rocket Launcher [0/2] [||||----]
-Machinegun [30/50]
-Heavy Body Armour
--Deformed Right Side [-1 to all movement]
-Damaged Stomach

Clone #25970 [6+1=7] > Fire
You unleash a blast of Plasma at the Droid, which melts a significant portion of armour away from it, leaving some of its internals dangerously exposed.
-Plasma Caster [32%] [||------]
-Auto Grenade Launcher [Looted] [0/4] [||||----] [RELOAD SLOWED]
-Medium Body Armour
-Heavy Static Field Projector [100%]
-Advanced Targeting System
-Shattered Ribs [-1 to rolls involving movement]
-Punctured Left Leg [slowed movement]
-Aimed [+1 to hit next turn]

Clone #25982 [2-1=1] >Activate cloak and move closer to the bot while reloading.
You bring up your cloak while moving closer to the Droid, and notice that your Rocket launcher is finished reloading.
-Rocket Launcher [2/2] [||||||||]
-Shotgun [4/6]
-Stealth Generator [53%] [ACTIVE]
-Fire Breath [2/2]
-Minimal Plating
-Psychic Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]
-Damaged Left Shoulder [-1 to some actions involving Left Arm]
-Bullet wound
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]

Clone #25993 [2-2=0] "Don't mind me, just kill that damn bot and I'll be fine." Keep the pressure on.
You keep trying to hold it in, but you feel yourself getting weaker, you're not sure you can keep this up for much longer.
-Minigun [200/400]
-Powered Armour
--Chest Plating Missing
--Frame Heavily Damaged
---Actuators crippled [movement severely impaired]
--Power Cell Critical [significant movement speed penalties]
--Helmet Removed
-Medium Force Barrier [56%]
-Scarred Face
-Severe Bullet Wounds, Chest [-1 to most actions]
-Bleeding [-1 to some actions]
-Severe Bloodloss [-1 to all Rolls] [1 Turn] [PAUSED]

Game Events:
The Plasma Droids weapons start glowing while it keeps aiming at #25970.


Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:21 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Keep remaining blood inside body by sheer willpower and pressure.

Thu Nov 28, 2013 2:48 pm
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