The Adeptus Mechanicus have authorized the deployment of Release Nineteen. This includes a significant overhaul to the behaviour of plasma weapons, mostly with the aim of making them less absurdly overpowered and more practical to actually field.
Download R19!Pre-emptive Mediafire R19 Mirror!Please bear in mind the various particle effects for plasma weapons are a little placeholder-y. If any of you have any good ideas on how to refine them, I'm all ears.
Main Changes:×× Balance tweaks to the GSR - improved accuracy and lethality, tweaked ballistics. Ammo capacity upgraded to 10 rounds.
×× Switched Marine Sniper Rifle to use 5-round magazines. Increased reload time appropriately. Tweaked stance offsets.
×× All sniper-type weapons now have two dots - a green dot aligned with the scope, and a red dot aligned with the barrel.
×× Fixed the Lasgun altscript to work properly.
×× Storm Bolter restored to 60 rounds, restored HE/AP ammo swap options. Increased accuracy in all modes, though having no hand at the support offset will
significantly reduce accuracy.
×× Overhauled Bolter ammo; explosive rounds are now more 'generally' lethal by producing more wounding particles, whilst penetrating rounds produce fewer particles (generally around 20~25% less wounding particles than explosive rounds) --
but these particles are heavier and sharper, making them much more effective against well-armoured foes.
××× All pistol and rifle format bolts use the same size fragments; heavy bolters use even more powerful ones.
××× Development excerpt: Fixed an awkward incident where Dummies were somehow highly resilient to explosive bolts.
Space plastics!×× Added new/custom shrapnel entries; tweaked range/lethality of fragmentation grenades, grenade launcher grenades, and autocannon rounds.
×× Astartes Autocannon can now employ
proximity triggered shells. These shells arm a couple of moments after launch, and detonate upon detecting anything in a small radius around them, thanks to some intriguing scripting from Cave based on
Fermat's spiral. You'll know they're armed when they emit a red glow.
×× Imperial Grenade Launcher now has
airburst grenades to replace the broken
bouncing grenades. These grenades automatically explode if they detect hostile actors. Use them to engage enemies that think they are safe; no cover can shield your foes from the Emperor's wrath! Keep in mind that whilst they have a short arm time, they also have a small detection radius.
×× Helios Rocket Launcher now has
proximity fragmentation rockets. These rockets aren't quite as powerful as normal fragmentation rockets, but their proximity sensor makes them more useful against moving targets. They have the largest detection radius of all the proximity weapons, but also the longest arming delay. When armed, they make the same lockon sound as the Thunderstrike missiles.
×× Standardizing tweaks to glow sizes. Now they're (mostly) all on the same scale.
×× Increased number of cluster mortar shell submunitions, tuned submunition spawn/delivery speeds.
×× Slightly reduced the lethality of the Auto Shotgun's shotshells. Emphasis on 'slightly'; it should still pulverize just about infantry actor you use it on.
×× The Imperium Grenade Launcher's Sticky Grenades now flash and emit smoke when the explosive charge is armed/counting down. Just in case the audio cue wasn't enough.
×× Added "Instant Calldown" strike designator option. Because sometimes there just isn't enough time to select the designator and hit 'scuttle' when all you need is an instant mortar barrage.
×× Tweaked some rate of fire values to suit Space Marine values;
××× Stalker is now single/semi-auto. Significantly increased Stalker bolt velocity to compensate; all are 35~50% faster than normal Bolter rounds.
××× Bolt Pistol is 231 RPM, and Bolter (+Combi) are 433 RPM (up from 375).
××× Heavy Bolter (and Widow Heavy Bolter) is 242 RPM unbraced, 560 optional.
××× Storm is 1,000 RPM (up from 750).
××× Stalker is 225 RPM (down from 325).
××× Assault Cannon is 1,000 RPM (down from 1,500).
××× M41 is 700 RPM (up from 600).
××× Autocannon is now 200 RPM (up from ~60).
×× Added accuracy decay to portable hellgun and hellpistol. These weapons decay slightly slower than the M41, but have the same eventual maximum spread. The Widow's hellgun does
not suffer from accuracy decay.
×× Imperium Carbine and Machine Pistol can now be toggled into
Full Auto mode (and back into
Burst mode) using the pie menu.
×× Heavy Bolter can now be switched into and out of 'cyclic' rate via the pie menu, significantly increasing RPM at the cost of high recoil.
×× Switching to 'speciality' rounds slightly reduces the RPM of the Bolter, Bolter CombiPlasma, and Storm Bolter. Bolt Pistol, Stalker Boltgun, and Heavy Bolter are unaffected.
×× Imperium Automatic Shotgun fires shot rounds at 200 RPM, and slug and frag rounds at 120 RPM.
×× Flamethrowers changed to use Browncoat FT-200 particles for the time being. Incendiary bolts/etc. still use the old igniting/burning code.
×× Stub Revolvers now eject six casings on reload rather than one per shot, in a more revolverish fashion.
×× Fixed up a dumb mistake in the Black Templars loadout file that had their snipers using Meltaguns.
Plasma Overhaul:×× Major adjustments to Plasma Weapon handling. Every weapon has two firing modes - normal, and charged - and feeds from a recharging cell. Weapons can't fire if they don't have enough power. There is a short delay before recharging kicks in.
×× Normal mode is default, and uses less energy. Charged mode means faster and more powerful shots, albeit at a lower rate of fire, and eats up more power.
×× Plasma Cannon still has the trajectory guide. Yes, it changes with firemode.
Check out this spreadsheet for a full breakdown of how ♥♥♥♥ works now.
×× Offhand Plasma Pistol is no longer available.
×× Plasma Cannon has lost its Incinerator mode for the time being. But fear not! It may return at a later date.
×× Plasma Pistol & Rifle shots are no longer influenced by gravity. Cannon shots remain influenced by gravity as before.