Interstellar Marines [WIP]
I recently got a copy of Interstellar Marines and thought that it would work well as a unit in CC. Pretty basic so far. Maybe I can figure out some land sharks later. outdated image - legs look better now)
EDIT: 9/22
Added landsharks (currently pretty wacky, but it took a lot of learning to get them where they are)
Added alternate ModuleIcon from
Cravitus in addition to my own alternate.
EDIT: 4/2/15
Since I am becoming busy with school again I want to get this out to anyone who might enjoy it as it is. This is a first release with guns. The suppressed versions are not finished yet. Once I have time to finish with the suppressed SMG sound I will post a release with both the suppressed assault rifle and SMG.
EDIT: 4/2/5 - 1.0
Added suppressed guns. Now on Steam Workshop.
Shark head is buyableConfirm?
The future:
Hopefully guns (WIP, almost done) and maybe a dropship.