Well would it make you feel better to help him or not to help him? I consider myself to be a generally helpful person myself, being generous with doing favours and such. However I am also a very judgmental person and the one caveat to my helpfulness is that anyone who enters my mental dislike bin is (in my mind) not deserving of any help from anyone ever again. So you have to ask yourself, do the past actions/current character of this man affect the helpfulness you identify with? Do you want to be someone who only helps people they judge as worthy or do you want to do good unconditionally? Furthermore, how do these desires weigh against the cost of acting upon them? Do you care enough about being helpful to spend the time with someone you dislike?
Re: My Avatar I've been getting several questions about it. She is The Raging Bull of Destruction, Yasogami's Steel Student Council President, the final boss of Persona 4 Arena Shadow Labrys.
Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:01 am
Joined: Thu May 05, 2011 1:30 am Posts: 2876 Location: Rent free in your head. Vacation in your ass.
Last edited by Mackerel on Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:23 am
Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:34 am Posts: 2034
Re: The Lounge
Nonsequitorian wrote:
Another girlfriend of mine lost it recently. She jumped off a bridge. I was looking forward to coming back and seeing her. Now I'm not so sure. I mean, wet girls are nice but this is something completely different.
Jokes like that aren't okay
Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:41 am
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:05 am Posts: 3878
Re: The Lounge
Sothe wrote:
Nonsequitorian wrote:
Another girlfriend of mine lost it recently. She jumped off a bridge. I was looking forward to coming back and seeing her. Now I'm not so sure. I mean, wet girls are nice but this is something completely different.
Another girlfriend of mine lost it recently. She jumped off a bridge. I was looking forward to coming back and seeing her. Now I'm not so sure. I mean, wet girls are nice but this is something completely different.
Jokes like that aren't okay
Iunno, I thought it was kinda funny
Damn, this is the most horrible joke I ever seen >_<'
This is entirely a normal thig for him, if you consider his other messages in the lounge. Most of which pertain to losing friends, and women going insane and returning to their home countries... Non' seems exasperated.
Hey Non', what is going on, I don't know how someone meets so many unstable people day-in and day-out, but what the hell.
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