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 Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3 
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Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
Uh, I can't get how to mod this.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:43 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
First, create a text document in the FSG folder. Then, go to 'options.txt' and fine the line that says

and change that to

Now, the first thing you want to do is create your 'Empty' element, which must be the first element to be defined. So open your mod text file and enter the following:
element Empty 0 0 0 0 1

The modding guide says:
element <name> <redColor> <greenColor> <blueColor> <density> <selectability>

'element' is the keyword to add a new element. <name> is the name of your element. <redColor>, <greenColor>, and <blueColor> are the RGB values for the color of your element. <density> sets how heavy the element block is. Heavier blocks can move past lighter ones (that's how denser fluids sink and lighter ones float, like water and oil). The last part, <selectability>, determines whether or not your element can be selected in the selection menu.

Now, the 'self' reaction.
self <probability> <reactant> <product>

Every frame, the game generates numbers and checks them with anything that say <probability>. If the game's number is lower than or equal to <probability>, than the reaction takes place. In a self reaction, an element simply turns into another element. <reactant> is the element, and <product> is what it turns into.

'Neighbor' reactions occur when 2 elements touch each other.
neighbor <probability> <reactant1> <reactant2> <product1> <product2>

<probability> is your probability per frame of the reaction happening, <reactant1> and <reactant2> are the two elements that touch, and <product1> and <product2> is what they turn into if the reaction occurs.

When 'notself' is used, that means a self reaction won't occur if the listed elements are touching it.
notself <element> <inhibitingElement1> [inhibitingElement2] [inhibitingElement3...]

<element> is which element, <inhibitingElement1> is what element will stop the self reaction, and you can have more than one of these listed after.

Movement in FSG is also based off of probability.
move <element> <verticalMovement> <horizantalMovement>

<horizantalMovement> is the probabilty for horizontal movement. If there is horizontal movement, there is no vertical movement. <verticalMovement> is the probability for vertical movement if there is no horizontal movement. If you want an even mix between both movements, set <horizantalMovement> to 0.5 and <verticalMovement> to 1 or -1. -1 will make it rise, 1 will make it drop.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:58 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
One fully updated lightningphysics mod.

To use:
  • Download the attached text file.
  • Save into the same folder as your FSG3D installation.
  • In options.txt, set the physics to lightningphysics.txt
  • Run the game

    • The green generator will spawn Lightning particles when it is powered, in the same way as the powered torch.
    • Lightning particles will flow through water, and ignite oil and plant matter.
    • Fuse wire can only be ignited by lightning and will be burned up upon use.
    • ??? is a strange substance that destroys everything it touches, with the exception of lightning that turns it to stone.

File comment: Shoop da whoop.
lightningphysics.txt [2.87 KiB]
Downloaded 373 times
Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:04 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
hey cavecricket, do you think you might add a transparency value to the elements at some point? it would be nice to have sort-of clear water, or glass, or something.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:06 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
I might. Last time I tried, it was kind of screwy, but I might be able to fix it.

A big "maybe" though.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:09 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
ok, cool.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:11 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
Great guide Cricket!

I'll try to do interesting stuff.

Mon Sep 12, 2011 2:17 am

Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:31 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
hey guys just join the forum,heres my mod, 3rd place!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a question, can i have the source? i want to mod in real time.


how to install:
1. download
2. extract the .rar with winrar or 7zip
3. run Black__snow's powder mod

Last edited by black__snow on Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:48 am, edited 18 times in total.

Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:58 am
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
You know it helps if you give it a different name and then tell people to rename their physics file in options.txt, means people can switch between mods easier.

Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:56 pm

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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
Roast Veg wrote:
You know it helps if you give it a different name and then tell people to rename their physics file in options.txt, means people can switch between mods easier.

well im changing install to download and play (for the exception of extracting)

Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:51 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
You can now play online!

Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:02 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
Total Win, Always did wish you could make maps with falling sand game.

Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:39 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3
Woah dude this is kinda awesome.

Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:52 am

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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3 MODS-C4,FIREWORKS,BUCKET. ect.

These codes are slightly different because i added several other Elements that are not in the simulation list. Some include BURNINGPLANT and DUST and FLARE. All those extra elements were created as stepping stones for the finally creation/reaction. For example REACTION and EXPLOSION are not listed in the Simulation, but they are created and used once the C4 has been Ignited. This goes the same with Fireworks or Bacteria.
Another thing I changed was how WIRE interacted with itself with powered. i made it so you can have 1 continuous long wire and have only 1 power source.

DRAG and DROP Physics-txt.file from the Original Folder onto Desktop or otherplace like a new Folder (as a backup default physics file)

COPY and PASTE all the scripting below into a new text format ALSO called 'physics' (without quotationmarks) and place it in the same folder you took the last one out of.
this will replace the old physics.


element Empty 0 0 0 0 0
element Wall 200 200 200 1 1
element Fire 255 0 0 0.01 1
element Smoke 50 50 50 1 0
element Water 0 0 255 0.5 1
element Steam 150 100 255 0.3 1
element Plant 0 255 0 1 1
element BurningPlant 50 50 50 1 0
element BurningPlant1 50 50 50 1 0
element Oil 150 50 0 0.4 1
element Torch 100 100 0 1 1
element Spout 0 0 150 1 1
element OilSpout 200 100 50 1 1
element C4 0 255 255 1 1
element Explosion 255 255 0 1 0
element Reaction 255 255 255 0 0
element Reaction1 255 255 255 1 0
element FireWork 120 125 15 1 1
element Cer 255 255 255 1 0
element Poof 85 85 255 1 0
element Ha 255 255 255 1 0
element Duken 255 0 0 1 0
element Flare 100 255 100 1 0
element Dust 170 170 170 1 0
element LiquidC4 0 200 200 1 0
element LC4 50 200 200 1 1
element Seed 100 100 50 1 1
element Sprout 100 100 50 1 0
element Growth 150 150 50 1 0
element Bark 150 150 0 1 0
element Bark1 150 150 0 1 0
element Trunk 145 145 0 1 1
element Branches 145 145 0 1 0
element Branches1 145 145 0 1 0
element Twigs 145 145 0 1 0
element Twigs1 145 145 0 1 0
element Leaves 0 100 0 1 0
element Bucket 0 50 0 1 1

move Fire -1 0.25
move Water 1 0.5
move Steam -1 0.25
move Oil 1 0.5
move FireWork 1 0
move Cer -2 0
move Duken .8 .5
move Dust .7 .5
move LiquidC4 0 .5
move Smoke -1 .1
move Seed 1 0
move Sprout -.5 0
move Trunk 1 0
move Branches 0 .5
move BurningPlant1 1 .7
move Bucket 1 .8

self 0.1 Fire Smoke
self 0.01 Steam Water
self .512 Reaction Reaction1
self .3 Reaction1 Explosion
self 1 Explosion Fire
self .05 Cer Poof
self 1 Ha Duken
self .3 Duken Flare
self .07 Dust Empty
self 1 Flare Empty
self .1 LiquidC4 C4
self .009 LC4 C4
self .005 BurningPlant Fire
self .05 Smoke Empty
self .05 Sprout Growth
self .5 Growth Bark
self .09 Branches Twigs
self .001 Bark Bark1
self .01 BurningPlant1 Fire
self .005 Bucket Water
self.001 Twigs1 Leaves

notself Oil Water Oil Oil
notself Fire Explosion
notself Explosion Reaction
notself Reaction1 Reaction
notself Reaction Explosion
notself Empty Explosion
notself Empty Reaction1
notself Fire Reaction
notself Fire Reaction1
notself Bark Trunk
notself Bark1 Bark
notself Bark Growth
notself Growth Bark1
notself Fire BurningPlant
notself Fire BurningPlant1
notself Plant Water
notself Water Oil
notself Smoke Fire

neighbor 0.01 Water Plant Plant Plant
neighbor 1 Fire Plant Fire BurningPlant
neighbor 1 Oil Fire Fire Fire
neighbor 1 Water Fire Steam Empty
neighbor 1 Steam Fire Steam Empty
neighbor .5 Reaction Empty Fire Reaction
neighbor 1 C4 Fire Reaction Fire
neighbor .7 Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction1
neighbor .42 Reaction1 Reaction1 Reaction1 Explosion
neighbor 1 Fire FireWork Empty Cer
neighbor .9 Poof Empty Ha Ha
neighbor .7 Reaction Wall Fire Dust
neighbor 1 Duken C4 Fire Reaction
neighbor 1 Explosion Wall Fire Dust
neighbor 1 Reaction1 Wall Reaction1 Dust
neighbor 1 Plant Seed Plant Sprout
neighbor 1 Bark Fire BurningPlant Empty
neighbor 1 Bark1 Fire BurningPlant Empty
neighbor 1 Trunk Fire BurningPlant Empty
neighbor 1 Branches Fire BurningPlant Empty
neighbor 1 Leaves Fire BurningPlant1 Empty
neighbor 1 Twigs Fire BurningPlant1 Empty
neighbor 1 Twigs1 Fire BurningPlant1 Empty

neighbor 1 Torch Empty Torch Fire
neighbor 1 Spout Empty Spout Water
neighbor 1 OilSpout Empty OilSpout Oil
neighbor 1 LC4 Empty LC4 LiquidC4
neighbor .5 BurningPlant Empty BurningPlant Fire
neighbor 1 Bark Empty Bark Trunk
neighbor 1 Bark1 Trunk Branches Branches
neighbor 1 Twigs Empty Twigs Twigs1
neighbor .5 Twigs1 Empty Leaves Leaves
neighbor .5 BurningPlant1 Empty Burningplant1 Fire
neighbor 1 Bucket Empty Bucket Water

element PowerSource 255 255 0 1 1
element Wire 150 150 150 1 1
element PoweredWire1 125 125 155 1 0
element PoweredWire2 200 200 200 1 0
element PoweredWire3 255 255 255 1 0

neighbor 1 PowerSource Wire PowerSource PoweredWire1
neighbor 1 PoweredWire1 Wire PoweredWire1 PoweredWire1
neighbor .5 PoweredWire1 PoweredWire1 PoweredWire2 PoweredWire2
neighbor .4 PoweredWire2 PoweredWire2 PoweredWire3 PoweredWire3
neighbor .3 PoweredWire3 PoweredWire3 Wire PoweredWire1
neighbor 1 PoweredWire3 FireWork PoweredWire1 Cer

notself PoweredWire1 PowerSource PoweredWire3
notself PoweredWire2 PoweredWire1
notself PoweredWire3 PoweredWire2
notself PoweredWire3 Fire
notself PoweredWire3 Cer

element ElectricTorch 100 100 0 1 1
element PoweredElectricTorch 100 100 0 1 0

self 1 PoweredElectricTorch ElectricTorch
notself PoweredElectricTorch PowerSource PoweredWire1 PoweredWire2 PoweredWire3

neighbor 1 PoweredElectricTorch Empty PoweredElectricTorch Fire
neighbor 1 ElectricTorch PowerSource PoweredElectricTorch PowerSource
neighbor 1 ElectricTorch PoweredWire1 PoweredElectricTorch PoweredWire1
neighbor 1 ElectricTorch PoweredWire2 PoweredElectricTorch PoweredWire2
neighbor 1 ElectricTorch PoweredWire3 PoweredElectricTorch PoweredWire3
neighbor 1 PoweredWire3 Oil PoweredWire3 Fire

element Mold 0 150 0 1 0
element Bacteria 0 100 0 1 0
element Bacteria2 0 150 0 1 0
element Bacteria3 0 100 0 1 0
element infected 0 0 0 1 0
element LifeForms 100 0 100 1 0
element LifeForms2 100 0 100 1 0

self 0.1 Bacteria2 Bacteria3
self 0.1 Bacteria3 Bacteria
self 0.1 Bacteria Bacteria2
self 0.01 LifeForms LifeForms2
self 0.01 LifeForms2 LifeForms

move Bacteria 0.5 0
move Bacteria2 0.5 0
move Bacteria3 0.5 0
move LifeForms .3 .5
move LifeForms2 -1 0.9

notself Infected Mold
notself Infected Plant
notself Mold Plant
notself Bacteria3 Bacteria2
notself Bacteria2 Bacteria
notself Bacteria Mold Bacteria3

neighbor .2 Oil Plant Mold Mold
neighbor 2 Mold Mold Bacteria Bacteria
neighbor 1 Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria2
neighbor 1 Bacteria2 Bacteria2 Bacteria2 Bacteria3
neighbor 1 Bacteria3 Bacteria3 Bacteria3 Infected
neighbor 2 Infected Infected Bacteria Bacteria
neighbor .003 Water Bacteria3 Bacteria3 LifeForms

SMOKE - Created by Fire

C4 - Add with Fire

BUCKET - A temporary version of Spout that only lasts a couple seconds (added movement)

FIREWORKS - Add with fire or ignite by adding power to WIRE

TREES - Get plant, put a seed on it and wait. The leaves should grow Eventually but it can take a while. SOME tress will look weird or even become bushes. I will eventually try fixing that

BACTERIA - Put Oil on some Plant and it will become color changing bacteria that may lead to a living Dark-Purple floating organism. After that all it does is float around. I may add burning if you mix with Fire.

LC4 - I made this one day because i got too lazy placing C4 one block at a time. It's not very neat but I'll end up fixing it. I think of it as a C4 Charge.


If you want to have a better vision atmosphere during any simulations, you can go to your Options.txt file and REPLACE the regular bgCOLORs to this


Enjoy the Codes :) if anyone has any requests or idea I'll be happy to try them out and re-post up the new codes.

Wed May 29, 2013 4:18 am
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Post Re: Falling Sand Game 3D *Build 3 MODS-C4,FIREWORKS,BUCKET. ect.
Do you know when the post before yours was made?
Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:52 pm.


Wed May 29, 2013 6:49 am
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