Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 181)
Roll 181
Cihas [ 4 ] = 4
> You fire a trailblazer into the thicket of enemies, creating a giant spear of fire that burns a path through the various creatures. The attack is enough to convince the rest of the monsters that you're not worth attacking, and they quickly run away out of sight.
The morning sun casts an orange light on your surroundings, and it looks like you're safe for now.
Conditions :(TorrentHKU)
John Freemaneth [ 3 ] = 3
> You run over to Mist and quickly change the rune on his staff to a lightning bolt spell. He quickly lands a lightning bolt on Ultima, stumbling it momentarily, but the armor quickly recovers and jumps out of the way to avoid Aucupe/Lucida blazing through in a beam of light.
Ultima quickly lands and its blade darkens further, and the entire area darkens dramatically.
We are being slowed!Conditions :- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions)
-- Solid Left Shoulder Piece (Cannot move left arm)
- Dislocated/Broken Left Shoulder (Cannot use left arm)
Gustaf Anorak [ 5 ] = 5
"One second, Black Dragon."You charge up Firebrand while running towards the enemy dragon and plant the sword into the left eye as far as the blade would go, and quickly unleash Firebrand's charge.
The dragon's mouth opens and a powerful shockwave slams into you, throwing you back as the dragon howls in pain. Quickly getting back to your feet, you see the dragon's head thrashing around until it manages to pull itself out of the doorframe and scramble upwards out of sight.
There's a steaming puddle of dark fluid left in front of the doorway, leaving an unpleasant aroma.
Conditions :- Torn Left Upper Arm (Can't use Left arm)
(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist [ 6 ] = 6
> John quickly runs over to you, places his hand on your staff, and the rune changes form.
Charging the staff with magic energy, you aim it at Ultima and fire off a bright bolt of energy. The lightning bolt strikes your target, stumbling Ultima momentarily, but it quickly recovers and leaps out of the way as Aucupe whizzes past under in a streak of light.
Ultima quickly lands on the ground and its blade darkens even more, shrouding the entire area in shadows.
Conditions :- Cut Left Foot (-2 Left Foot actions)
Kyros Deiimor [ 1 ] = 1
"Uniting with a larger force seems wise. Was that your plan?"???:
"No. I am needed here, so here I will stay."The faint morning light is starting to trickle through cracks in the window shutters of the room nearby, creating beams of light with little specks of dust dancing across.
"It should be safer to travel now that it is day. You should make the most of the light."Conditions :(None)
Isaac [ 1 ] = 1
> You fire off your crossbow, landing a bolt in one of the creature's knees that causes it to fall to the ground.
Slinging your crossbow on your back and pulling out your sword, you turn so your back is to Gram's with Feiar in between the two of you. There are 6 left, now surrounding you and your allies, and with the orange light of morning, you can see that they're a mix of human, bat-like creatures, and wolf-like creatures.
The creatures suddenly break into a dash, charging towards you and Garm.
Conditions :(None)
Aucupe[ 2 ] = 2
> ~
Conditions : - Lucida Armor (+2 Physical Actions)
Black Dragon[ 2 ] = 2
> ~
Conditions : - Missing Left Wing
- Large chunk missing in Right Wing
- Wounded Back
Koa Tsinthula[ 4 ] = 4
> ~
Conditions : - Missing Right Forearm
- (Spell) Ball of Light
- Scratched Face
- Bruising (-3 Movement)
Feiar[ 4 ] = 4
> ~
Conditions : - Twisted Ankle
Garm[ 6 ] = 6
> ~
Conditions : (None)
World Events:Time of day: Dawn