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 Need help with HDFirearms 
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Post Need help with HDFirearms
So after about 3 days of just trying to get my mod to function enough to be launched, I finally got to use my one single gun and was greatly dissapointed in myself. I have been trying to figure out how to create a laser cannon (with beam trail and all) like those of other mods, such as UniTec's IC1 (which is what I used as a template, but it has failed) and old DSTech's "Kamehameha" Cannon (at least thats what me and my friend called it). There are probably more but thats all I remember or played around with. I know its Lua coding but I have NO idea in the slightest how to go about that, I have no Lua experience. I have made guns before with slight UniTec modifying (never realeased so I never got permission, sorry if that was wrong of me :<) and those all worked out great, aside from firing mode switching (b/c lua coding).

I actually have plans for a decent sized mod which will add lots of Laser Weapons (hopefully balanced and unique) but so far they will all require Lua and that is my weakness. I have had many mod ideas that I planned out and never finished (or worked on aside from brainstorming on notepad) and I would love to actually finish and release this one. Perhaps become as good as the great Gotcha? xD (yes, fanboy here) But, I am screwed as to lua coding, which it seems is how you do almost anything in CC anymore. Is there anyone out there who will take me under their wing and teach me basics and perhaps help me on more advanced Lua things? And yes, I do ramble on a bit, sorry for any misunderstandings.

Edit: I just realized this is mostly about Lua scripting help so idk if this should be in the Lua section or if sitting here is ok.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:34 am
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Post Re: Need help with HDFirearms
First, you should go over this (a bit old, but it serves its purpose) if you haven't already, and take a few random peeks in this. Make sure to give the Vector class a quick skim; It's probably used the most often.

After that, peek into a few simple vanilla scripts in CC (Ronin ones tend to be relatively basic compared to the other factions) and try to figure out how things work.

Once you do those, you should be able to create a basic script on your own, and that'll be your stepping stone to Lua scripting.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:04 am
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Post Re: Need help with HDFirearms
Thank you Cricket, the lua tutorial gave me some insight on what I'm doing but it didn't really help me much in terms of all the stuff I want to do. :< I learn in weird ways, mostly by visual representation, but I am trying. Although, the example rocket script you provided will help me in my other WIP mod I had brainstormed and shelved until I finished this. xD

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:27 am
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Post Re: Need help with HDFirearms
KaiserKuns wrote:
And yes, I do ramble on a bit, sorry for any misunderstandings.

Fellow rambler reporting in! :-o
Anyways, Cricket explains it nicely; i more or less learned Lua by starting out with small tweaks to existing scripts (also Vector is a tremendously awesome thing), getting some help from others, eventually beginning to experiment with my own simple scripts. Also, having a basic understanding of code structure is tremendously helpful, since Lua is one of the more straightforward languages in existence. Hell, sometimes, it feels like you're writing a monologue to the computer, it's just that high level (as in humanized, Binary is the lowest level scripting language).

Basically what i'm trying to say is this: Experiment. If you can't figure something out, try reading the wiki under relevant sections (mostly if it's a specific function, the wiki isn't terrific at explaining structure). If you STILL can't figure it out, ask for help, there's a great big Lua Scripting forum up there above this thread (though you can chuck me a PM too if you need help, but be aware that my response time can be slow). From what i've experienced, most Lua scripters around here are happy to help, myself included if i am to be counted as a bona fide Lua scripter.

Long story short, if you need help with something specific, feel free to chuck me a PM. I can't guarantee that my explanation will be at all useful, but i'll give it an honest shot. c:

Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:41 pm
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