Until then, here's some info for the uninformed:
- White pair of flying eyes: Gawd. The original god (myself not included) of the comic universe. Mostly a nice dude, but is prone to doing things for the lulz, which may/may not be extremely dangerous for any involved stickmen. Generally accepts KING HAMSTONE's antics, on the basis of KING HAMSTONE being a pretty rad dude.
- Black pair of flying eyes: Gord. A god from the
alternate reality. Pretty much identical to Gawd in personality and power, but has an inverted colour scheme (and does not know of Hamstone, which is why he's rolling his eyes in the latest comic). The reasoning for this being that Gawd's own personality is, on the whole, extremely neutral, and there's no real anti-thesis (as in good vs evil) to neutrality. Also it wouldn't make sense to make a powerless god.
- Round stone with sunglasses and gratuitous ham: KING HAMSTONE. His name stems from the fact that he's a
large ham (and also a king as of
the second comic he was featured in), and not because he's made of literal ham, since he's actually made of HARDCORE GRANITE. Tophatsaurus
might see him in a negative light, given how it was his ass that killed most dinosaurs during atmospheric re-entry.
@Roast Veg: man what kind of weird hams are you even eating
edit: also no comic today because of lacking mojo but here's the beginning of a platewerm to compensate