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 How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object? 
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Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:31 am
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Post How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
I created a Dummy-esque SMG with a forward shield attached to it, in hopes of creating a good offense/defense weapon for my somewhat fragile dummies. The only problem is that most high-damage (I.E. Sniper Rifles) and some normal weapons seem to punch right through it and hit my dummy behind it anyway. How can I fix this?

Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:06 pm
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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
Make the shield out of a tougher material. Find the bit like this in the HeldDevice definition;

   AtomGroup = AtomGroup
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Military Stuff
      Resolution = 4
      Depth = 0
   DeepGroup = AtomGroup
      AutoGenerate = 1
      Material = Material
         CopyOf = Military Stuff
      Resolution = 4
      Depth = 10

Just replace 'Military Stuff' (or whatever's there) with a material that has a higher StructuralIntegrity value. Look at Materials.ini in Base.rte for a list of them.

Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:03 am
Profile YIM

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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
That did the trick. Won't lighter bullets just bounce off of it, though? I need something that'll allow it to still get hit, but protect the dummy/other actor behind the weapon.

EDIT: I tried a couple, but Metal seems to work alright. Some of the really heavy bullets, like the Imperetus Sniper, still get through, but that only makes sense, considering the force behind a bullet like that.

Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:47 am
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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
It depends on the material used and the thickness of the sprite. If the SI is too high then yes, shots will just bounce off. If the sprite is too thin, then the shots may still penetrate. If you get it just right then the bullets should cause an entry wound, but 'lodge' inside the target instead of coming out the other side afterwards.

I'd say just mess around until you find a happy medium, but you seem to have done that already. :)

Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:48 am
Profile YIM

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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
Thanks. On a completely unrelated note, what does "sharpness" do?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:34 am

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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
nubbles wrote:
Thanks. On a completely unrelated note, what does "sharpness" do?

Determines how sharp the bullet is. If you got a really high number, lets say 900, it shoots through terrain. Without any problems.

Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:40 am
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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
That's a slightly primitive way of putting it, since it's also highly dependent on bullet mass and velocity, but that's the rough gist of it, yes.

Shook, in this thread, wrote:
I'm not kidding you, i've actually found something on it. Basically, it looks like this, so far:

1/(mass*velocity) = Sharpness required to pierce one particle with 1 structural integrity. Should pierce two grass particles.

(1/(mass*velocity))*x = Sharpness required to pierce one particle with X structural integrity. (Try 25 for sand)

((1/(mass*velocity))*x)*y = Sharpness required to pierce Y particles with X structural integrity.

I've tested it, and i'm pretty much 100% certain that the first and second ones work. Third i'm not entirely sure about, but it seems to be accurate so far.

Thoughts/further research?

Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:17 pm
Profile YIM

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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
Thanks. Now I just have to figure out how to get bullets to do a lot of damage without throwing my actors around (or gibbing them on the spot) because of insanely high mass.

Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:39 pm
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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
That may be achieved by using several particles instead of just one for your bullet, each particle doesn't need to be heavy, it just needs to have enough mass/velocity/sharpness to cause a wound, and several wounds will cause more damage than just one.

Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:49 pm

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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
How do I keep the particles from separating and looking odd?

Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:27 pm
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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
nubbles wrote:
How do I keep the particles from separating and looking odd?

You have to reduce the separation of the round. Example:

AddAmmo = Round
   PresetName = Round Flying rabbit of death
   ParticleCount = 3
   Particle = MOPixel
      CopyOf = Bullet frod
   Shell = MOSParticle
      CopyOf = Casing
   FireVelocity = 124
   ShellVelocity = 12
   Separation = 0 ////this variable

Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:38 pm

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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
Separation = 0 ////this variable

So is it actually separation that affects it?
In most tests it seems the particlespreadrange variable located in the HDFirearm controls bullet separation per round.

Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:18 pm
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Post Re: How to prevent bullet penetration through a thin object?
IIRC seperation is horizontal - so if you want your particles to form a sort of 'line' and not all strike the target simultaneously (great for anti-materiel rifles!) then you can throw in a bit of seperation and they'll have a very slightly staggered impact.

I think that's what it does, anyway. I might be wrong.

What you can do for more vertical spread is to up the ShakeRange values on the weapon (at the cost of the actor looking really jittery, so maybe not ideal), use a recoil script and spawn the projectiles that way, or you can use an AEmitter that then emits the actual particles with 0.00 spreads. I used the AEmitter trick to have a shotgun that can change its ammo to shoot a multi-particle slug or a spray of powerful shot projectiles without the slug disintegrating mid-flight.

Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:34 pm
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