This mod is very interesting and fun. Although it is quite easy. With a bit of fiddling around with the mod though, i managed to make it a bit more enjoyable and harder by adding mods to it. A good example of what i did, was that i changed all of the guns to Shadow Echelon guns so that i had the task of running around and looting corpses for ammo. So this meant i could not camp inside a hole or a building etc. forever.
This here would be some of my adventure in terms of surviving the zombie onslaught. ( In terms of surviving, i didnt do exactly good. x/ )
I would like it if the zombies didnt spawn in the same place as im standing since it can be annoying. x3 Would it be possible to spawn them of screen perhaps? Anyway, im loving the mod and in which i look forward to future updates to come. x)