ok time to be a cool guy who randomly insults others for their tastes
Sothe wrote:
People who play Dwarf Fortress for the building aspect obviously are kidding themselves, or have never played a real building game, let alone a game with a physics engine.
Except that i've played a large variety of building games, with and without physics. DF is among the only 3D ones with liquid physics, however crude they may be.
Sothe wrote:
People who play Dwarf Fortress for the survival aspect have poor judgement in what constitutes a good survival game.
So you're using your superior judgement to tell others what's bad judgement. Tell me what makes sense about that, please.
Sothe wrote:
Praising the game for its simplicity in its graphics (or lack thereof), is just as bad as praising a game for a gimmick, and not the game itself.
A not entirely insignificant portion of the Dorf community have expressed that if it wasn't completely unfeasible, they'd actually like to see DF with proper graphics. Besides, if you're not into ASCII, there's a gagillion sprite packs out there. And besides again, worse graphics also leave more time for Toady to work on the actual gameplay, which is actually what people are praising it for. It's a well known fact that both the graphics and the GUI are pretty much terrible. And if you're saying it's stupid to ignore, consider what forum you're on and what game it supports. (note: i still think CC is an amazing game)
Sothe wrote:
There are better challenges. There are better ASCII games. There are better building games. There are better survival games.
you amuse me
Please look up "subjective" in a dictionary, you might find the meaning of it pretty startling.
Sothe wrote:
If you're seriously interested in good survival/building games, please search for new games. Otherwise, it's just a pathetic attempt at indie cred. (so obscure and indigestible, guys)
Indie cred? Oh please. I don't give any number of shits about how many people made a game, or whether it's just made to get their hands on my moolah or not. If i think it's a fun game, hell yeah i'm going to play it. Likewise am i not going to lambast you if you were to be utterly entranced by match 3 games, but sure, be a ♥♥♥♥ about it. It only makes you look like a bigger ♥♥♥♥.
Mackerel wrote:
You guys realize this is actually a terrible game with nothing to offer but autistic /tg/ rejects that think they're gods, right?
oh no an internet person disagrees with my choice of games
Do you see where i'm going with this, or do i have to get even more infantile? Because i am using but ONE PERCENT of my true infantility!!