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 Braaaains! (CC 1.0 unofficial discussion thread) 
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Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2012 2:20 pm
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Post Re: Braaaains! (CC 1.0 unofficial discussion thread)
I would like to know more about if its going to become more stable for larger battles? and with lots of mods running. I have a great processor and I can support big battles without the game going crazy and slowing down to bullet time speeds

Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Braaaains! (CC 1.0 unofficial discussion thread)
Somebody port brutality to 1 and convert it into a general vanilla expansion

side arms, assault, GL, AA and armor - emphasis on armor

just do it

Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:08 pm
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Post Re: Braaaains! (CC 1.0 unofficial discussion thread)
lordbok wrote:
I would like to know more about if its going to become more stable for larger battles? and with lots of mods running. I have a great processor and I can support big battles without the game going crazy and slowing down to bullet time speeds

Well in 'to-do' list i saw this quest named: 'investigate intel API's'; so I gues there should be some progress in that area.

Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:19 pm
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Post Re: Braaaains! (CC 1.0 unofficial discussion thread)
I have to say I'm pretty unimpressed by the whole development process (well it started off well). v 1.0 is just literally a way to brush CC under a rug, 'just finish of the meta game and be done with it'. Due to the success of the game Data got to live the high life, then when low on funds -wahey Humble Indie Bundle 'oh ♥♥♥♥, gotta work on the game now?'.

And the whole attitude of 'I don't owe you anything': fair enough, but then you might as well not sell CC and actually earn your living because the people expect that the money is going directly to fund the development process, not allow you to sponge around for a year doing whatever the hell you want while CC rots (and the community did rot and stagnate for a long time). You don't owe us anything sure but if my point wasn't clear: the only reason people buy unfinished projects is to help support the development; all of us were aware the game might not be finished and was "subject to change", but how many thought you would willingly ditch CC for extended periods because of it's success? (answer: none)

Let's be honest Data; this build was not how you wanted the game to be, this isn't how Arne wanted the game to be, you are just trying to wrap up as quickly as possible whilst still looking like you do actually give a ♥♥♥♥.

I don't think they should have even allowed you to join the HIB. I paid for the game but I don't want to support developers like you, if I hadn't already purchased the game years ago I wouldn't buy it now. I haven't played it for a very long time now other than to compare the differences and see how little effort you've put into each new build (I'm not a hypocrite, I've already bought the game so I'll at least see if you've improved the game much before I decry the game).

Also I'm a programmer myself and I watched your programming videos, in the first one you take a very long time to get back to grips with the source code since you obviously hadn't touched it for months, through the videos you actually pretty quickly* implemented a new feature, then you complain at the end something along the lines of 'that's how hard it is to implement a single new feature'. *I say pretty quickly it was like 4 hours, for a new feature that's pretty quick, but the feature itself was extremely easy to add because their was no new systems to implement really and it could be done much faster (basically just a feature to skip a few list items and then draw a little symbol next to the list header).

Did you fall out with Arne or are you just not paying him any more since you have community helpers? I definitely expected some kind of major content bump with Arne's designs for v1.0, I mean how can you go v1.0 without polishing the games content and delivering the "full package" so to speak.

I'm a bit bitter about the whole thing, and the thing is I've spoken to others that feel the same way and I've seen many public posts with the same sentiments (mostly in harsher words) most embarrassing of all on the steam page game hub ( - along with many threads about popular and widespread bugs that have been known about for many builds, I bet that's a massive embarrassment and kick in the nads).

I don't care how you deal with this; Delete this or ban me if you so wish, if you do "act" on this it really doesn't matter to me anymore as I'm only here for the off-topic nowadays.

Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:10 am
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Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:45 am
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Post Re: Braaaains! (CC 1.0 unofficial discussion thread)
So this is the resolution problem i have:


Is there any quick way to solve this? I've playded with settings.ini for 1/2 an hour, and the planet is just to big, no matter the resolutions set.
Also, does OS X build support fullscreen mode? 'couse i can swear, that i have played CC on fullscreen few years ago...

Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:55 am
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