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 B27 Bug Reports 
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Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:33 am
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Post Re: B27 Bug Reports
If more than one instance of a Lua script with the same name occurs, even if they are in completely different RTEs, they are being run by the engine, with unpredictable / bad results.

For example, I somehow made a mistake and put two LaserSight scripts, one in the Ronin RTE and one in the Dummy RTE. Result? Even though no Dummy weapons were referring to LaserSight.lua in any way, shape or form, random Dummy weapons were running the script.

Not sure to what extent this is being caused by / is related to the Lua states generally getting muddled / crashing if MOIDs > 255, but it's a really bad bug regardless. It probably explains somewhat why things like the guide dots aren't appearing in 27R2 in my mod.

Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:08 pm

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Post Re: B27 Bug Reports
OK, did some more investigation of the stability issues. Set up a big game, eliminated all of the players except for Coalition, which is now stable (I think!).

1. The budgets for each team are floats, not ints. Why? All prices are in non-float numbers, can't see how we're spending float gold here unless there's a bug.

2. In the MetaGame Autosaves, I've caught two AI teams with build budgets, even though only one of them has possession of the site.

Oh, yeah... and something really screwy is happening to money after reloading a saved game, but I think that's been noted already.

Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:42 am
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Post Re: B27 Bug Reports

I'm not sure if we're even meant to post things regarding modding issues here...

Basically, my custom weapon has an aemitter attached to its magazine, so that it can display a glow trail while loaded.
(In the third panel, it seems like all the glows that WOULD have been displayed if the weapon had been active are displayed at once at the aemitter's location. this causes a very noticable lag spike.)

Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:43 am
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