Transmission 408-B: Liivo's Scenario Idea
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Scenario File Outline: Colonization
- You fall from the sky in a drop crate.
- You are a brain bot.
- You have a custom loadout depending on difficulty.
- There are no enemies... yet. (Say for like, crabs and stuff.)
- You must mine enough gold to build a small base. (Before bigger threats show up.)
- You can not fend them off alone. You must rely on the AI to kill the things you can't. (Muahahaha!)
- You must mine enough gold to build a ship capable of bringing you off the planet and into others.
- Rinse on other planets.
- Repeat on other planets.
- Occasionally crap will happen on colonies that make you keep coming back.
- Like, raids from other settlements and crap.
- Maybe you can upgrade your brain bot to be stronger and better armored.
- Maybe YOU can launch raids on other settlements.
- Yeah.
- That's my "scenario" idea. (Though it more closely resembles the campaign.)
- Oh balls! How long have I been out of character?
- Whatever, what's the forum think? Is this at all difficult to do?
- Could make a good modding project. (wink!)
- Also, it's my first post, so don't kill me.
- This was a really stupid way to get my point across.
- Yeah.
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