Re: Image Dump (Caution Lots of Images)
Oh FFS. You want a mac? Cool. You want a PC? Also cool. Look, I'm no fanboy or anything, but this is just stupid.
It's almost entirely false, although it still gets reposted all the time.
Reposted from another forum:
On Foxconn:
Foxconn's suicide rates are significantly
below average.
If you but a computer, it was probably built by Foxconn. They are the exclusive manufacturer for:
ATI, Amazon, Cisco, Dell, HP,
Microsoft (Own an Xbox?), Motorola,
Nintendo (own a Wii?), Nokia,
Sony (own a PS3?), Toshiba, Visio, etc.
On the OS:
Oh the misinformation!
-Criticizing Apple for charging for version upgrades (Who doesn't?)
-MS Office for Mac was not 'recently' released. It's been around since version 4.3, and costs the same amount as the Windows variant.
-MS Office for Mac is released NOT due to some outcry, but rather due to a long standing agreement between
MS and Apple.
-Unsuitable for work in offices, programming, or 3D: This is just patently untrue. I've done all of these on both Macs and PCs.
-Mac Defender, which the image lists as a virus, is merely malware. Furthermore, it has since been automatically removed by a free software update.
-DRM: Everything you buy from iTunes is DRM free. Apple's software DRM is fairly unobtrusive.
However, to suggest that Unix is not more secure is bogus. Unix is inherently more secure, because there are hundreds of times more contributors to the code than there are for Windows. With a Windows virus, only a few hundred Microsoft devs are able to develop an official patch for it. With Unix, hundreds of thousands of coders are able to all view the code and either patch it themselves, share the patch, or distribute a patch however they feel.
-Lists apple including free software as a negative. What? I think it's really damn cool that I can take any mac on the planet and run it as an apache server or do python dev without installing anything at all.
The hardware comparisons are BS. /r/buildapc found differences to actually be around 25%, which is pretty normal for prebuilt machines.Anyways, that's probably enough. This image is bad, and you should feel bad. Apple's machines (particularly their laptops) are pretty damn good. You want more bang for buck? Build a PC. You want even more bang for buck? Buy offcast servers.
You want gaming? Install Windows. You want free software? Instal Gentoooo
There are lots of things that suck about Apple, this contains none of them.