Re: RtD - Blue: On the Day of an Angel
Tomaster [6]: Oh good. Why does everything inevitably want to kill us?You don't say this out loud of course. This guy scares the ♥♥♥♥ out of you.
"Me."You look at FoiL like he's insane, and he burps at the red man. Ok, FoiL IS insane. Great!
GlowstickNinja (Jackson Winters) [4]:"Me."You interject.
"It was really a group effort. We're an angry bunch."You then pop up a telekinetic shield around you to guard from the red man. ALSO SUDDENLY YOU HAVE A SPEAR.
CaveCricket48 (Kurt D. Hopkins) [1]:You think you hear some shenanigans going on back at the beach, but you ignore them for now. Instead, you take out your oar and concentrate on it, softening it with your energy solidification, and willing it into the shape of a longsword.
Unfortunately, you're not used to softening things, and push it a bit too far, making the oar all floppy and soft.
It droops down and lands on your face.
"Hmm. A slight miscalculation."FoiL [1]: You raise an eyebrow at this newcomer, and decide he needs to be taught some manners.
"Me."You then rear back to shout again, drawing forth all of your energy and fury, and out comes...
Did you just burp at him? Hmm. Well, there's a SLIGHT chance that he will not appreciate that.
Barnox [6]: You get a bad feeling, and decide to go back to the beach.
Suddenly, you realize the scary man was headed in that direction as well.
"Oh shitbarger."You run back to the beach as fast as you can, and arrive to see something very bad happen to FoiL.
Amazigh [4-1=3]: You copy Tomaster's ridiculous healing power, and engage it at maximum. Oh god you can FEEL the calories being suctioned away aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAAaaaa-
Your chest gets very hot for a couple seconds as your metabolism shifts into hyper overdrive, burning fat and repairing tissue at ridiculous speeds.
And then suddenly, you're okay! Well, aside from the fact that you're hungry enough to eat a horse.
Tokochiro [3]:You decide to run flailing and screaming into the jungle. The stone thing plods along after you at a reasonable pace, knocking over trees headlessly as it goes.
Game Events: "...Okay."Rage raises his hand at FoiL, who now looks sheepish from his failure to perform. Suddenly, FoiL's limbs shoot out to his sides, and he rises up in the air.
"Woah, what the hell?!"The Rage jerks his hand back, and FoiL becomes a lot less happy.
Every blood vessel in his body screams in pain as the very blood is ripped out from his body and set floating in the air in front of him, a roughly man shaped cloud of blood drops. FoiL's pale dessicated body falls to the ground and gives a tiny moan, and the blood floats over to Rage.
He condenses a small bit, raises it to his face, and chomps down on the small glob of blood. He then swishes it around in his mouth for a moment, before spitting it out on the sand.
"You lied. There's no rage in you. Your blood's not boiling at all.
You all die now."Kurt and Tokochiro are in the jungle.
Everyone else is on a beach at the Volcano Island.