unwoundpath wrote:
Thank ya caek, any pointers while we download?
Just some basic stuff.
WASD tilts the ships forward section toward where you want to go. 1 to 9 are speed settings that can be controlled by the mouse wheel.
To fire phasers, press the left mouse button. Press the middle mouse button to fire cannons, disrupters, etc. The right mouse button fires torpedoes, depending on what torpedo you have in the tubes, or if you have any torpedoes to fire.
Trying to kill a battleship in a frigate is extremely hard, but not impossible if you have the skill to try and do it. Every ship is strong in its own way, be that maneuverability, firepower or sheer strength, no ship is abnormally weak, and even the weakest ships can be deadly in the hands of a expert.

This is the chief engineer. The bridge will vary, depending on which you've selected. The power transmission grid in the corner is very useful. If you need to get more juice out of your ships systems, you can increase the power level of the setting, but there is only so much your ship can generate. If your ship takes damage to its power plant/warp core, you'll decrease the amount of power the reactor can produce, pushing the power supply towards the right. If the warp core is heavily damaged, then the batteries and auxiliary power will be used. These recharge over time.
There are 3 ways to kill a ship. Destroy the ships health, or hull as its called in game, and it will explode. Destroy the warp core, and it will cause a large explosion with a shockwave. This shockwave can damage you too, but damaging the warp core of a target is a good idea, as it reduces the power they have available.
Damaging the bridge, is also a way to kill the enemy. If the ship is heavily damaged and the bridge is also damaged, the enemy will abandon ship and launch escape pods, leaving a derelict.
A few ships come with the ability to eject the warp core. Its useful if the ship has just went through a heavy battle and the warp core is about to explode, you can eject it and move to a safe distance by emergency power.
Unfortunately, without a warp core, you can't move between systems on your own power, and will need to be towed by someone else to a shipyard to get a new warp core.
Going to warp does not make you safe from battle, either. A enemy can pursue you into warp, and the battle will continue there, either until one ship is too badly damaged to continue warp, at which point they'll drop out of warp. If this was the fleeing ship, the pursuer will drop out too, but if the pursuer is damaged, they'll drop out of warp and the fleeing ship can escape to safety.
Atleast, till the pursuer is repaired. The battles in warp are fairly straight forward, since you can't maneouver, the ship with the more powerful warp drive will take the front position.
Ship ramming. It is a thing, and it can happen accidentally. Some of the worst collisions in ship damage happen when two ships decide to try and play chicken and ram each other. Hilarious, but devastating to both parties.
And the last thing I'll mention.
Some ships have cloaking devices. These let you go completely invisible to sensors, as long as the searching ship does not have anti cloak systems, and few ships do. Some ships have the ability to
fire while cloaked, which is insane. While cloaked, shields are down, so if the enemy manages to hit you by blind firing around themselves, you'll take damage much worse then if you was not cloaked.
EDIT : I'm hosting a multiplayer server now, its called DRLFF, password is cortex. You should see it on the multiplayer once you start query. It'll be on death match because who does not enjoy that?