Re: RtD - Blue: On the Day of an Angel
Let there be rolls.
Tomaster [3]: You get back up, spin around, and leap into the air with your STRONGness. You then spread your wings wide, harden them, and flap hard, sending a spray of razor sharp, hard as steel feathers raining down onto the beach. They thud into the sand around the Snake Demon, but any that hit head on just glance off. A couple that glance off make small cuts, but it probably barely feels those.
GlowstickNinja (Jackson Winters) [5]:You skinned your knee from falling down.
Your mind fills with anger, and your entire body clenches with your fury. Your flesh bubbles and grows, hardening to become like steel. You push yourself up off the sand, breathing heavily and angrily, and roar straight up into the air, making the air shimmer with telekinetic fury.
CaveCricket48 (Kurt D. Hopkins) [1]:You get back up and fall down in the other direction.
FoiL [1]: You get back up, and sneeze again, this time with enough force to make you fall down.
Barnox [1]: You fall down onto the naked man.
Amazigh [1]: The snake practically ignores Tomaster's attack, then whips you with its tail, throwing you back and making you fall down.
Tokochiro [6]:"Snake?"You see a very large snake thing. You stay the HELL away from it, and instead head the other direction entirely. You're soon out of sight of the snake and the other people, and are just walking along a picturesque beach that goes right up to the edge of a rather dense jungle. You look out to the ocean, and see something far out in the water. It looks like a big spray of water, moving towards the island very fast. You're a bit concerned, but it doesn't look to be on a collision course with you. You watch as it gets closer, and about a hundred feet out from the island the massive spray of water slows, and you get to see what's making it.
A giant dark blue sea serpent. Oh great, another snake. The serpent has a line of curved spikes running down its back, looking almost like shark fins, and a long smooth body that snakes under the water further than you can see. Suddenly, the serpent's body flashes bright blue, and you shield your eyes. When you can see again, you catch a glimpse of something darting into the jungle faster than your eye can catch.
Game Events: The snake makes its way further up the beach, now eyeing the injured Amazigh. Suddenly, a very loud boom goes off somewhere inland on the island. The Snake Demon stops and looks up towards the center of the island, flicking its tongue. Behind it, a large flock of ragged and injured, very LARGE seagulls, each about the size of a dog, starts climbing onto the beach. They start screeching loudly upon seeing the snake.
Barnox is next to the dragon-man.
Tokochiro is on the other side of the island.
Everyone else is on a beach at the Volcano Island.