Gungnir Industries"Create a main colony on the jungle planet."
3 of the Can interceptors take a group of colonists to the planets surface who begin construction of a basic colony, parts manufactured on the colony ship are ferried to the surface.
"Start making some designs for a huge ass space station"
The plans are drawn up using the colony ship and conversion begins. The colony ship already in a stable orbit makes for an optimal solution.
"Create a small mining colony on one of the moons? If not, then just send some drones."
The remaining 2 Can's shuttle colonists to the moons of the 3rd planet. The mining drones go with them and begin to mine material's.
Canis Minor"Have the interceptors continue scanning operations. Have the ones scanning the home world relay the data to the agricultural drones for maximum agricultural efficiency."
The interceptors relay their data to the homeworld and your mapped area expands discovering the edge of Gehenna space.
"Send out surveyor groups of colonists in teams of 5 to find mineral deposits or areas of interest on the planet - Rivers and and areas of geological activity preferable. Send out larger groups of colonists in teams of 10 to find useful flora/fauna on the planet's surface."
Surveyor teams discover a number of useful geological features. a deep and fast river flows from the mountains in the distance along with a nearby forest, Cataloging of local wildlife is underway swiftly
"Cannibalize everything we can from the colony ship. Focus on linking the reactor to the power grid, the life support system to the water supply, the communications array to the communication cables. Gut the ship for all usable components, then use it as temporary housing."
The reactor is linked to the power grid however a failure in the reactors linking causes a safety capacitor to blow killing 5 and damaging some of the heavy lift equipment. The reactor is brought offline temporarily and backup reactors keep life support and other vital systems online. Plans have been submitted to engineering to have new parts manufactured however it will take some time to have them refitted.
The cannibalization of the ship returns 1.5 tons of unused metal from now useless parts.
"Did our colony ships come with any vehicles like scouting buggies or the like? I could use them to allow my surveyor teams to scout the terrain. Also, I don't suppose you have a list of systems the colony ship came with. Has the cannibalizing already been done when they unpacked, or do I have to issue that order?"
the ships were designed to be entirely self sufficient when they reached their new planet, engineering crews can machine up a variety of parts from the onboard stocks. the cannibalizing doesnt happen so much, a more basic "unpacking" that happens automatically though.
Nono Entromiybo"Start developing missiles filled with such a gas that break upon impact."
Work progresses well on the missiles your technicians finish construction of the first missile, a test firing puts them back to work as they attempt to design one for use in a vaccum. The first missile can be used against ships containing oxygen or in atmospheres that contain oxygen.
"Put more workers into food"
A conscription is decreed, boosting your food output. (+1 farming) (+1t of food)
"Look for a place to settle"
Scanner returns from inside the system reveal the closest planet to be arid and mostly covered in desert save for 2 bands at either pole seperated from the polar ice by a short span of ocean. Further out scanner returns show a more habitable terran planet.
Long range scanners return habitable planets at nearly every star save for F and H. You also detect propulsion drive returns from B, C, H and K As well as two new stars in the unmapped regions of space.
GehennaStrip agricultural drones of their equipment and store it for future use in hydroponics. Convert 2 into zero-g construction drones, convert another 2 into fireproof "land crawler" construction drones, convert the last 6 into mining drones.
The Engineers aboard convert the ships using current schematics, the Zero-G construction drones are completed with the extra jets added, more mass removed and welding / gripping armatures added. The mining drones are copies of the previous versions, while the Heat proof drones are incomplete due to lack of a sufficiently heat proof material. they can continue and make them "semi" heat proof but this means their operational lifespan would be much shorter.
Attempt to establish diplomatic dialogue with Canis Minor.
"So we're not alone out here."
Communications are established through the Can Interceptor at the stars edge.
Convert part of a habitation module into an advanced engineering training center. Give the population the option of a small pay and rank increase from AMEC Industries if they receive the certification.
The space is converted and the AMEC(tm) Certificate is born. Only a small turnout for the first courses, and it will take some time for the colonists to become certified.
Everyone felt the Nono Entromiybo colonies scan pulse. As ship systems registered the scan pulse, origin is unknown without triangulation.
Communication between groups can be done outside of actions if you have touching territory (you can create territory near others with just sending scouts over) Also as "the voice of the colony" you can be whatever, a king, council, AI, ruthless totalitarian Lord. During communication you can trade resources and bonuses or whatever you can think of really.