Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [5]:
"Maybe we can all just play a game of Rock Paper Scissors like civilized men. What do you say?"
"I cannot do that! I have my orders, and to ignore them would bring endless shame upon me and my nakama!"...God, he IS a weaboo.
Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [5]:
"Now before you guys go filling him with holes...sir, we mean no hostility unless you attack us first. Or at least that's true for me - I don't know about these other guys."
"I cannot do that! I have my orders, and to ignore them would bring endless shame upon me and my nakama!"You're starting to WANT to murderize this guy.
Tokochiro (Mana) [10]:
"We got a weird guy and a weeaboo, what next? A sock puppet?"
Don't tempt me.The guy does not come close. In fact, he instead runs at Amazigh.
And cuts his mecha in half.
Amazigh ("Amazigh") [5]:
Blah blah blah, stupid kid talking, what else can this expansion do?
Ooh, you can get free 3G! And Wifi!
Suddenly you feel a ridiculous pain going from your shoulder down through your torso. Additionally, your cockpit goes red with light as half of your screens start screaming warnings. Oh look, the weaboo is outside your mech, and he's got his sword out.
Your mech seems to be missing its... left.
Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [7]:
"Great. He's probably gunna kill at least two of us. ♥♥♥♥' weaboos."The weaboo then slices Amazigh's mecha in half.
"CALLED IT. TOTALLY CALLED IT."You open fire on Yokamidesu with your Hammerhead rounds, but his arm shoots down towards his hip pouch then back up, and your rounds for some reason explode mid flight.
GlowstickNinja (Jackson Winters) [9]:You concentrate for a moment, and the feather flies into your chest. You feel a warmth spread through you.
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