"What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn? Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now, From deep within the flow of time... But, for a certainty, back then, We loved so many, yet hated so much, We hurt others and were hurt ourselves... Yet even then we ran like the wind, Whilst our laughter echoed, Under cerulean skies..."
I wanna go replay Chrono Cross but am not sure if I still have the game
Also, this. I loved the opening theme, but this song really makes me think back on the game... beautiful music.
In a way, it makes me sad; a 12 year old song evokes more emotion in me than most entire games do these days. Great games used to be works of art- now, more "gamers" care about casual gaming, games that don't make you think, shallow games that can be fun, but that don't affect you emotionally. I miss games like this. They're increasingly rare... in fact, I can't really think of a modern game that's had much effect on me emotionally, or been thought-provoking. Maybe a few moments in games where I was legitimately "Aw, that's sad," or some clever twists (also increasingly rare) in the likes of games such as Bioshock. All limited, though. MGS4 a few years back was probably the last game I've played with the storyline as a complex driving force, something you actually cared about, and not just "here is another generic FPS, enjoy." Not to trash modern gaming at all; some modern games are as brilliant as their more aged counterparts, at least in terms of fun if not art. It's kind of hard to pinpoint exactly what I'm finding lacking in modern games that seemed abundant in a lot of my favorite older games. Not necessarily a
complex storyline, but a well thought-out one. It could be simple and still be touching. That seems horrifyingly lacking in the modern gaming world.
Hm. I'm begin to sound dangerously like the elusive GAMING HIPSTER with my talk of old game superiority... I dunno. Do any of you guys kind of get what I'm saying? Maybe I'm just being nostalgic and weird. I think I'm going to go curl up with my PS2 this summer and replay some games that really deserve replaying.