Re: Tutorial For Total Newbs!
god this is frustrating me so much, i followed everything but when i try to run the game it crashes and says error creating property in deagle.ini line 2. but i never changed anything in the sub text. its just a bunch of values for the round. no link to a specific folder need heres the code for line two in my folder
AddAmmo = Round
CopyOf = Round DE
PresetName = Round DE Tracer
ParticleCount = 2
Particle = MOPixel
CopyOf = Particle DE
PresetName = Particle DE Tracer
RestThreshold = 500
LifeTime = 250
HitsMOs = 1
GetsHitByMOs = 0
Color = Color
R = 247
G = 247
B = 147
Atom = Atom
Material = Material
CopyOf = Bullet Metal
TrailColor = Color
R = 255
G = 255
B = 159
TrailLength = 60
FireVelocity = 220
i didnt change a single value. but it wont work....