Animating offsets (Now with example gifs)
It would be possible to generate one lua script which make
the arm's offsets of one Ahuman move forward and backwards? example:
(if yes, would you please code it for all us?) ... gunner.gifNotice, what the "offset" of each arm move forward 5 pixels and backward 5 pixels
coinciding with each step, this would simulate a walking animation pretty well.
I'm working on unitec secret stuff and I'm trying to do something looking like
currently you can make the body sprite animate when the actor walks,
but you can't make the offsets move in consequence... which makes me sad.
[EDIT]As I wondered, it sounded clear and smooth in my mind, but some people are having
problems to realize what the hecks I mean, so I made one example as one robot,
this animation would be for walking, with the torso sprite animating together with
arm offsets moving as well, it looks coherent and nice for me:
Arm view:
Offset view:
Obviously this would be more profitable in big actors such as mechs, walker and titans,
but I consider this something very necessary for the evolving of graphics in CC...