"You are a social democratic Cosmopolitan. 15 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 90 percent are more extremist than you."

You may call me Mister Moderate.
Cosmopolitan: Well yeah, I never really got the point of surrounding yourself with impenetrable barriers in a world where you can talk to people thousands of miles away at the press of a button. Sure, preserving local cultures is all nice and well, but you just can't ignore there's a whole world out there.
Secular: I'm all for freedom of religion, but you just can't let your personal beliefs bias your political choices. That is all.
Visionary: Areku's the name and vision is my game.
Anarchist: Eh, a bit of a generalization, but I'd rather not have the government butt in too much in one's affairs. There are some situations which I admit require governmental intervention, though.
Communistic: Uh no. Like TLB said, I think communism is pretty dandy in theory, but extremely hard to make work IRL. Not ultracapitalist either, though.
Pacifistic: I'm a bit of a defender of the common good here. Peace is a priority, but if conflict is required to avoid a violation of human rights, then so be it.
Anthropocentric: I'd actually say I'm quite a bit ecological, but only as long as it doesn't damage humanity's wellbeing. Once again, trying to go for the common good.
On slightly unrelated matters, I'm growing a moustache.