Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #70)
Two rolls on one weekend for the WIN!
Torrent (Gillian) (1)
Dagger. You want your dagger. You run up to the demon and prepare to pull your dagger out, but you trip and fall.
The giant mouth opens.
And closes.
It is dark. And humid.
The reality of what just happened dawns on you.
"Oh GOD, GET ME OUT OF HEEEERE!"Suddenly what looks like the dark silhouette of a sword blade appears next to your head.
Ociamarru (Nikolai) (-)
You walk away from the demon. You're now a good distance from the battle.
caekdaemon (Anderson) (3 + 2 = 5)
Without a second thought, you leap. You feel so light that you propel yourself a good 10 feet into the air. For a split second, you see a dragonfly buzzing by, flying downward with you, and then you land. Fist-first, you plow into the demon's head. You feel like you made a good impact, but the creature's skull must be so thick that you did rather little damage to it.
CaveCricket (Raphael) (8)
You take to the air, flying high up as fast as you can.
Then, you turn to the earth and drop like a stone. A tiny blur of speed, you race down to the demon's head.
Suddenly you're again in human form, and your longsword poised to strike.
*Gssh.*Your sword slides neatly through his lower skull near the jaw.
Tokochiro (Johni) (8 + 1 - 2 = 7)
"♥♥♥♥, MY SWORD!"You send some clones over to Adam. They heft him up on his feet, but that's just about all they can do.
Adam (Adam) (6 - 4 = 2)
"Urgh"You try to concentrate your powers onto Anderson's sword, but your head aches and you fall over. A bunch of people who look a lot like Johni pull you back up on your feet.
Your head starts to clear, and only one thought occurs to you.
I feel like ♥♥♥♥...NPCsGabriel (8 + 2 = 10)
Never one to back down on a chance, Gabriel grabs his blade, then charges. He Lifts it high above his head, and brings it down on the giant's nose with as much force as he can muster. The blade hits, and sticks.
Gabriel takes a quick backstep, then leaps forward. He lands a perfect axe kick to the handle of his blade. It drives its way deeper - all the way to the hilt.
With a feral scream, he grabs it by both hands and rips it free. Blood covers the entire length, and Gabriel's face is a vicious mask of warrior's giddiness.
His happy, bloodstained smirk is a frightening sight.
The Greater Demon opens his mouth wide, releasing a roar of agony.