Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Rawling. In other news, thread approaching 1000 posts. Wait no that's a 6 not a nine.
(Vladimír Shurla) [5]: "Sharrap. Anyway, I remembered that I wanted a massive upgrade in my antipersonnel weaponry. Something that can keep a sustained rate of fire going while I'm not using my cannons, or my Missile pod, which appears to have been mysteriously upgraded. Heavy chainguns, or something like that maybe?"
"Hmm..."He thinks for a moment, probably looking over your mech in his head.
"Your mecha's huge, it's doable. It'd be best mounted in the chest, but that'd take a lot of work and you'd lose a bit of frontal armor. Maybe mounted under your cannons?"PilotAbilities:
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
("Amazigh") [4]: "Yeah, my foot is feeling distinctly terrible, any chance I could get it seen to?"
"A cart just rolled over it and I heard a crunch."
"...Let me just help you up."The receptionist gets out from behind her desk and walks over to you, then leans down to pick you up. She helps you up to one foot, then leads you over to one of the partitioned off areas. A couple minutes after she leaves you there, a nurse walks up to attend to you.
"So your toe is hurt?"PilotAbilities:
- Cyborg Enhancements
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Broken Toes (-1 to walking, -1 to rolls)
(James Argus) [4]:"♥♥♥♥ ship."You get back up, and read the addendum again. There's nothing more to it, just that one line of text.
What the hell is the STORMRAGE project?
- Sniper expert (+1 when shooting from long range)
- Crutches
- Panic (-1 to actions when in close combat)
- Broken Legs (Anesthetized and splinted, cannot walk)
(John Kosloswa) [6]:"I was thinking of disabling the mech to then rip it to shreds and possibly kill/not kill the rider."
"Seriously? Why bother? You'd just be using really expensive ammo to stun an enemy when if you used regular ammo it'd already be dead."PilotAbilities:
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-- 8/18 Rounds
- Sports Watch
- Visitor's Map
(Kaime Freins) [6]:You take a quick scan over the document. It's not very long, and it's basically saying that you give the doctor the right to take whatever action is necessary to preserve your life, preserve your body, and attach your prosthetic limb, in that order, without constantly consulting you. Cybernetics isn't yet an exact science, so it can get messy, but that only really happens when the patient has a problem in some way. Your wound is already healthy, so there shouldn't be any problems. You sign the document and hand it back. The nurse takes it, then takes a mask from a nearby tank of what you assume to be knockout gas. He places the mask over your mouth, and before you know it, everything is fuzzy and blurry and bluzzy and furry and....
Yeah, you're out.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- Roll of Bandages
- Crutch
- Missing Left Leg (Cannot Walk)
- Unconscious (Lasts 4 turns)
(Sargon) [6]:"Aw yer."You take your dollar, head back to the machine, and buy a can of the sweet sweet elixir.
You pop the top and take a long swig.
"Aaah... Good stuff. Tasty, too."PilotAbilities:
- Vanilla Coke
MechaGame Events: Arrive at next Objective in 3 turns.