Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #67)
It's been a while since I rolled. Wish it were still Summer.
Anyway, let's go on, shall we?
Torrent (Gillian) (2)
You imbue your legs with energy and take off. Or... you would, if your power were working correctly. Your legs are glowing blue, and you're running in place. It's like the floor is made of ice!
Then the demon swings a gigantic arm (6 v. 1) and lands a gigantic blow across your left side. You go flying across the street, finally rolling to a stop next to the half-broken skeleton of what used to be a house. Your side is racked with pain.
Ociamarru (Nikolai) (5)
You attempt to slow time around the demon, but you don't have much success. You can't control such a large area, and only manage to slow his legs up. He can't really move, but he can still beat the crap out of you with his huge arms. In fact, he's trying that now. His arm swings in a wide arc (6 v. 10) but you manage to
roll underneath it. (Oh, the irony!)
caekdaemon (Anderson) (11)
"Well that went bad. Sorry guys! Just give me a minute to correct that..."You concentrate on moving the mass field onto the demon. With an effort, you focus the effect upon him. You feel lighter, but the weight isn't completely gone. You've only managed to lighten the effect upon yourself and your companions by moving the focal point of the field.
Then, suddenly, a gargantuan arm swings through the air at you. (6 v. 6) You duck underneath it just in time. You feel the wind whoosh by your face from the sheer force of the attack.
CaveCricket (Raphael) (2 + 1 = 3)
(Don't forget the Repeat x1)"I SAID CALKOOM!"Well, actually, you didn't this time. You can't speak, being a bug and all.
And not only are you NOT Calkoom, but your wings seem to have gotten smaller. Now you're a gnat that's having trouble staying in the air. That's kind of sad.
A great big arm comes flying at you, but the wind preceding the strike blows you away from it, and you're completely unhurt.
Tokochiro (Johni) (7 to making clones, 6 to slashing eyes)
(If you move contains two steps, it's going to be a lot harder to accomplish, because you have two rolls you have to win.)"♥♥♥♥ damnit!"You summon up a good number of clones, and they heartily chuck you at the head of the demon. You fly pretty high, but your increased mass quickly pulls you down. (Instinct Save = 7) Scrabbling for a handhold to avoid falling, you manage to cling to the demon's... chest hair. It's greasy and disgusting and you really don't want to hold on to it for too long, but you don't want to fall either.
What a predicament.
Adam (Adam) (11)
"Teleport, damnit!"Oh, look. It did this time.
Wait, you're in midair.
"SHIIII-"Your scream is cut short as you land on the demon's head with your stomach. The breath is completely knocked from your lungs.
NPCsGabriel (12)
Gabriel takes another slash at the demon's leg, unable to do much more. (12 v. 1) He embeds his sword deep into the demon's skin, and it snarls. Hurt, maybe? He pulls out the sword. It turns its ugly head and roars at him, swinging it's huge arm. (6 v. 5) Gabriel's sword is caught as the arm rushes by, and it goes flying into the wall of a nearby building.