Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #59)
Adam wrote:
>concentrate on calkoom and ignite fire upon him
A message from my inner Grammar Nazi -
"Use the damn Shift Key!"Anyway, I'm tired of waiting for Toko. Rolling.
CaveCricket (Raphael) (5)
You lift your sword high and charge! Your battle cry brings fear upon all who lay ears upon it!
"Heeeere, kitty, kitty, kitty!"You reach Calkoom (5 v. 3) and bring down your blade upon his flank. He trembles a bit as your blade cuts through his fur, but other than that, he doesn't move from his position. What's he... oh. The tree is on fire.
Torrent (Gillian) (2 + 1 = 3)
You force energy into your daggers and begin spinning them around furiously until they're practically invisible. Then you see Calkoom charging at you. You lose your nerve, and your focus, and both weapons go flying in opposite directions. One of them lands in the ground, the other embeds itself into the tree behind you.
Suddenly, Calkoom stops and inhales deeply. Before you can process what he's doing, a column of flame is flying towards you. (8 v. 11) You just manage to throw yourself behind the tree, which has now caught fire and is burning rapidly. You see Anderson is crawling away from the fighting.
Ociamarru (Nikolai) (2 - 3 = 1)
You try to banish the pain from your mind, but you just can't take it. You pass out.
caekdaemon (Anderson) (12)
You were about to thank Gillian, but he's gone out to fight. Okay then. The only logical thing to do is
CRAWL FOR YOUR LIFEYou start crawling away at a rapid pace. You feel heat behind you. Something's burning. You crawl faster. Chancing a look backwards, you see Calkoom stop spouting fire. And he sees you.
Before you can blink, he's charging your way. And he's... on fire.
Adam (Adam) (8 - 1 = 7)
You focus for a second on Calkoom, and envision him catching fire. When you look up, he's breathing fire. No, that's not right. You try harder, and... success! He bursts into flames!
Tokochiro (Johni) (MISSED THIS ROUND - 4 = I HAVE NO IDEA)
You don't know what's going on, but you're hurting all over. Maybe you should curl up into a ball and cry.
Maybe. No, that's lame. You have a -4 modifier.
Oh, crap, you're right. I might fail to resist the pain and curl up into a ball and cry.You curl up into a ball and cry.
Gabriel races over to Calkoom and attacks, (10 v. 6) plunging his oversized fork into the side of the lion. Calkoom ignores him.
"Does nothing hurt this guy?"(Okay, screw the status on Gabriel. His status is going to be invisible from now on.)